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Working on what I already have

I worked on the first two minigames I had and attempted to make them better. I made both games speed up until it reaches a fatest speed, and then it's about surviving as long as possible.   Next time I work on this, I will put in a new minigame. People are talking about the old Game and Watch game Fire and hearing how people like it, but I don't know if I could be able to program something like that. Also, the people were asking why is the soup marked at 99 cents. I don't know how muc

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

To Mod or Not to Mod?

That is the question.  I received a NES Classic Mini which makes it the second one in my collection. It has a controller and that’s it.  No box or anything.  My other one remains little used and stays in its box with all original packaging material. I have been debating whether or not to mod the thing by adding more games to it.  I don’t know how many different ways there are to mod it, if it’s an easy process or more trouble than it’s worth.  But it would be nice to see the games I grew up

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy in Famicom

Upmonster for Virtual Boy

Made the seventh game for Minigame Mayhem. It is a Doodle-Jump-type game called "Upmonster." I've decided that there will be six minigames starting out. If a player gets a high enough score on one of them, it will unlock another game. Each game will have an additional minigame to unlock, so there will be a total of twelve minigames.  

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Diddy Kong Racing

Master Code Must Be On DE0004000000 50 Balloons 801FCBED0032 Enable Cheat Menu For Tracks Mode 810DFD9EFFFF DIDDY KONG RACING VERSION 1.1 CODES Master Code Must Be On DE0004000000 50 BALLOONS 801FD3DD0032


1Littlebeast in Nintendo 64

Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers is the first open world Sonic game. I put around 34 hours into it and got the platinum trophy on PlayStation. What I loved about the game is there was a good mix between old and new. While exploring the worlds you have side quests with the koco the residents of the islands if you bring Hermit Koco hearts and seeds you can make Sonic stronger and raise his defense. If you bring Elder Koco the Kocos that you gathered while exploring you can get other perks to make your Sonic ring c


1Littlebeast in Misc

Mouthing off (part 2)

Worked on Minigame Mayhem: Mouthing Off some more. Added some food for the mouth to get. But avoid the puple pickle, it is deadly. There is more stuff to add, like: game progression: game throws more purple pickles at you as you advance. game progression: food speeds up perhaps add another food or two to the game. I'd like to show a picture but apparently I can't upload pictures any more. I tried twice and it said "upload failed." Fine then, be that way. Went to

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Day trip to Barlow Wayside Park

A quick blog entry just to share the beauty of Oregon.  My wife and I took a 40 minute drive in our new car to Sandy, OR, at the base of Mt. Hood to visit Barlow Wayside trail.  If you ever visit Oregon, expect very nice people and some spectacular natural areas.  This park has some very quiet, serene trails for a self-guided tour of a forest.  It looks like that third moon of Endor.  In any case, stop and enjoy the peace.  Breathe in the crisp, clean fall air.  Refreshing.  This one is consider


RickR in Trip blog

Mouthing off

Work resumes on Minigame Mayhem. I am beginning work on a new game for it. It is like "Fast Food" for the Atari 2600. So I designed a mouth and put it in the game. But then I thought it was too small. So I made it bigger. The mouth has a four frame animation with two frames being the same (this one). It is able to be moved around in 8 directions. And, most importantly, it works on a real Virtual Boy. I could make a background image, but I don't know if it would be easy to s

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Three bees!

I thought one bee was too easy. So I added two more bees. The bees and the fly all move randomly around the screen. I also changed the game's name. People were thinking that I was going to make 54 minigames. So I changed it to "Minigame Mayhem." If you swat the fly, another one comes on the screen from one of the edges. The game ends if you touch a bee. Now after looking at this, I'm wondering if I should make the bees bigger. This is kind of what I was imagining with my Atari 26

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Virtual flyswatting

Today I worked on my VB game again. I put in pause functions in the games and began work on a fifth game about flyswatting. So now what I need to do is make the fly move and add a bee to avoid. I woke up at about 12:30pm. It's about 8:45pm and I am struggling to stay awake. I guess I don't really need to be awake, but it would be nice to be awake all day and sleep all night. Right now I go to sleep around midnight and wake up at about noon or 1 pm. I found Gogurt yogurt to b

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Virtual Boy

I resumed work on a Virtual Boy game I last worked on in 2016. It's a collection of mini games. I worked today on finishing one of them. I have a new minigame idea all lined up to begin work on the next time I work on this. In the game "Cranberry Capers," Craig the Cranberry must rescue his fellow fruit from evil monsters. Here, Craig is about to rescue two cherries. Other fruit include watermelon, strawberry, and tomato. While working on this, I accidentally made it so Craig mus

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

A rainy Sunday afternoon.

