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The Atari Creep

Atari Creep

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***Strong Language***


The latest Creep video is not up and ready for your viewing pleasure!!! 7 min of blaa blaa blaa and then what I have picked up this past month.


Thanks as always for watching!!!

Edited by Atari Creep

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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I plan to do a video on my original collection. The systems I had when they were still new and what few games I had for them. Would you rather it be one LONG video or multiple videos focusing on each system with my list, short description and thoughts on each game?


Please let me know! Thanks.

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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I enjoy watching long videos, but I'm going to recommend you break them up into short videos. Here's why:


  • People are more likely to watch your videos all the way through if they are presented in bite-sized morsels
  • 3mins - 7mins is the sweet spot. 15mins can work if you can keep their attention. People tend to drop off after that
  • More videos = different titles = more ways for people to find you in search and share your content
  • More videos = different titles = people are more inclined to watch and share your videos because you're discussing the specific game/topic they're searching for. They don't have to sit through 20 mins of unrelated material to get to what they want.


I've been doing this stuff (running the site, social media, YouTube) long enough to gain a thorough knowledge of how it all works. There are definite trends and psychology behind people's behavior. It's predictable, and all pretty basic. What they'll watch and click on and what they won't.


More importantly: none of that matters. Do what you enjoy and make the videos that you love to make  :emoji-E420:

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I also recommend pacing yourself with the video uploads. If you make several short videos rather than one long video, don't upload them all at once. That tends to be too much for people to want to handle all at once. It's probably easiest to film it as one long video and edit them into short videos all in one sitting.


But then stagger them out. Save them to put one up every Friday, etc. and focus on just that one video. Publish it to YouTube and then share on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, wherever, and post here in the forums. It gives people something to look forward to and it hits the sweet spot as far as people's attention span goes  :thumb:

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Makes a ton of sense Justin. Thanks as always for the input bud.



You are very welcome sir. Let us know what we can do to help you as a community. We love content creators here. Anyone and everyone doing their own thing to get Atari in front of people in a way that's fun and positive deserves as much support as we can muster.

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Damn man you got skillz! Great idea for a Halloween video, Necronomicon + Genesis (wait, does that make it the book of Genesis?) just awesome work there Atari Creep!   :thumb:  :beer:  :sega_genesis:

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Damn man you got skillz! Great idea for a Halloween video, Necronomicon + Genesis (wait, does that make it the book of Genesis?) just awesome work there Atari Creep!   :thumb:  :beer:  :sega_genesis:

Book of Genesis!!!!! HAHAHA that's great! I never thought of that. Thanks so much!!!!

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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A buddy will be doing a 25 hour gaming marathon live on twitch TV November 5th starting at 7:am in support of Boston Children's Hospital. 
Please donate today and join him in his quest. This should be a blast. Lets help this kat help the kids!!!!!


Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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***Strong Language***

Hey guys.

First let me start by saying I am NOT against the NES Mini Classic in any way. But I was thinking about new collectors, state of the market and the unit being about $2 a game and I thought there might be a better way to spend your money. Again this is mainly aimed at new collectors. 
Thanks as always for watching,

The Atari Creep  


Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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***Strong Language***


Caught wind of a brand new Sega console coming out. At first I ignored it thinking it was just another clone "console on a chip" kind of deal. After a little research I found that I may have been mistaken. 


Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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***VERY Strong Language*** Sorry :/


Got one more for ya this week. Seen Willy's review of the Atari 2600 Falshback portable from ATGames and just HAD to say something!!!

I am glad to see a modern company giving the 2600 attention. I am not big on AtGames in general though. I have a Atari Flashback 2 (by Curt Vendel /Legacy Engineering), the only one but I have none of the rest because from 3 onward they are atgames product and I have no interest personally. To play mobile versions of 2600 titles I prefer to use my JXD s7800b, or even my GPD Q88+ with an atari emulator. I like this much better as I have the option of pretty much ANY 2600 game that has a ROM available but even more important to me especially since my eyes are getting worse is the nice, bright 7" IPS LCD! That is my main problem with so many of these dedicated handhelds for gaming using 5" or even smaller screens. so for all my 8-16bit and Pre-NES gaming I prefer this unit, there are smaller / cheaper options as well but to me an Android device with emulators and built in controls beats any of these AtGames handhelds etc. You might not get the "official" licensed branding but really companies like Atari are nothing more than a license anyway. I will take the bigger screen and option to play entire libraries any day! Maybe I will do a counter video "Why I've no interest in Atgames 2600 Portable!  :D !" Here are stock pictures of the JXD s7800b as an example. Now I know some will say "But Rob that is hardley as portable!" I suppose but I really don't game "on the go" and really is anyone REALLY using these on the go? Even if I wanted to I got no problem carrying around these devices  ;) I'd rather spare my eyes the eyestrain. 


