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Everything posted by RickR

  1. General Weasely! Oh man, that's good. I think they tried to correct a lot of that in this film. <SPOILER> Ren is transformed in this movie. Get rid of the mask. Get rid of the emo. Get rid of snoke and let him be the bad guy we want him to be. It will be much more interesting going forward IMO.
  2. Me too. I don't find them often. But the nice thing is, they stand out easily since the boxes are smaller.
  3. Totally fine if you didn't like it -- no need to feel weird. My other son in San Diego also didn't like it. <SPOILER ALERTS -- STOP HERE if you haven't seen the movie> I can understand your complaints -- but here's my thoughts. I thought the jokes were a welcome addition. Go back and watch Empire Strikes Back and notice that it makes similar jokes. For example, any scene with Han and C3PO. The scenes with Chewie and the little penguin things were pure gold IMO. And oh my God...the return of puppet Yoda! And in the same spirit as the character from Empire...That part alone sealed a "like" for me. I LOVED how he gave Luke a few verbal jabs and let out a few cackles. Have I mentioned how much I loved this one scene? :) And I totally get how it feels a little empty how they resolved some of the story hooks from VII. I think they were trying to start fresh. Why have hooks like "I am your father!"...that would just be repeating the original trilogy. Get rid of Snoke -- won't Kylo Ren make a better bad guy that way? Very clever how they made the death similar to the one in VII. The "back-to-back" fight scene was awesome. Red Guard was awesome. Loved how Kylo was unable to pull the trigger in an earlier scene. But yeah, there were flaws. The whole Laura Dern role/story was dumb. The "space walk" part was silly. The Rose sacrifice part seemed forced. (pun intended). Shirtless scene was funny, but probably should have been left out. For me, it's simple...it was a pretty long movie. 2.5 hours. I was bored 0 times. I lost interest 0 times. I was engaged and enjoyed myself the whole time. Grade of "A" from me. Oh...and my son paid! For those of you with younger kids, those are enjoyable times for sure. And the teen years are really tough! But man, wait until they get through that. They come out the other side as real people -- real fun and enjoyable people! Remember that Sean Connery line from the third Indiana Jones movie: "You left home right when you got interesting"? It's 100% true.
  4. My son and I bought early-bird tickets on-line a few days in advance. It was at 9am on Sunday and tickets were $8 each. It was a full house, but a really nice theater with large comfortable seats (with foot rests!) I won't share any spoilers until we have a few others that have seen it. Other than we both really enjoyed it.
  5. <Spoilers allowed> Have you seen it? What did you think? I saw it today and loved it.
  6. RE: The Space Invaders mini-arcade. I have this one and like it a lot. What I don't like is the mini-arcades that play a 7800 or NES version of the game (Centipede, for example). Do any of them actually play the real arcade ROM?
  7. Please note the Faygo 45rpm record in this month's Weird Paul Thrift Store Haul video:
  8. Here's a very weird one. Someone has modified an Odyssey 2 joystick for use on a 2600. While it's kind of a cool project...the joystick is TERRIBLE compared to your run-of-the-mill 2600 stick. It's very loose, and playing a twitch game like Asteroids does not work well at all.
  9. Free Company of Heroes 2 (expires 12/16 at 10am) http://armchairarcade.com/perspectives/2017/12/14/get-free-copy-company-heroes-2-next-48-hours/
  10. I've seen/played this....here's my guess: Star Wars Arcade: 32X.
  11. I'm so glad you liked the gifts. I had a lot of fun tracking those wish list items down. PS - I'm addicted to Pole Position on that Plug and Play. The twisty-knob steering makes it the best emulated version ever! We should have a high score contest on that game.
  12. Color me interested. I have a bunch of Atari games for trade.
  13. Wow! Does it get good reviews? If yes, I may need to invest in this game and the VR system.
  14. Oh my gosh...I couldn't wait to open them, so I went ahead and opened them with my wife. Nosweargamer, you nailed it! This was so much fun and these are all PERFECT. THANK YOU! Merry Christmas / Happy holiday season to all of the Atari.io forum members!!!
  15. Hold on...did you say there's a Star Trek game for it???
  16. My secret Santa package has arrived. Please refresh my memory...do we open them now? Or wait until Christmas? And also, OK to post pics of the stuff received here? Thanks!
  17. I guess I should also mention the great "Christmas Carol" homebrews for Intellivision: http://www.carolvsghost.com/ I have the ROM version, but Intellivision games don't emulate well (in my experience). I guess I should break down and buy real copies...but there goes my allowance.
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