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NSG's December Christmas Giveaway!


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Time for another giveaway! This giveaway includes an NSG Card Pack featuring trading cards that can range from sports to movies to TV shows to games & more, a piece of Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum w mini comic, and 3 wrapped mystery items!


  • Must have a US Address. Not responsible for lost or damaged mail.
  • Must reply to this post by telling me what one retro gaming related item you'd like for Christmas (valued at $100 or less) by Monday, December 7th 2020 @ 11:59 pm est. One entry per person.
  • After the winner is selected at random and announced on this thread, they will have one week to give me their US address through the forum messenger. If they don't respond in time, I can select another winner.

Watch this video for more details:  


If you are new to the site, also feel free to introduce yourself here: https://forums.atari.io/forum/59-introduce-yourself/

This is a great site full of interesting threads and friendly people!

Edited by nosweargamer

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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This is certainly an interesting twist on the typical NSG giveaway! As a 3DS “collector”, I’m very curious to what game that is! The superhero DVD is also interesting.

I have told many of you on the forums what I want for Christmas! BallBlazer for the 7800.

Edit: Maybe Pitfall II on 2600? I keep going back and forth in my head. And I can't forget Mario Brothers for 7800! Or Artillery Duel... oh, I can't decide!

Edit 2: I have made my final decision. This silly question has really made me think. It's not like I'm choosing a game to get; this is all theoretical. So, my final answer is Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance.

I got both Fusion and Zero Mission for my Wii U's Virtual Console a few years back. I enjoy them, though I think I like Fusion a little bit better. Both are great games. The GBA is one of my favorite consoles, and I haven't seen this game out in the wild before. 

So yeah, Metroid Fusion, final answer. Why am I giving so much thought to this? No idea. Absolutely no idea.

Edited by HDN
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The one retro gaming item I really really want is the Numskull Quarter Arcade of Bubble Bobble... but as that is over the spending limit (at $130) I will have to pick my second choice for this thread — though I will still be asking Santa to pre-order Bubble Bobble for me!!!   😉

Let’s see... from one high priced item to a very budget priced item, I would ask for one of the new Tiger Electronics Handheld Games that were re-released recently. Out of Sonic 3, Transformers, Little Mermaid or X-Men — hmmm... I would prefer X-Men. The only thing more 90’s than Tiger Electronics was X-Men: The Animated Series! I loved spending time with both those games and that show after school ... but I never owned the X-Men Handheld Game... until now? I hear that out of the four games re-released, X-Men is the toughest difficulty — but if you got a new Tiger game in your stocking and therefore had only one new game to play on the long car ride to grandma’s house on Christmas morning... would you really want it to be an easy one???




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Ohhh, I'd definitely make a video opening these even despite my full anxiety on camera. At least it'd just be my hands! 

Well. Hrm. My 'retro game' related item would probably be one of AtariAge's Homebrews for the 7800. Specifically if I had to choose just one the Baby Pac-Man port. there. It looks fun! and a looks like a nice port of a game that can't reliably be emulated otherwise due to the physical pinball component! Also I just kinda like Pac-Man. 

Wakka Wakka Wakka Wakka ('< - - - - - - 

My Personal Webpage, Blog, and Collection List

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Given the price point - I guess the new Arcade 1UP Atari Pong is out of the running 🙂 so close!

Quest for the Rings for Odyssey2 complete in box would be a fun one. I recently crossed a few from my Atari 2600 list, so I'm feeling pretty contented at the moment 🙂

Hope everyone is doing well, and as always - thanks for organizing this - it's a lot of fun!



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Oh what fun!  Good luck to all. 

There are TWO retro gaming items I'm hoping Santa knows about:  First is an item called FujiNet for the Atari 8-bit computer.  It lets you hook up to Wifi and play games/record high scores against others over the internet (among many other cool features).  Second is one of the AtariAge homebrews for 2600 - either the Galaga or Bosconian games!  They are so well done. 

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I know that this is over the $100 limit, but I almost had my hands on a Vectrex for $350 with a bunch of games which then became $400 and then, poof, the seller flaked out and stopped responding. Oh well, it's for the best. I rather pay more and buy from someone who loved it, restored it, and was looking for a good home for it. Some day...