I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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I am glad to see a modern company giving the 2600 attention. I am not big on AtGames in general though. I have a Atari Flashback 2 (by Curt Vendel /Legacy Engineering), the only one but I have none of the rest because from 3 onward they are atgames product and I have no interest personally. To play mobile versions of 2600 titles I prefer to use my JXD s7800b, or even my GPD Q88+ with an atari emulator. I like this much better as I have the option of pretty much ANY 2600 game that has a ROM available but even more important to me especially since my eyes are getting worse is the nice, bright 7" IPS LCD[/size]! That is my main problem with so many of these dedicated handhelds for gaming using 5" or even smaller screens. so for all my 8-16bit and Pre-NES gaming I prefer this unit, there are smaller / cheaper options as well but to me an Android device with emulators and built in controls beats any of these AtGames handhelds etc. You might not get the "official" licensed branding but really companies like Atari are nothing more than a license anyway. I will take the bigger screen and option to play entire libraries any day! Maybe I will do a counter video "Why I've no interest in Atgames 2600 Portable!  :D !" Here are stock pictures of the JXD s7800b as an example. Now I know some will say "But Rob that is hardley as portable!" I suppose but I really don't game "on the go" and really is anyone REALLY using these on the go? Even if I wanted to I got no problem carrying around these devices  ;) I'd rather spare my eyes the eyestrain. 


Honestly I have been looming into that very unit. I am not keen on getting roms and .bin files to work and all that stuff. Your suggestion is honestly my first choice, just haven't gotten around to freeing the cash for one. I know branding is just that as sad as it is.

Thanks so much for the feedback bro. Means a lot.

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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Honestly I have been looming into that very unit. I am not keen on getting roms and .bin files to work and all that stuff. Your suggestion is honestly my first choice, just haven't gotten around to freeing the cash for one. I know branding is just that as sad as it is.

Thanks so much for the feedback bro. Means a lot.


You are more than welcome for the feedback, my own video cameras at this point are pretty flakely and unreliable adding to a few reasons why I don't do my own videos as much so I might as well spend that time watching others videos and giving feedback lol. 


At the very least as far as the ROMS go pretty much all you need, organized and very good selection ;) For when you do decide to dabble in 2600 emulation my friend. RomHunters archive! I don't think you will find a more arganized and well rounded and represented collection . Keep these links for future reference or for anyone else interested. 

Atari 2600 VCS ROM Collection



Free Atari 2600 ANDROID emulator : 


The best emulator but will cost you a whopping $2.99 



FREE emulator, I cannot vouch for it but looks ok 


I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Really, even if you go with an AtGames handheld to add more games on SD card you are STILL dealing with ROMS and there has been incompatibilities noted. On the upside Flomojo on Atariage is maintaining a compatibility list for the atgames 2600 portable. Offering a ZIP file of testing and working roms as well. Here is the post / thread on Atariage. You DO NOT need to be signed in to view the thread or download the ZIP (at least from my test) 



OK Atari Creep I will shutup now, not my intention to hijack your video thread but hope my links and comments may be useful to you buddy.


:beer: Keep on doing what you do and being YOU bud! 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Really, even if you go with an AtGames handheld to add more games on SD card you are STILL dealing with ROMS and there has been incompatibilities noted. On the upside Flomojo on Atariage is maintaining a compatibility list for the atgames 2600 portable. Offering a ZIP file of testing and working roms as well. Here is the post / thread on Atariage. You DO NOT need to be signed in to view the thread or download the ZIP (at least from my test) 



OK Atari Creep I will shutup now, not my intention to hijack your video thread but hope my links and comments may be useful to you buddy.


:beer: Keep on doing what you do and being YOU bud! 

No dude. It's quite ok. I have ZERO issue with feedback, info and discussion on here. In fact I would like that a lot more. Thanks again for the info and your kind words.

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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