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Everything posted by chas10e

  1. sweet play 'em by a window with direct sunlight for best results. I think the external lighting requirement help minimize battery usage. got manual scans ?
  2. and again you made it in the within top ten
  3. plenny of room for a pinball machine ... problem with those is they multiply like rabbits
  4. I got this fellow for Christmas ... https://www.amazon.com/Aoyue-Contained-Desoldering-Internal-Carrying/dp/B00PGFAJWS/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1488422825&sr=1-1&keywords=aoyue+8800 first thing I used it on was the hex buffer chip on a heavy sixer. I was putting off doing it for a very long time cause of damage I did to other cadavers I was working on. I was getting pretty good at using the bulb iron. https://www.radioshack.com/products/radioshack-45-watt-desoldering-iron?gclid=CPeHkebnttICFQZYDQodUwMH4g but the vacuum pump was a real pleasure to use. I am still unsure how the manufacturers name is pronounced welcome to the site
  5. I noticed you have separate controls for bombs & missiles , assuredly a more civilized and ECO-friendly way of playing you would THINK with 2 button capability on the 7800 you would need to use the 2 buttons but you don't basically I run through the levels with trigger down. a more scorched-Earth approach. if you read the backstory and you know the enemy eventually wins they takes the planet back, so HAMMER -DOWN !!!!!
  6. I think the lyrics are what the developers of "Baby Pac-Man" were thinking
  7. oooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000 /me clicks Thanks Rows o/
  8. Space Invaders level #33 2 players at the same time
  9. I used to eat the paper paste in grade school. Better texture and chewier than Elmers IMO !!!
  10. I don't see any of those titles at http://www.atariprotos.com/, not that they don't exist .... there are even some "proto's" that Best Electronics shipped out using correct parts and everything -but- not truly "the real thing" IMHO I think you used your better judgement by cancelling the bidding when you did. If it is authentic my best guess the value would be the $210.oo buyer paid but certainly not the asking price on Ebay ... perhaps all the fees & trouble guy went through to get it he might break even would have been interesting to see it properly disassembled & dumped though
  11. wow all that looks like something out of a Mad-Max movie !!! .... I it !!!
  12. 26,360 extra guy @ 20k? I played with a pro-line (ball mod on right) and noticed both guns and bombs fired at the same time. I held controller sideways with index finger hooking the fire button on the bottom. unlimited ammo unlike the guys in origonal Star Wars who didn't want to waste a shot at the escape pod holding the droids. I figured you could use any stick or pad for this if that's the case. it's also interesting to note that the difficulty settings are screen-selectable and the manual switches are only for backward-compatibility with 2600 games
  13. I tried Missile Command on my Harmony cart , (think a playable demo) and it was fantastic. there were basically 2 trak-ball models for 2600 , the cx-22 & the c-80 , the coding I guess had to be different for each model but some cx-80 needed the cx-22 ROMS , I think Albert @ AA discovered it's easier to put both ROMS on same cart. but I am not sure. https://atariage.com/store/index.php?l=product_detail&p=31 he did at one point show a teaser of some boxes for these I would imagine other trak-ball games such as Centipede are just as responsive as their arcade counter-parts https://atariage.com/store/index.php?l=product_detail&p=31
  14. http://ghostcase.com/xbox.html that thing looks sweet !!! you can system link them all together for a Halo LAN party with a common router
  15. that's Pinball PnP I hadn't come across yet. looks like great fun. Again a fantastic review showing both the unit itself and the screen shots skillful nudging is a big part of pinball , without tilting naturally !!!!
  16. great job .... I like the long beam up - elevator ride ideer .... didn't work so well in Star Trek the movie though or "The Fly" remake with the chimp if you got past the lasers only once you certainly took the long road to that great score !!!
  17. I hava a USB cx-40 clone. in Stella I can't get past first wave of meteors, even full screen. I did ensure I had difficulty set to "B" as well
  18. yeah I tried a special refurbished cx-40 I have, bought it from a brick & mortar place and it felt really nice. something you'd have to find locally really. it has the clicky dome contacts cx-10 board and the reinforced handle, I had just picked up some clear rubber feet replacements because it was the only thing missing from the thing. I have tried standing up , sitting down, shifting sitting positions all kinds of stuff from your screenshot it looks like your using Stella emulator, hows your cx-40 adapted to the PC ?
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