Back to reality... I'd like Defender in the large black box for the Atari 8-bit or a loose 7800 cartridge of the following games to complete my NTSC 7800 set (Midnight Mutants is on its way 🎉):

  • Mean 18 Ultimate Golf
  • Planet Smashers
  • Basketbrawl
  • Motor Psycho
  • Kung Fu Master
  • Tank Command
  • Mat Mania Challenge


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3 minutes ago, RickR said:

Bummer on that flaky Vectrex seller.  Have you checked with Pink Gorilla to see if they have one for sale? 

They didn't when I visited last Friday. I'm not sure if they ever posted having a Vectrex since I've been involved in retro gaming. I've seen a few Virtual Boys and those sell fast.

Right now, they do have 7800, 5200, and 2600 Jr along with a few games that I normally don't see. There must have been an Atari collector who traded them in as I usually don't see Atari consoles at Pink Gorilla. Those Atari consoles are all in very nice condition. I was tempted to grab one (the Jr) or three 🙂 

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I haven’t won one of these types of sweepstakes since about the decade I called in to the radio station with the correct song, circa the same time I played with my 2600 as a teenager. Since I already ordered my favorite game, “Pitfall II: Lost Caverns”, and since I doubt the Atari 2600 version of “Polybius” will ever resurface, I looked up on eBay what titles were just under $100.00. Coming first at a whopping $99.99 is: “Custer’s Revenge”. I will preserve this title for generations, as evidence of the continuous and awful dehumanization of Native American culture.

Edited by Adam
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Good luck to all with this contest.


what retro item would I want for under 100.00? That is a good question since I really have everything I could think of for my collection. Most everything I am missing now are all almost over 100.00. I would guess a few boxes for some of my loose cartridges so I can complete my box collection.

One thing I just missed out on was the Special Edition Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary collection for the Switch. Most of them are on eBay now for around 100.00, some a little more, and some a little less so that is one thing I would also wish for.

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5 hours ago, Rocker67 said:

I was thinking more on this after I finished posting. I then thought about AtariAge. I bet there will be some new home brew at AtariAge the next day or two and maybe a few of those would be on the wishlist after the reveal they are about to have.

Welcome to the I/O, Rocker!

If you go to the AtariAge store front, there's a photo that shows all the new games in this release cycle.

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Some billionaire ass dude just bid like $149.99 for "Custer's Revenge", so I'm down for a "Spy Hunter"/"H.E.R.O" combo, which should come out as just under $100.00.  "Spy Hunter" was a "to kill for" title when I was a teenager,  probably because it resembled "Miami Vice".  I never heard of "H.E.R.O." until I ran into your review on a drunken stupor....  If "Tax Avoiders" is my most "rare" 2600 title when I am 70, that would really suck Donkey Kong balls.  Especially since anybody who bought that crap game in the 1980's (and not second-hand) probably got it for $4.99 on clearance at Lionel Playworld.  I had the option to either buy Star Wars "Yak Face" on clearance (Lionel Playworld in Miami imported toys from Brazil) or "T.A." for my $5.00 allowance.

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On 12/2/2020 at 11:07 AM, SuperTrooper said:

I'd love to get a NOS Atari brand 2600 controller.  None of the modern copies are "just right".

Congrats @SuperTrooper, you won the randomized drawing! You have one week to message me your US address to claim your prize.


I plan to do another giveaway in January, so stay tuned!

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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Congrats @SuperTrooper!

Woohoo! I made the Top 5! Not that it means anything, but still, it sounds good. I'll take that as my consolation prize for the December giveaway 🏆

And yes, NSG, thanks for doing the videos. I think I may have said this before, but I don't know how you release so many videos a week. Even if short video or simply a gameplay video with no narration, it still takes significant time to edit and produce these things. Much appreciated!

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On 12/2/2020 at 7:53 AM, HDN said:

Edit 2: I have made my final decision. This silly question has really made me think. It's not like I'm choosing a game to get; this is all theoretical. So, my final answer is Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance.

I got both Fusion and Zero Mission for my Wii U's Virtual Console a few years back. I enjoy them, though I think I like Fusion a little bit better. Both are great games. The GBA is one of my favorite consoles, and I haven't seen this game out in the wild before. 

So yeah, Metroid Fusion, final answer. Why am I giving so much thought to this? No idea. Absolutely no idea.

Well, look what showed up at the Game Trade! I decided to buy it, though it was expensive.


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