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Posts posted by socrates63

  1. @RickR I love that you collect for Atari 8-bit, C64, VIC-20, TI 99/4A ❤️ Such a fun time in computing during the 80s. 

    I have way too many games. The mouth is bigger than the stomach, so to speak. Nearly all my games I bought because I wanted to play them, but and I'm very sure I'll never get around to playing all the games. Here's what my games for each platform looks like:



  2. I looked into GameEye a few years ago with thoughts of changing from CLZ Games because people raved about it. I believe it was Radical Reggie's channel that I first learned of GameEye. I recently looked into Pricecharting as well. If there are free alternatives that are as good or better, why not change. CLZ Games is a subscription based app. I got it many moons ago when it was a one-time-pay-for-registration app, and I've been grandfathered in. I don't get to have all the latest bells and whistles, but I have what I need. The app is updated regularly (several times a year). CLZ Games has a big discount on Black Friday (can't remember but it's either 50% or 33% off. Regular price is $15 yearly).

    For me, two features are required, and CLZ Games has both. The first is the cloud sync. I use the app on my phone and tablet, and it syncs to the CLZ cloud. GameEye does not have that although there are workarounds as Crossbow described. The second is the ability to easily add games not found in the app's database. Pricecharting required making submissions to the app owner to add new games (or something like that), and that was no good for me. 

    I quit using a spreadsheet after reaching about 100 games. You guys who continue to use a spreadsheet with large collections are 🦾 

  3. Wow @RickR that's quite the haul and the boxes look superb! 👍 👏 ❤️

    Here are games I picked up today from yesterday's claim sale in a local gamer's group. Nothing amazing but happy to pick up some Genesis games with product and movie ties. The fun thing about these local gamer sales has been the opportunity to meet in person the people you've interacted with online.

    IMG_0716.JPG.b57dbd388e097a6023f115f2de05a520.JPG IMG_0717.JPG.3608671e4a3affe1004f13d0b4c0fac4.JPG

  4. 19 minutes ago, RickR said:

    I will try to find time to take pictures later...but let me describe what works for me:

    • Packing stuff tight on a shelf.  Use big hardback books to hold soft-back catalogs and books tightly upright.
    • Bankers boxes - I put items so the spine is up (facing me if I'm looking down at the box.  Again, it's critical to pack it tight, or else the soft items will bend over.  Dessicant packs are critical too to keep out mildew and moisture.  It's nothing fancy -- just the packs you'll find in the box when you buy an electronic item or pair of shoes or whatever.  One or two of these per box.
    • Any bookends work *IF* you use large hardback books at the ends.  Those big books help keep everything else flat. 

    +1 for Rick's first and second bullets -- that's what I do with magazines and anything that can't stand firmly on its own on the shelf.

  5. So, I'm a fanboy -- the color and design of the Atari 800 and 800XL are very attractive and representative of the best in 70s and 80s aesthetics, respectively. They're my favorites. The VIC-20 and PET were also great, and they were the very first computers I interacted with in addition to my friend's dad's $99 Timex Sinclair 1000.

    Having said that, I've long appreciated the design aesthetics of Apple computers and Apple's attempts to differentiate itself. The original Macintosh was a unique look. Their attempt to make a box more attractive was always appreciated. I nearly pulled the trigger on the Macintosh IIsi back in the early 90s, but as fate would have it, I ended up getting my very first PC instead (Northgate 386/33).

    559511015_1280px-Computer_macintosh_128k_1984_(all_about_Apple_onlus).jpg.754598d68ed131f400729f9c229e92e7.jpg Macintosh_IIsi_2.jpg.3c0b1abee9bdb18f26cd73dee156a30c.jpg

  6. 12 minutes ago, RickR said:

    It DOES work!  So that's good.  The box/manual have a very slight scent of mildew.  So I have it going in a box with my ozone generator.  That will take care of that.  As far as baseball games go, this one is good.  It plays realistically, and it has audio samples for the umpire. 

    I just watched some gameplay. It looks and sounds very nice. I wish the game used digitized sample of the bat hitting the ball instead of the little electronic blip--feels out of place with the other sound effects. Did the devs run out of space? The game seems to use digitized sounds for everything else.

  7. On 7/29/2021 at 9:10 PM, HDN said:

    Ive talked about my games in my game room a lot here, but I don’t think I’ve mentioned one of my favorite parts about it. This is Tim the goose. He lives in my game room. I found him at a garage sale for a dollar a few months back. I’m happy to have him here; he adds a lot to the atmosphere of the place. And hey, I love geese! I Thought it’d be a nice change of pace to show you guys Tim.

    At first, I thought you're going to tell us that you made it, and it's based on the goose in your avatar photo 😂

    It's neat to have something in the game room besides the games to give it some unique or personal touch 👍

  8. Mail call -- some Atari Jaguar love from the AtariAge store: two homebrews and the Jag GameDrive.

    I've very limited experience with the Jaguar, but the moment I loaded up Cybermorph, I loved it. The graphics and art style were very reminiscent of Atari ST era of games (none of which I've played since thirty years ago). I've seen the many negative reviews and comments, but I actually had fun playing Cybermorph.

    There's so much goodness in classic gaming that I pay less attention to the modern games and more to classic video games. C'mon retirement, hurry up.



  9. 98,410

    Should have easily broken 100k as I reached the new level with two lives. But... I was passing through the bottom row near the left pipe and a fireball materialized just as I was passing through ☠️ -- a cheap death. Then with my last life, I stupidly hopped off the starting platform onto a 🐢 or something and immediately died again ☠️. Oh well, at least I seem to be getting better.


  10. A gamer/reseller in a local group is having a garage sale today. Turns out he lives only 5 minutes from me, so I stopped by this morning. There was an in-the-box Odyssey 2 for $20 that was calling me, but I paused to think about my collecting rule not to go older than the 2600. While I was thinking about it, someone snagged it--how rude 😆 but moral crisis abated 🤣

    I've been on a Dynasty Warriors kick lately. When I mentioned that I enjoyed the combat in Drakengard, someone recommended that I give Dynasty Warriors a look. Turns out he was right. I'm currently playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam on the Xbox 360.


  11. 8 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Here's a picture of mine.  It's in good shape.  Interestingly, my controllers aren't white like yours/Young's. 

    I got this one a LONG time ago (I want to say 20 years ago) from a local guy who sold it pretty cheap because he said it was broken (it failed some diagnostic cart he had).  I've never had an issue with it.  It works perfectly.  No idea what he was talking about.  At the time, I had a regular brown Intellivsion that was pretty beat up.  I loved this one so much, I sold off the other.  I forgot to mention the other reason I like the Sears model so much is the lack of coiling on the controller cords.  I hated that on the regular Intv...it felt like the controller was being pulled out of your hand no matter how close you sat to the console. 

    Beautiful set, Rick.

    I totally agree about the coiled cable. I'm glad the SVA controllers did away with that. I had been thinking about picking up the original Intellivision, but now that I have this one, I won't be looking.

  12. Fresh arrivals! I picked these up from AtariAge Marketplace on Facebook. Only took a couple of days.

    I really need to set up my 800XL. I can't wait to type in BASIC code from books and magazines and relive those days as a kid when I spent an entire Saturday entering code and debugging. It took me an hour to enter a page worth of code from magazines as a kid.



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