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Squad Challenge - Barnstorming (Atari 2600)


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On 5/13/2022 at 4:13 PM, RickR said:

The hand cramps are real.  And why is it so hard to memorize the pattern at this age?  2 down, 2 up, 2 down, 3 up, did my phone just ring?  <CRASH!> 


I could only imagine how that would go if the phone ringing was a landline with the phone way over someplace on a table or, in my grandmothers house, nailed to the wall between the kitchen and living room.

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:pole_position_blimp_big: Congratulations Atari 5200 Guy!


Congratulations to the relentless @Atari 5200 Guy on become our new Activision Barnstorming Squad Champion! This was an incredible win for Atari 5200 Guy, and absolutely stellar scores shared by all! Barnstorming is an absolute Activision classic, and I hope you enjoyed playing it in this challenge. @Atari 5200 Guy takes 1st Place in our Final Standings having scored a time of 0:54:05, coming within five one-hundredths of a second of achieving that Activision Patch-worthy score! UGH, SO CLOSE!! If Atari 5200 Guy only had a little more time! I created a special badge image to be awarded just for this challenge and unfortunately it won't get to be used.... yet?! Let's hope we can run this game again in the future and award another Patchworthy score! Atari VCS prodigy @Sabertooth was hot on Atari 5200 Guy's tail, taking 2nd Place in our Final Standings with an excellent time of 0:54.95. "The Mayor" @greenween is back once again, joining us to take 3rd Place in our Final Standings with a time of 0:55.27. 4th Place goes to High Score Squad legend @nosweargamer with an excellent time of 0:55.35. "The Don" @RickR achieved a terrific time of 0:56.41 taking 5th Place, and @Dinobot711 joins us again with a time of 0:57.47, taking 6th Place. @Gianna gave it her all and rounds things out for us on the Final Standings with her respectable time of 1:05.86 to take 7th. As always I'd like to encourage @Atari 5200 Guy to post his high score on the Scoreboard, and let's make sure this Challenge continues on! Congratulations again to the incredible @Atari 5200 Guy, and a huge shoutout to all of the fantastic flying aces who joined us for a great Activision Squad Challenge. I hope everybody had fun!

NOTE: Our next High Score Squad Challenge is a classic Arcade game that we'll play on MAME. Be there!








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