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After a long, long, long hiatus from hobby spending, these came in the mailbox a few days ago. 
There seems to be some divisiveness in opinion with Mr Van Ryzin, but I loved the VCS 800 release of Alien Abduction and picking up this physical was high on my list.  Hey, it's a good game!
I've been playing (or at least attempting to play 😅) Elden Ring with my spare time over the past couple months. I'm having a good enough time, but am now 55+ hours in on the game clock and there's still so much more ahead.  I'm yearning for a more traditional game experience.  Which is all just pretext for buying a few more Evercade carts, two of which showed up so far.  Looking forward to posting thoughts in the Evercade Club section at some point.
On a final note, I'm about halfway through this book "All Games are Good" by Stuart Gipp.  It's effectively a 300-page compendium of single-page reviews on many of the more obscure video game titles over the past four decades (across many, many platforms).  Mr Gipp is a Brit, and his writing is full of anecdotal opinions and British humor - a very fun (admittedly geeky!) read.  Very much recommend for casual reading entertainment.  It's also put a few more obscure titles on my radar!
...and, as with a few others here, I'm now officially part of the 1+ year club on waiting for my Atari Age Last Chance Sale order 👴.





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I was out of town for a few days and came home to find a package from Edladdin--my Super RX controller arrived. I have wanted an arcade cab quality all-button controller since I tried playing Asteroids on the 2600 as a kid those many years ago.

I previously tried the Starplex and a custom Retrogameboyz all-button controller. Both were too small and narrow for me, and I got hand cramps. While I haven't had a chance yet to play games with the Super RX, it is much wider than those other controllers. Of course the buttons feel great given Ed uses arcade quality name brand parts.

My Atari controller Mt. Rushmore is now complete and nearly all made up with Edladdin controllers.

  • all-button controller (Super RX)
  • 4-way joystick (Supreme 78 All-play 4/8)
  • twin stick (Super Twin 78)
  • track ball (Atari CX22, CX53)


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23 minutes ago, socrates63 said:

I was out of town for a few days and came home to find a package from Edladdin--my Super RX controller arrived. I have wanted an arcade cab quality all-button controller since I tried playing Asteroids on the 2600 as a kid those many years ago.

I previously tried the Starplex and a custom Retrogameboyz all-button controller. Both were too small and narrow for me, and I got hand cramps. While I haven't had a chance yet to play games with the Super RX, it is much wider than those other controllers. Of course the buttons feel great given Ed uses arcade quality name brand parts.

My Atari controller Mt. Rushmore is now complete and nearly all made up with Edladdin controllers.

  • all-button controller (Super RX)
  • 4-way joystick (Supreme 78 All-play 4/8)
  • twin stick (Super Twin 78)
  • track ball (Atari CX22, CX53)


Very cool! I was unaware of this controller. Hmm still available for $99 as a pre-order.

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9 hours ago, socrates63 said:

I was out of town for a few days and came home to find a package from Edladdin--my Super RX controller arrived. I have wanted an arcade cab quality all-button controller since I tried playing Asteroids on the 2600 as a kid those many years ago.

I previously tried the Starplex and a custom Retrogameboyz all-button controller. Both were too small and narrow for me, and I got hand cramps. While I haven't had a chance yet to play games with the Super RX, it is much wider than those other controllers. Of course the buttons feel great given Ed uses arcade quality name brand parts.

My Atari controller Mt. Rushmore is now complete and nearly all made up with Edladdin controllers.

  • all-button controller (Super RX)
  • 4-way joystick (Supreme 78 All-play 4/8)
  • twin stick (Super Twin 78)
  • track ball (Atari CX22, CX53)


Ordered! I love my Starplex controllers but I can’t wait to play Space Rocks with this.

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4 hours ago, Smell Dawg said:

Neat!  What's the story with Intellivision's logo on the soundtracks??  (a cursory internet search didn't come up with any results!)

Those are all CD's of soundtracks of those games for the Intellivision version of the games.  As a bonus, they also include an NES version of the  music. 

