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Posts posted by TrekMD

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a screw up by the USPS.  My aunt sent a package to my parents two weeks ago from Miami to Puerto Rico.  The package ended up in Tampa and then it was returned as "undeliverable" to my aunt.  They never even sent it to the right place to begin with!  Worse part, she had to pay a second time to send the package.  I've also had packages returned to sellers because my address was "incomplete" or "address does not exist" despite the fact that my address has been correctly written. 

  2. Here you go:

    The one aspect of Atari’s version of Asteroids for the 7800 that many players dislike is that it does not have the vector-style graphics of the original arcade game.  Well, Bob DeCrescenzo decided to address this by hacking Atari’s original game into something that more closely resembles the arcade while adding the elements from the arcade “Deluxe” version of Asteroids to the title.  The goal of the game is as before, blast all the asteroids into smithereens to get the highest score.  Gone are all the colors and the rounded rotating asteroids.  Now there are vector-styled asteroids, alien ships, and starship all rendered in their glorious monochromatic fashion of the arcade.  In addition, you now have to deal with the Killer Satellites that break down into smaller segments that take aim at your ship and will not stop until they destroy you or you destroy them first.  As with Atari’s original game, two-player simultaneous action is also present, so you can choose to either compete against another player (where you are vulnerable to each other’s weapons) or cooperate (where you are not vulnerable to your partners weapons). Either way you are certain to have a blast with Asteroids Deluxe.  In fact, this is as much a must-have title as the original 7800 Asteroids given that one plays like the original 1979 title and the other is really a port of the 1981 version of the game.  So, what are you waiting for?  Call a friend and start shooting some asteroids!  

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