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On 6/8/2024 at 8:17 PM, TrekMD said:

This is my latest arrival.  In case anyone is wondering, this is a hack of the 4K Pac-Man for the 2600 with some graphical changes and even some intermissions added...


Repentless, right? Pete really makes great cartridges with awesome art. I often buy his cartridges because of the art. And the label quality is impeccable as well.

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A few days ago, my order from Cyberphreak arrived -- a beautiful 5200 controller with a self-centering analog joystick. Who would have thunk it possible back in the day?

The controller case has the same shiny black finish like the SuperSystem itself. Although it lacks some of the aesthetic details, the joystick shares the same shape as the one on the OEM 5200 contoller. It centers well and has a slight weight when you move it. Cyberphreak's 5200 controller really makes you think what-if... what if this type of self-centering analog joystick for the 5200 shipped with the console? I suppose a self-centering analog stick by itself couldn't have made the 5200 more successful commercially.

I got this controller more as a novelty than anything else. It's a self-centering analog stick!! Did I already say that? I already have several controller options for my 5200, but for games that support analog input, I now have another option. I'm really happy that I got one. We 5200 fans have it really good right now as far as controller options are concerned.

You can get more info and order from here (I ordered the option to have an overlay holder which is the same as the one shown in the video below): https://retrogame.cyberphreak.com/.../26/5200-controllers/ 

I first learned about this controller by watching Steve Averitt's Wired-Up Retro channel video. If you haven't seen it yet, do give it a watch to see how well this controller functions:



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1 hour ago, socrates63 said:

A few days ago, my order from Cyberphreak arrived -- a beautiful 5200 controller with a self-centering analog joystick. Who would have thunk it possible back in the day?

The controller case has the same shiny black finish like the SuperSystem itself. Although it lacks some of the aesthetic details, the joystick shares the same shape as the one on the OEM 5200 contoller. It centers well and has a slight weight when you move it. Cyberphreak's 5200 controller really makes you think what-if... what if this type of self-centering analog joystick for the 5200 shipped with the console? I suppose a self-centering analog stick by itself couldn't have made the 5200 more successful commercially.

I got this controller more as a novelty than anything else. It's a self-centering analog stick!! Did I already say that? I already have several controller options for my 5200, but for games that support analog input, I now have another option. I'm really happy that I got one. We 5200 fans have it really good right now as far as controller options are concerned.

You can get more info and order from here (I ordered the option to have an overlay holder which is the same as the one shown in the video below): https://retrogame.cyberphreak.com/.../26/5200-controllers/ 

I first learned about this controller by watching Steve Averitt's Wired-Up Retro channel video. If you haven't seen it yet, do give it a watch to see how well this controller functions:



1) Ambidextrous, excellent

2) Overlay holder, cool

3) Self centering, yeah baby

4) Analog, bloody fantastic.

I personally think a matte finish that does not show fingerprints would be an improvement along with black screw heads to match the case.  If I didn't already have the RetroGameBoyz joystick I'd probably pop for it.

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9 hours ago, - Ω - said:

1) Ambidextrous, excellent

2) Overlay holder, cool

3) Self centering, yeah baby

4) Analog, bloody fantastic.

I personally think a matte finish that does not show fingerprints would be an improvement along with black screw heads to match the case.  If I didn't already have the RetroGameBoyz joystick I'd probably pop for it.

I agree with you on all points -- excellent call outs.

The fingerprint thing, yes, that's true. A matte finish would be better as far as that's concerned. However, I do appreciate it matching the 5200 console in that regard.

The black screws, yes! As good as this controller looks, I will admit that the fit n finish isn't pro level, but that's ok. Stuff like that reminds me that this is a hobby for both builder and buyer alike 🙂

I also have a 5200 controller by Retrogameboyz. It's one of the earlier designs where the number pad is mounted on a bracket. I had the joystick mounted to the right, and that was a mistake. While I used my right hand for joystick control back in the 80s, I've found that I've gotten too used to using the left hand which is the norm now. My current go-to 5200 controller setup is using an Edladdin controller with the Redemption adapter.


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2 minutes ago, socrates63 said:

I had the joystick mounted to the right, and that was a mistake.

Fascinating.  I think I'd make that same decision.  I still play 2600 games with the right hand, so I think I'd be good with this design. 

Here is the 5200 controller setup I use.  I do play right handed.  That second button is hard to use with this old joystick (I'm sorry, I forgot the brand name).  Competition Pro or something silly like that. 

You let me know if your Retrogameboys 5200 controller is for sale or trade 🙂 


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4 hours ago, socrates63 said:

The black screws, yes! As good as this controller looks, I will admit that the fit n finish isn't pro level, but that's ok. Stuff like that reminds me that this is a hobby for both builder and buyer alike 🙂

Have you considered using a hole punch on some black electrical tape to make dots to put over the screw heads?




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While I do really appreciate all of these controllers that these talented guys are making. I do wonder why they aren't using carriage lag bolts for some of it? It is the same thing that arcade cabinets used to provide a smooth rounded finish anytime the fasteners had to be seen. It is one of the reasons why I opted for my controller I now use for pretty much all of the 2600/7800 and SMS games from Viking Video Games. AKA DoubleDown on the AA forums. Controller wasn't cheap, but the fit and finish is amazing on it!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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