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Squad Challenge - Space Invaders (Atari 2600)


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Space Invaders
Atari 2600
Difficulty Level: Game 8, 
Set Difficulty Switch to B

Achieve high score to win challenge
Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK! ✔

Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST August 31st, 2016




Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved between August 1st through August 31st, 2016. Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the 1-month competition is the victor!

Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

Difficulty Level: Game 8, Set Difficulty Switch to B. We are playing a very challenging game variation of Space Invaders that includes:


  • Small Laser Cannon
  • Moving Shields
  • Zigzagging Bombs
  • Fast Bomb 


Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.


More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 

Welcome to our 15th Squad Challenge! Space Invaders is one of the most beloved Atari 2600 games. This month we're playing Space Invaders set to one of the highest difficulty settings, GAME 8: MOVING SHIELDS, ZIGZAGGING BOMBS, FAST BOMB! The only game variation more challenging is invisible invaders!


I had fun hosting the ULTIMATE YARS contest and hope Space Invaders will be just as fun! Remember this is for "nerd cred" and meant to be a fun celebration of Atari for everyone! You have until 11:59 pm PST August 31st, 2016 to complete this challenge and successfully submit your score. The ROM and Instruction Book are provided for you below. Good luck you guys!







It's fun to mix it up with the difficulty levels. All the early boxes used to say "112 Games" because of the different versions. We get so used to playing these games a certain way its fun to come at it from a new angle, you know?


And no "double shot" trick!  :)


112 variations is still one of the sweetest things ever.  I wonder which game had the most variations? 

Space Invaders would have to be my guess.  Most 2600 games I have so far only have between 3 and maybe 30 variations.  Space Invaders has the most variations in my collection thus far. ;)


I'll go first!


2360 points. This is the game that made me want a 2600 when I was a kid...and it still stands as my favorite 2600 game decades later.  I have never played it on any other variation other than when the cart is inserted into the machine and the power turned on.






Difficulty switches set to B.  This is fun!  I'll try again in a bit.


Space Invaders would have to be my guess.  Most 2600 games I have so far only have between 3 and maybe 30 variations.  Space Invaders has the most variations in my collection thus far. ;)

Well, my limited research turned up Maze Craze, which had 256!




Wow!! This is brutal!!!

I agree! ....I only managed 25 pts twice! 


:invader:         :electrocop:

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne


Haha, I made it to 445 once, only because I managed to hit 1 of the ships going across the top of the screen! I'm going to be playing this a lot!

 "Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime."


YE GODS!  What kind of punishment is this?  It's a good thing they made that humorous fart sound when you die...that takes the sting off a little. 


my 2'nd try was "25" .... no pic so .... IT DIDN"T HAPPEN !!!!  :rofl:

mine happen! 3 times!!!  :wreck-it-ralph:


Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne


I thought for sure this was going to be game 16 when I clicked on it, you're going easy on us. :)


Those shields are way more trouble than they're worth, but it's hard getting out of the way when the invaders are that close to you.


Don't forget, the invaders can only have 2 shots on screen at any time, so you can try using that as a strategy. That doesn't always work for me though.


I played a few times and managed one screen of invaders, but never broke a thousand points. Really hard to hit the mystery ship when those dumb shields are blocking you. I need more practice.


I thought for sure this was going to be game 16 when I clicked on it, you're going easy on us. :)


That's true ferg! We gave Game 16 some thought but with invisible invaders -and- everything else it became weird and a lot less fun. I scaled it back a bit and went with Game 8 and a small cannon. Maybe sometime we'll try a normal game with invisible invaders, that's probably more manageable. 



1,115 pts is my best so far.  What a nightmare.


I've since changed my OBS settings to record at 60fps (instead of 30fps) -- many of the invader bombs and player missiles otherwise end up totally invisible on video playback.  I suppose they're being drawn only on frames that aren't getting recorded.


BTW if anyone wants help setting up emulation and/or recording gameplay, I'm happy to help!


I started that way too. Stupid Jr model is hard to tell what the switches are set to. I wonder if this impacted our Yard scores?

was there a "Lawn dart" challenge I was unaware of :P


mine happen! 3 times!!!  :wreck-it-ralph:


you can't call that "75 points" .... saw-ry :rofl:


/me goes back to teh peanut gallery  :mac_trash:


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