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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I’ve slowed down my purchases. Running out of space in my Atari Room, so going forward, I’ll just add hombrews from time to time. I did, however recently receive the Atari 2800 Asteroids variant. The box may not be perfect, but it’s a sealed CIB, and this is the only sealed box in my collection, that will remain sealed. I have loose copies of Asteroids, so no need to open this one. A fellow AtariAger noticed my Asteroids collection and felt that I needed this. He worked with me on the price and I’m very happy to have it my collection. This is the only 2800 game that I’ve wanted to pair up with my console. 





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19 minutes ago, TrekMD said:

That is cool!  You did need to have this to complete your Asteroids collection.  🙂

This is true. I've been looking for a copy eversince I purchased the console. I've never seen an actual copy before, even on eBay. I've only seen a picture of another AA members collection and that was an old thread.

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On 7/20/2024 at 7:35 PM, sramirez2008 said:

I’ve slowed down my purchases. Running out of space in my Atari Room, so going forward, I’ll just add hombrews from time to time. I did, however recently receive the Atari 2800 Asteroids variant. The box may not be perfect, but it’s a sealed CIB, and this is the only sealed box in my collection, that will remain sealed. I have loose copies of Asteroids, so no need to open this one. A fellow AtariAger noticed my Asteroids collection and felt that I needed this. He worked with me on the price and I’m very happy to have it my collection. This is the only 2800 game that I’ve wanted to pair up with my console. 





An excellent addition, nice!  Have never seen one in the wild, myself!

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Purchased a couple items this weekend. 

I suppose with the purchase of Basic Programming, I have lost any remaining plausible deniability that I'm collecting games - just shelf decoration, at this point!  Albeit extremely lovely shelf decor!

Regarding the SNES purchase - I can't say I was extensively into video gaming much during SNES's heyday, outside of occasional rentals on the bigger titles.  Donkey Kong Country 2, though, was one I deeply fell in love with (and was one of the few titles fully purchased).  Funny how seeing games across different times can snap you back to wildly differing points in your life - often without warning!



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On Saturday, I attended a brand spanking new game convention called GeekFest West. It was organized by a local gamer/reseller turned store owner, and he and his crew did a fantastic job. It certainly didn't feel like it was put on for the first time. The city of Everett even asked him to expand the convention and expand into the street to make it a street fair.

Anyways... I stayed true to my mission to not add any modern-ish games (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo) and only picked up a homebrew by a local YouTuber (John Riggs), Pink Godzilla plushy (to go with my Pink Gorilla plushy), pin and stickers to support the local gaming group, and a bag of kettle corn (because you can't go to a street fair without getting kettle corn 😂).


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5 hours ago, Smell Dawg said:

I suppose with the purchase of Basic Programming, I have lost any remaining plausible deniability that I'm collecting games - just shelf decoration, at this point!  Albeit extremely lovely shelf decor!

Nice pick-ups. Both CIBs look to be in pretty good shape. I love the early Atari box art and Basic Programmings art, IMO, is one of the best. 

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Last week, I dropped off by OG Xbox with a local gamer who's done work for me before, and I picked it up yesterday. He recapped it,  modded it, and loaded a 3TB HD with the entire Xbox library and then some.

So far, I've only tried three games.

  • The first was Moon Patrol which was listed under Emulators\Computers\Atari 800. However, it turned out to be the 5200 version, and I ran into button mapping issues and couldn't get past the title screen.
  • Second game was Xevious under Emulators\Arcade\MAME. It looked and sounded gorgeous. However, button 2 for bombs was laggy, and sadly that made for a very poor playing experience.
  • Third, I tried Advent Rising which is an Xbox game. My goodness -- the intro and opening scenes were beautiful and very cinematic and the voice acting was good. I played a few minutes and intend to dive into this one. I have several hundred physical Xbox games but had only played two up to this point. Do all Xbox games look this nice?

The downsides to the mod and this cool dashboard?

  • The console boot up time is longer but not that big a deal -- maybe 20 extra seconds to load the custom BIOS and dashboard?
  • When the fan revs up, it reminds me of my 486 PC and the noisy fans from yesteryear. But once you're gaming, it fades into the background and spins down to normal speed.

