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Everything posted by DegasElite

  1. I have a couple of Atari Force comics myself. Cool stuff. I have the one with the Tazzlings. I also have the one where Li San O'Rourke introduces herself.
  2. I got my A7800 new. Christmas of 1987. It came with Xevious and Pole Position II. Of course, Xevious was sold separately. I was so excited to play those games. I think I still have the A7800 console from that time. They practically can last forever, it seems, and if they don't they can be repaired and hopefully quickly. I have almost every Atari-released A7800 cartridge. By the way, welcome to the Forum, intellicolecovisionary. I think you will enjoy it here. :O)
  3. Now, I wish I had a 3D printer to fix my Atari accessories. I have an A2600 Jr. "Short Rainbow" system that needs some TLC. It has a damaged plastic case. Other than that, it works fine. My brother dropped it one time. The plastic shattered in a few places. I tried to fix the case with epoxy, but the repairs are off. So, a 3D printer would come in nicely to fill in the gaps where the plastic broke off. Then, maybe I can correct my errors. But, for me, 3D printers are expensive. So, I can't afford it now. But, I can dream. :O)
  4. It's interesting how 3D printers can do so much for everybody. They're like the replicators from Star Trek, just not as advanced. Those machines could create things from nothing. The 3D printers need something as a base for what they're creating. Still, it's impressive and fascinating technology, and thanks for sharing about it. :O)
  5. I remember seeing Snake Pit once in the arcades when I was a small boy. I was about 11 at the time I saw it. I never played it, though.
  6. One of my rarest games is Miner 2049er: Volume Two. It was an auction value at the time of over $100.00. I also have Racquetball from Apollo. It is complete in box and I bought it new. Lost Luggage is another one I have.
  7. RIP Dawn Wells! Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island has passed away from COVID-19. She was 82.

  8. It wouldn't surprise me from a bunch of rich hacks who know nothing of video games.
  9. No holds barred, Impossible Mission. It's tough to time the obstacles correctly. I would like to get the possible version. At least it's beatable.
  10. I guess if it is free to download, it is obviously released to the public. Sorry, redundant question. But, it is a nice source of information for Atari users. Thanks for posting. :O)
  11. I think that it is one of the better series, post-TOS. You get to feeling for these unfortunate folks that get stranded in the Delta Quadrant, 75 years from home. TOS is still the best series. I also like Enterprise. Those three and the animated 1970s series are the best in the bunch, in my opinion. :O)
  12. I think video gaming is both a hobby and a pastime, which seems to paraphrase what Keatah said over an hour ago, I would think. Yes, it's competition. I agree. Everything surrounding the gameplay is a hobby in and of itself. I agree on that, too. So, we're thinking the same thing, I guess. It makes sense to categorize it that way.
  13. My dad loved "Artillery Duel" for the A2600 and "Choplifter" for the A7800. I think he loved "Choplifter" more. He used to call it "Whopper Chopper." The name stuck with him.
  14. Indeed they were. I have A2600 cartridges from 1978 that still will work like yesterday or yesteryear. Solid!
  15. Impressive! I have almost 300 games for my A2600 alone, but not so many CIB collections. Most are cartridge only. I would love to get more games with the original boxes and instructions complete. Thanks for sharing. :O)
  16. I was wrong. The TurboDuo was released in North America.
  17. Actually, I believe it was released also on the TurboDuo, which is basically the TG16 and CD drive built into it. But, I think it was released for that system in Japan.
  18. Welcome to the forum. Happy to have you. :O)
  19. You are welcome, HDN. It's a good rule of thumb. :O)
  20. HDN, have you considered that the 2600 you are using has a dirty cartridge port as well? If so, by all means, you may need to clean that, too. I would use a microfiber cloth for a pair of eye glasses, a thin card, and a dab of 91% isopropyl alcohol on the edge of the cloth. It would clean the port like there is no tomorrow. That could also be the problem. Furthermore, never leave your carts in the port of your game systems while they are plugged into an active socket. The electricity can react to the air and oxidize the leads and the cartridge port. No lie, as it has happened to a Jaguar unit of mine once, which now needs to be repaired because of it (I still have a working Jag with CD, though). If you use a power strip, deactivate it if you leave your game stuff plugged in. That way, no electricity can cause the effect of oxidizing the leads. I can't stress that enough! I have learned from pros. Once it is deactivated, then (and only then) unplug your retro stuff from a power strip. It's safer for your older electronics, and you have less risk of overloading components on your games systems' motherboards. Again, I cannot stress that enough. Just my sage and friendly advice to extend the life of your retro collection. I have been a professional collector of video games for over three (and almost four) decades. Trust me. I am well versed and my collector friends can back me up. You are creating a great collection and I hope you keep it that way so you can enjoy it. Thanks for letting me share. :O)
  21. A small vial of DeoxIt costs around $6.00+ in value, I believe. Like I said, you can get it at RadioShack.com.
  22. It might be the last resort that you are looking for.
  23. Isopropyl alcohol works great on cleaning games. I use 91% solution. You can also use a regular rubber pencil eraser to clean the leads. It's abrasive, so it works to get the corrosion off the leads on the cart. If you want to get fancy, get DeoxIt. You can find that at RadioShack. It polishes the leads to a ultra-high sheen and takes the corrosion away.
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