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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. This is a really great overview @CrossBow! The image looks stunning and the install is so clean. Thanks for sharing! 🕹️👍
  2. Welcome to the forum @Melllvar!
  3. I thought that I'd share my first attempt at a teaser video for my upcoming channel. It's really an exercise in figuring out the video editor LOL!

    Can you name the games that I captured? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RickR


      Yo!  Very well done.  I'm not just being nice.  I can see that you're taking your time and getting it just right.

    3. Sabertooth


      Thanks for the feedback and encouragement everyone!

    4. HDN


      Looks nice! Expect a regular viewer! I'm always on the lookout for new retro channels and this looks great!

  4. I watched most of it last night. It was enjoyable for the most part but the editing/plotting isn't linear. Good interviews and anecdotes from a number of icons. I think most here will probably find it a good watch!
  5. Who else is watching High Score on Netflix? Episode 1 covers the rise and crash and prominently features HSW and the E.T. story. Thoughts?
  6. 50,810. My personal goal was to try to hit 50k but this is too much fun to stop now! 🕹️🏎️ @nosweargamer congrats on finishing the race! Well done!

    1. Justin


      This is an awesome image. I'm going to retweet and repost your accounts on our social media, hopefully get you a few well deserved followers.

    2. Sabertooth


      Thanks @Justin! I appreciate the support and encouragement! 🙌

    3. Justin


      You got it. The Atari world needs what you are doing.

  8. Agreed. DK 2600 looks crude but I have no doubt that Garry Kitchen got as much as he could out of the game given 4k and time constraints.
  9. The original Space Ghost and Herculoids! Caught them on reruns as a kid! When I was young, probably the Scooby-Scrappy shows, Snorks and Shirt Tales.
  10. Why did Atari go with that color for the player sprite? A nice red and white like on the box would have been so nice! Even the blue car is nicer.
  11. 31,520. A modest improvement. I think I took some skin off of my hand getting there! #oldschool
  12. For me, I'm going to follow Justin's lead and go with Atari by era and limit myself to Atari IP. This excludes licensed titles like Star Wars Arcade and Roadblasters. Atari Inc.: Missile Command Atari Games: Gauntlet Atari Corp: Tempest 2000 Atari Interactive (Hasbro): Centipede
  13. Woohoo! You're in for a lot of great games! The Lynx is a just an amazing handheld for the time and the ratio of good games is quite high. Congrats!
  14. 30,380. Playing on a UAV modded 7800. I tried the "scanlines" setting on my Retrotink 2x-pro. I like the look of it. Also, swapped out my Europad for a Hyperkin Trooper. It's a bit better with a stick.
  15. 18,460 to start. *Clears throat* Hey @btbfilms76, enter me to win! 🕹️ Good luck everyone!
  16. The stellar arcade ports is one reason to own a 7800. The other are the amazing homebrews. I probably play more homebrews on that console that any other.
  17. I'm going to go with @RickR in this one. Based on fun factor alone, Star Fox has these games beat. The comparisons with Cybermorph are natural given the stylization of the ships and timing on the market but it's such a different and technically more advanced game. However, it's not an easy/fun pick-up. Trevor McFur generally feels underdone and the design is a bit of a hodge podge.
  18. Demon Attack! Thanks for having this fun giveaway!

    1. RickR


      @Justin -- Just an FYI.  This is what the status updates with Twitter links look like on my desktop.  They look fine on my phone. 



    2. Sabertooth


      @RickR - I generally use my phone so I never noticed. Thanks for the heads up! 

    3. RickR


      Yeah, it's weird.  And if I click on the twitter link, it just completely blanks out. 

      Probably just a quirk of my PC or browser. 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sabertooth


      I gotta agree that Demon Attack is tops! I do love some Atlantis, Dragonfire and Moonsweeper though! 

    3. RickR


      The entire Imagic library is outstanding.  Star Voyager is another favorite. 

    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Cosmic Ark and Trick Shot.  I've spent the most time with those two.  While NOT an Atari game Beauty & The Beast on the INTV is awesome.

  21. I haven't put emulators on my new laptop yet so I'll be sitting this one out. Great scores so far everyone! I am, however, playing a shooting game featuring cats and released that same year.
  22. A little VLM on this beautiful socially distanced Sunday! 

    The Jaguar CD is hard to recommend on the game library alone. The VLM makes it worthwhile. It's actually my only CD player at this point. 



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