And I can't mention my OG Xbox without giving a shout out to the TEK Nemesis mod shop and their breakout box that lets you use the Xbox 360 controller with the OG Xbox. I plugged in the Microsoft USB wireless adapter for the 360 controllers for wireless support. I am not a fan of the Duke nor S controllers that Microsoft made for the system, and this adapter gets me over that hurdle and makes the console usable for me. If you're interested, you can check out their Facebook page here.


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On 7/24/2024 at 3:55 PM, socrates63 said:

Last week, I dropped off by OG Xbox with a local gamer who's done work for me before, and I picked it up yesterday. He recapped it,  modded it, and loaded a 3TB HD with the entire Xbox library and then some.

So far, I've only tried three games.

  • The first was Moon Patrol which was listed under Emulators\Computers\Atari 800. However, it turned out to be the 5200 version, and I ran into button mapping issues and couldn't get past the title screen.
  • Second game was Xevious under Emulators\Arcade\MAME. It looked and sounded gorgeous. However, button 2 for bombs was laggy, and sadly that made for a very poor playing experience.
  • Third, I tried Advent Rising which is an Xbox game. My goodness -- the intro and opening scenes were beautiful and very cinematic and the voice acting was good. I played a few minutes and intend to dive into this one. I have several hundred physical Xbox games but had only played two up to this point. Do all Xbox games look this nice?

The downsides to the mod and this cool dashboard?

  • The console boot up time is longer but not that big a deal -- maybe 20 extra seconds to load the custom BIOS and dashboard?
  • When the fan revs up, it reminds me of my 486 PC and the noisy fans from yesteryear. But once you're gaming, it fades into the background and spins down to normal speed.

And I can't mention my OG Xbox without giving a shout out to the TEK Nemesis mod shop and their breakout box that lets you use the Xbox 360 controller with the OG Xbox. I plugged in the Microsoft USB wireless adapter for the 360 controllers for wireless support. I am not a fan of the Duke nor S controllers that Microsoft made for the system, and this adapter gets me over that hurdle and makes the console usable for me. If you're interested, you can check out their Facebook page here.


Very cool! I modded my OG XBOX about 2 years ago or so. Nothing major but I did add in a Xenium mod chip so I could load in a new BIOS and custom dashboard. Doesn't really seem to take that long to boot up but then I only went with like an old 250gb HDD when I did mine. I should think about redoing the HDD with a more modern SSD solution but just haven't gotten around to it. Aside from that I also recapped mine (Though mine is a 1.6 and so the caps aren't as prone to causing damage when leaking), but I also installed one of the Nexus quiet fan setups. And I can barely hear it at all when the system is up and running.

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Completely out of left field, our community has recently seen, not one, but TWO new retro toy/game stores open up this year, bringing our count up to four!  Between checking them out yesterday and online finds, I have several more items to report:
Morrowind GotY Edition (Xbox):
Picking up the original Morrowind Xbox release was my first dive into the Elder Scrolls world, and I loved it.  Without a doubt, though, the ideal way to play this these days is via PC.  The price was acceptable for this copy, but really I bought it because it still has the foldout map inside!
Trick Shooting (NES):
Heh, this acquisition is a direct result of finding the roadside TV this weekend.  Excited for some light gun action.  Had this title years ago... don't remember many details about it, but remember playing it more than Duck Hunt.
Donkey Kong Country 1,2,3 (GBA):
The price was right on these.  Generally speaking, I'm not usually a fan of subsequent remakes/remasters.  But, they look nice, and I wanted to buy something from the other new local shop, too.
Monster Tale (DS):
Never heard of this one before; the case's back text imply it's a platforming and pet simulator mash-up.  Looks interesting enough to try!
Monster Max (GB):
Import purchase from across the pond; heavily influenced by the glowing words within the recent All Games are Good read-through.  A curiosity!
And, a couple of summer camp postcards from Atari.com - definitely going to send these to a couple pals who recognize the event 😄


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