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Status Replies posted by RickR

  1. Datasoft "Zorro" on 8-bit.  An overlooked classic. 

    zorro 003.JPG

    zorro 004.JPG

  2. First Terry Funk, and now Bray Wyatt the next day. Man this is a bad week for wrestling fans. 😭

  3. An excerpt from the Yars' Revenge story album.  Epic?

  4. 🕹️ Added "Atari Museum Archive" to the MORE Dropdown Menu under BROWSE in the Nav Bar at the top of the page. With one click you can easily access the most recent wayback archive of Curt Vendel's Atari Museum website. This is a stopgap measure until I can develop something more permanent. 

  5. Been experiencing extreme triple-digit heat here for several weeks, and everything is super dry.

    Hoping we get some rain and cooler weather soon.

  6. Bummed to hear of the passing of the legendary Terry Funk. Thanks for giving us everything you had. 😭

  7. 📟 @RickR has enthusiastically taken the reins as Moderator of Club Evercade! Thank you Rick for sharing a new passion with us & leading a phenomenal new Club in Atari I/O! Be sure to check out Club Evercade, show Rick your support and join today: 


  8. Answered all your questions in depth in my Blog post 🧟‍♂️ i hope to get all caught up this weekend on posts. been so darn busy!

  9. While waiting for wife in surgery...


  10. While waiting for wife in surgery...


  11. While waiting for wife in surgery...


  12. 🏴‍☠️ PROTIP: You can Ignore a member by rolling your mouse over their Name / Avatar, and clicking the Ignore button in the bottom right of the popup window. TA-DA! You've banned them from your feed.

  13. 🖖 Atari Age members are welcome here. Atari VCS players are welcome here. Young people just discovering the World of Atari are welcome here. Atari alumni are welcome here. Atari I/O is a Disney World of classic gaming - a place for people of all interests, ages and skill levels to gather and make friends discussing our favorite hobbies - and continuing the adventure of what comes NeXT.

  14. Three more days left to go! I’m scheduled to be discharged this Wednesday. My rehab will continue into the coming weeks, and I will be traveling from home. Come tomorrow, I will have been in the hospital for two weeks. While I love the constant care and ease of rehab logistics, I’m looking forward to returning home and enjoying the comforts of home.

    And I bought a bunch of stuff while being hospitalized, and it’ll be like early Christmas when I get home 😂 My wife didn’t sound too thrilled with the number of boxes stacked in my office at home.

  15. I'm hearing this @RickR guy has a reputation of being "a really nice fellow". 

  16. Life is good! I’m still in the hospital for rehab, but I’m receiving care and support from friends, church, and family. I have a great job and awesome co-workers and managers. Today is an off day, so no therapy sessions (my quads were beat up bad yesterday from the intensive sessions).

    I’m just feeling happy and giddy chilling, watching videos, surfing the forums… what more could I ask for? 🙂 

    My wife has been visiting daily, and yesterday, she chided(?) me. Here’s a photo of me taken two days before I had my ER visit that led to surgery. I was still under lots of pain. I had to ask my son to drive me around town that day. We went to church to attend the youth group fundraiser for lunch and then headed to a retro computing society meeting in hopes of meeting Joe Decuir and then followed that up with a visit to this nice man to get the 5200 controllers for free.

    How can you smile so big under all that pain is basically what she asked me 😂 She answered her own question saying to the effect that when you love something that much, it can’t be suppressed. Yeah, I’ve been fascinated with video games ever since I first laid my eyes on it as a kid back in the early 80s.

    I hope everyone is doing as well as I am minus the hospital stuff.



  17. Personal update — I’ve been dealing with back pain for more than a year. Late Monday, I went to the ER and Tuesday morning, I underwent a surgery for a herniated disc. It was diagnosed as a medical emergency. Surgery went well, but I will be in the hospital for another week. I’ve lost some function of my left leg and will be rehabbing in the hospital, and after I’m discharged, I will be returning for more intensive rehab. I am expected to make a full recovery.

    In the meantime, should I be worried about my 7800 Asteroids score in the high score challenge? 😂 Game on 🕹️

  18. Personal update — I’ve been dealing with back pain for more than a year. Late Monday, I went to the ER and Tuesday morning, I underwent a surgery for a herniated disc. It was diagnosed as a medical emergency. Surgery went well, but I will be in the hospital for another week. I’ve lost some function of my left leg and will be rehabbing in the hospital, and after I’m discharged, I will be returning for more intensive rehab. I am expected to make a full recovery.

    In the meantime, should I be worried about my 7800 Asteroids score in the high score challenge? 😂 Game on 🕹️

  19. I feel a summer cold coming on. 🤧


  20. The Lower Decks crossover episode of SNW, called Those Old Scientists (TOS) is AMAZING. I gave my first straight up belly laugh in I don't know how long.

    That's all.

  21. Dog sitting -- week one is done and there's three more to go.

    Son 2's girlfriend's family left for Taiwan a week ago to visit extended family. We agreed to dog sit Mochi for four weeks.

    Having heard from my son, I knew Mochi was not well socialized with people and animals. He was distant from us and only opened up to my son. For such a dog, I expected him to be a bit traumatized having been left in an unknown place with mostly unknown people. When my son went to work, Mochi would lie on his bed in the bedroom and spend hours there. My wife and I were getting a little worried.

    After one week, I think we may have turned the corner. He came up to me looking like he wanted something. We ended up playing chase around the house. Eventually he got tired and I got tired, and we sat on the floor. I approached him slowly and gave him some space and started petting him. I think I was stroking him for half an hour and Mochi shifted his body and leaned up against me. I continued to stroke him for a while longer and he fell asleep.

    He still doesn't approach too close and maintains his distance, but I think he'll be ok. We were seriously worried for his mental health.




  22. Another stop motion unboxing!  This time its the AtariXP reissue of Super Breakout for the 2600!


  23. My house is empty again and I get my gaming room back!  VCS challenges are back in play!!!


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