For the first time in a million years I can finally say that. Yesterday I worked on my GB game. I added the first things of the actual game: The history teacher. He can move around. He has a little animation for moving around. He's in color. All lovely things. I also got around to cataloging my PSX games. I thought I had Crash Racing but I can't find it anywhere. And also of note, I am going to update my apples crosswords site again starting October 1. You see, in 2019 I had a dr

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Messing around with Game Boy Color.

I have for testing my Game Boy creations a Game Boy Color, a Game Boy Pocket, a brick Game Boy (in case I need one), and Super Game Boy. I decided to mess around with Game Boy Color programming. I found a way to change the light gray color to yellow on GBC while still making it work on the GB pocket, with the lemon displaying as light gray. Now that I have this, I don't know what to do with it. Perhaps I could make a Fast Food type game with food coming in all directions. I'd like to

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Playstation games.

So I got a haircut. After I got my hair cut, I stopped by my local game store and walked out with three Plyaystation games, knowing full well I would need to find it when I came home. I also stopped at Subway and got a salad. One of the first things I was asked was "Do you want lettuce in your salad?" I'm wondering what would happen if I said "no." Isn't a salad just a bunch of lettuce with some other stuff thrown in? Well, on the car ride home I ate the salad. I usually didn't like salads, but

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in personal musings


THE UNAUTHORIZED AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN ATARI DISTRIBUTOR Monday, September 18, 2023     Hi and welcome to Lance’s Laboratory! This is the third entry of what will be my personal blog, sharing small slices of life with you from within my Lab. For those who are new to Atari I/O let me introduce myself. My name is Lance Ringquist, I’m from Minnesota, and I am the world's oldest surviving Atari dealer. You may have heard of me before as Video 61 Atari Sales which I have consistently operat

Video 61

Video 61 in Lance's Laboratory

Tic-Tac-Toe part 2.

It took a couple of days but I think I have the game working with win detection. It was really stubborn for some reason. During the madness, my computer crapped out on me, so I had to force a shutdown and turn it back on again. After I turned it back on again, I decided I should really get some sleep. I awoke at about 9 a.m. I was really hot. Whenever the furnace is on, it gets really hot in my room and not elsewhere in the entire house. It's stupid, but oh well. So I went back to programmi

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects


So it took 6 hours, but I finally got x and o input working. Use the left controller for x and the right one for o. Next up is win checking. I have about 300 bytes left to do that in. I'll do that later sometime. It works just like I intended it to: pressing up makes a letter in the upper middle, etc. Diagonals work well too. Press ACTION to put a letter in the center part. Now I will test it on a real Odyssey 2. I just took my pills this morning. One tried to escape. I could fee

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

X vs. O

I'm making a new game for the Odyssey 2. This because I got real bored. The title screens switch between a screen with x's and a screen with o's. First I plan to make a simple tic-tac-toe game as an Easter egg. You'll move the joystick to the desired space, and press ACTION to use the center square. I'm imagining something like the Tic-Tac-Toe game on the Channel F. If you click on the link above and download the zip file, I've also included the code for the game. Which shows a l

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

Weird Paddle 3 issue on a 2600 4-switch?!

I've seen something similar to this before although not in the way I was seeing with a recent 4 switch console I was servicing. As part of diagnostics I will use Paul Slocum's excellent Test Cart program as it should some primary colors, shows the current state of all switches minus power of course, but also has a basic graphical view of each controller and small block on the bottom that will move left/right when you plug in paddles to test those too. So all in all a nice utility to know that al

Yum! for the Game Gear

I find it easier to work on Game Boy projects since I can use C on them. Well, I guess I could use C for Game Gear as well, but since I learned how to program the Game Gear in assembly before I learned the Game Boy in C, I just decided to keep using assembly for Game Gear. So here is a Game Gear program I have been working on. It's called Yum! It's a very simple game, yet I was having quite the trouble programming it. I thought I had made it random, but someone pointed out it wasn't. So I w

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in my projects

An introduction.

Hello. I decided to make a blog for all my stuff I get busy working on. I have made lots of projects. I completed a lot, but I continue to make more. I live here in Oregon, which, while having a reputation for being rainy all the time, I don't find it so. It's supposed to be in the 90s this weekend. I maintain the Atari 2600 Land, which used to be a project of mine, but I don't care about it much any more. Even so, I will NOT entertain offers from Atari about buying it. I also periodically

Wumperdinkle Sniy

Wumperdinkle Sniy in personal musings

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