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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. I've gotta get in on this! Great scores so far, everyone! I think that this and Ms. Pac-Man were my most played 2600 games as a kid. I definitely have a soft spot for the 2600 port of Q*bert. These days I prefer the late Ken Siders' amazing b*nQ for 7800 but the Parker Bros. version on the 2600 really does a fine job of bringing the game home and mostly intact.
  2. Welcome to the club @nosweargamer! That's a steal for a premium pack. I ended up grabbing one last Summer and have all carts currently available. The Lynx collections alone are worth the price of entry for those that do not have a Lynx.
  3. @Justin Sesame Street's Pinball Number Count will be in my head for the rest of the day! Thanks... 😐 Seriously though, I always loved that one as a kid! Apparently the Pointer Sisters did the vocals.
  4. Incredible score @HDN and a well fought battle for the top spot! This was one of the most suspenseful High Score Squad Challenge finishes that I can recall. It was just fun to watch the back and forth the last few days. Well done everyone!
  5. 2' 20" 80 Don't know if I can break the 2' 20" barrier. I might be able to. Had a bad 4th lap.
  6. 2' 23" 84 This is probably my last run before tomorrow. I'm so impressed by not only the times being posted but also the improvement folks have made. Well done everyone!
  7. Rikki & Vikki is now sold out on the 7800 but its still available on Steam.  Currently its on sale for just $1.99.  If you were ever curious now is the time; you can't beat that price!  I can't recommend the game enough.  

  8. I picked this up a while ago on PS4 and finally gave it some real play time. The visuals can be very distracting/overwhelming at times. It definitely took some getting used to but it's good, solid fun. if you're a fan of T2K or the arcade original, it's well worth a look.
  9. 2' 27" 57 Pre-coffee run. I messed up the last lap with the thought of catching 2' 25" and young master HDN. 🤷‍♂️😂🕹️🏎️
  10. One thing I have been doing is to select "Give Up" in the final lap if I'm not beating my own time. As long as you have a ship left, you can retry the race.
  11. I don't think so @RickR. Once you place, it continues to the next level. I just kept hitting reset. Getting really good at Mute City!
  12. 2' 35"11 Last one for the day. What car is everyone using? I've gone through them all. This was with the "Fire Stingray."
  13. 2' 40"72. First game via emulation. I don't think I've played this since the early 90s on my cousin's SNES (Pronounced S-N-E-S, never "Snez"). 😂 This is a fairly technical track. A lot of fun! It will be a challenge to shave of 15 seconds and catch @HDN!
  14. Reviving this one after the epic 2-part return to the mirror universe. What a great treat for TOS and Michelle Yeah fans! I was honestly a little lukewarm on Season 2, but Season 3 has been tremendous so far. Who else is watching?
  15. Thanks @Justin and @RickR! As I said, this is the most fun I've had with Cybermorph. It has its shortcomings - particularly the lack of variety and in-game music - but there is still some fun to be had here. Put on some music and that second problem is solved! 😂 The sequel, Battlemorph, addresses nearly all of Cybermorph's shortcomings and has held up really well over the years. I can only imagine the response the Jaguar may have received had Cybermorph offered the same level of polish. I hope to see you all on F-Zero! I think my December run is timed out but I'll give it a go.
  16. I was stoked to receive these bad boys today at the post office! Immediately after work I plugged them in for a few rounds of Crazy Brix (7800) and Eggmania (2600). They are just as smooth and comfortable as @btbfilms76 suggested. Well done @Video 61! Also, @Justin included a sealed copy of Task Force (2600). This is the first physical copy of a Froggo game in my collection and was such a great surprise! Thanks again to Justin, BTB and Video61 for making the giveaway possible!
  17. The current iteration of Atari just isn't resourced, experienced or visionary enough to pull this off. Not surprised by the issues folks are experiencing. I was hoping for better first impressions. I hope for the sake of the users that they improve it.
  18. 477,900. Gave it one more shot. Made it halfway through the third planet cluster. I've got to say, over 26 years I've revisited Cybermorph a handful of times and this is the most fun I've had with it.
  19. Hat tip to @socrates63 for pointing me to this thread. As I posted on my status, Bandai-Namco reposted my "Pac-Tree" on their IG and Twitter feeds. I was pretty pumped to get a shout out from the publisher of Pac-Man! https://www.instagram.com/p/CIyQOPEgupA/?igshid=10nm13njofr4
  20. Pretty pumped that Pac-Man publisher Bandai-Namco reposted my Pac-Tree on their IG and Twitter!  Totally made my day! 






    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sabertooth


      Thanks @HDN! Yeah, I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. It was one of those last minute ideas... My girlfriend and daughter with both quietly skeptical before they saw it. LOL!  It was important for me to cover different games/iterations, including Atari 2600 Pac-Man. I'm glad that you like it! 

    3. Sabertooth


      Thanks @Justin! It was a fun project and really cool as a fan for Bandai-Namco to repost! 

    4. socrates63


      That is super awesome @Sabertooth! Not only are the decorations fabulous, the photos really pop.

      Your recognition by Namco should definitely be logged in NSG's post about someone big tweeting you back 👍

  21. My girlfriend surprised me with the Lynx and Fishing Derby patches. They are really well done. I'm thinking of doing a "thrash metal" style battle jacket but Atari themed.
  22. Definitely two Parker Bros. shells. I'm with Rick on Frogger. For the second, I'll guess Q*bert. The third, let's go with Donkey Kong. Now to watch and find out!
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