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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. I personally love the look of the Jr. Particularly the long rainbow variant. Here's a recent pic from my IG:
  2. @RickR, not sure if you noticed, but you can start Wrecking Crew at any Phase 1-100 from the start screen. You don't keep your points but it's helpful if you get stuck to play the problem Phase over and over again.
  3. I got a thing called the "Golden Hammer!" It is easier to swing so you move a lot more quickly. I think you get to keep it until you die. Picked it up on Phase 6 and kept it until Spike f****d me on Phase 9. Pretty cool hidden item. Not sure how I got it though. Also, @RadioPoultry I practiced Phase 18 and got through it with your approach! It is all about timing that bomb. Thanks again!
  4. 167,300. Phase 18 still eludes me but I appreciate the tip @RadioPoultry!
  5. 142,300. Still haven't beat Phase 18 though.
  6. @DegasElite - That's an unfinished build released on cart by B&C Computervisions. I think you can still get it from him on eBay.
  7. Has anyone beat Phase 18? I cannot figure it out.
  8. I did notice the fireball but they won't kill you in a barrel. 🙄
  9. Spike is a real jerk! 

    1. HDN


      Oh God. Tell me about it. I'm going to have nightmares tonight about being thrown off platforms I can't get back up to.

  10. Here's a tip: With the game paused, use the d-pad to scroll up and down for a view of the phase layout. This gives you some time to sort out your strategy ahead of time. 🙌🕹️
  11. 119,000 at Phase 13. They really should have a way to kill yourself if you get stuck. I also also hit Select and was returned to the start screen. You can restart the level but lose your score.
  12. 105,000 at Phase 11. This pretty fun once you get the hang of it. I hope everyone can give it a shot!
  13. I haven't played this before now either. It definitely feels like a progression from Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. First score 72,400 at level 9. Played on an AVS with a retroUSB wireless pad.
  14. 66,050 on my Lynx II with McWill. This ramps up quickly!
  15. What an interesting thread to read through. Back in 1998 I was 20 and had a lot of competing priorities. I decided that due to space issues lack of time I would sell off my collection on a relatively new website called eBay. I sold everything in a single lot including my all CIB collection, including a Jaguar, Jaguar CD, Saturn, PS1, 3DO, Lynx, 7800, Virtual Boy and 7800. I had so many now rare games, including likes of Panzer Dragoon Saga, House of the Dead and the Working Designs games on Saturn, Rayman and Atari Karts on the Jaguar, and Nestor's Funky Bowling on Virtual Boy. It went for about $1400 back then, so $2,200 in today's dollars. A screaming deal for the person who got it. At the time it was somewhat freeing to get rid of all of that "stuff." For a few years I worked, played music and lived very light. I did have a Dreamcast and handful of games but it was nothing like it was. Around 2000 I got a CIB Jaguar for $25 with Iron Soldier, Tempest and Cybermorph. In 2002, I sold my car and moved across country with a trunk, a suitcase, a guitar and a bass. No games came with me. I left the bargain bin Jaguar and Dreamcast in storage with a few boxes at my mom's and, for awhile, didn't think of gaming much at all. I missed an entire generation at least. Fast forward to 2010 when I went home for a week for a wedding. My Mom reminded me that I had these boxes under the basement stairs and asked that I go through them. I rediscovered my long forgotten Dreamcast and Jaguar, shipped them to California and began my slow and now much more expensive quest to rebuild my old Jaguar collection. I completed that in about four years. That of course snowballed and here I am. LOL! I don't regret selling that initial collection but there are some games I'll likely never have again because of it. Panzer Dragoon Saga is the biggie. Still, selling it off was what I needed to do at the time. I've also fixed and given away a fair number of 2600s to friends, family and coworkers with kids. Usually a starter pack with a console and 10 or so loose commons like qbert, frogger, asteroids, etc. I love it when they send photos of their little ones playing a 4-switch woody. It's so cool to know that these kids, most born since 2013 or so, will remember Atari as their first console. Losing my garage space and tools in the divorce kinda put a halt to that but someday I'll have a workbench again. 🙌
  16. I wonder how many rolls of that packing tape he has left after so many years!?
  17. @RickR Is that a box from Best Electronics? (The tape!) I'm going to try to put some time in with Chip's Challenge tonight. I even picked up some batteries so I'm not tethered to the AC adapter!
  18. @HDN Since my childhood collection was sold off long ago, most of my stuff doesn't have sentimental value. This is why I'm willing to part with it so readily for a nicer example. If I still had my original Coleco Geminis and 2600 games or the XEGS from when I was a kid, no way. But that stuff is long gone. I would probably hang onto anything that was gifted.
  19. I'm going to chime in here with @btbfilms76 to add that the McWill mod is just fantastic. That, plus the RetroHQ sd card are the two greatest things to happen to the Lynx since Zaku! You cannot go wrong with the upgrade. 😉
  20. I made the mistake of selling off my entire collection in 1998. I've spent a lot more energy and money to rebuild it since getting actively back into gaming around 2010. Now my collection is a bit more curated. For certain consoles, its just what I had as a kid, plus new homebrews. The only console I have a complete set for is the Jaguar. I do part ways with duplicates when I find a nicer copy by chance. Also, @HDN, I totally agree with your observation on playing newer console games. One of the reasons I went back to Atari 2600 and 7800 titles was the time commitment for newer games. Its hard to find the time to play through most modern titles. I loved the Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, Witcher 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn, but that's a lot of time on gaming when you have other priorities and competing interests. The old arcade style title don't require nearly the same commitment. A short burst of gaming suits me just fine.
  21. The original Sony PlayStation wasn't the only gaming hardware to see a September '95 North American release...

    Happy 25th to the Atari Jaguar CD!  Only 11 official titles were released on the platform and a meager 20,000 units are reported to have been produced. 

    Celebrate the launch of the doomed Atari Jaguar peripheral with this montage of the 11 official releases, Virtual Light Machine and more! 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DegasElite


      Can you still get the ROM version of Iron Soldier 2 on cartridge? It would be sought after for sure.

    3. DegasElite


      Never mind. Songbird has both CD and cartridge versions. Cool.

    4. Sabertooth


      Yeah @DegasElite, all of the Telegames releases are still available from legit sources for decent prices. The cart of IS3 version doesn't have cutscenes or music but is the same otherwise. 

  22. 22,520. A slight improvement. I'm trying for the 30k+ club. One more day to go! Good luck everyone!
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