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  1. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I'm going to say that when this horrid pandemic is over and there is a vaccine, I plan on doing EVERYTHING.  Movies?  Yes.  Restaurants?  Every night.  Theme parks?  You betcha. 
    If I ever make it any or your areas, I'll buy you a beverage of your choice 🙂 
  2. Confused
    RickR reacted to Gianna in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I ran in to Starbucks the other day and they now require everyone to wear a mask, even if just going in to pick up a mobile order. Just the other day my county made masks mandatory (I think), however it doesn’t apply to the part of town I work in. Currently I’m working in an office with about 10 other employees (the other 60 something are at home, I was told I had to come back in and unfortunately wasn’t given the choice to continue working from home) and we do not have to wear masks so no one does. There’s no disinfecting wipes or hand sanitizer in sight. It’s gross and disappointing.  
  3. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I've only done take-out at restaurants since this started.  I have not gone inside to sit and eat.  Isn't that awful?  On the bright side, we've been doing a lot of cooking of new recipes and it's fun to try new things.  But on the other hand, it gets tiring, as I'm sure it is for everyone.  We do take-out maybe once or twice a week.  I try to tip as much as possible even with the take-out and support our local businesses.  I know there will eventually be a vaccine, but I sure wish everyone would wear a mask while out in public.  I believe if that occurred, I've heard the virus would be gone in 2-3 months. 
  4. Like
    RickR reacted to StormSurge in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    @RickRI've already come to that conclusion with regards to NFL games. NFL games in person are BRUTAL (granted, I've never been to a home game for my favorite team). You see so much more of the action on TV, I don't have to deal with parking/travel, I can follow my fantasy teams better from home, etc. There's no incentive for me to want to be in the stadium for an NFL game.
    MLB is a different story, as is college hoops/football. To me at least, the in-person experience for those is much more enjoyable.
    Back to the topic, probably not, but I usually only go to see Star Wars movies. I don't think there are any being released in the near future.
    I'll also echo what most have said. Drive-ins are FANTASTIC!
  5. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    The fact that some sports are starting up without crowds really got me thinking.  Why do we spend billions of dollars on stadiums when the home experience is so much better?  Do you remember that episode of Star Trek (I think it was "Bread and Circuses") in which they have gladiator battles on TV?  Maybe this pandemic will drive that kind of efficiency.  Sports teams wouldn't need such expensive facilities if we just mostly watch from home. 
    Your home setup sounds pretty fantastic TrekMD!  My TV isn't that large, my sound system only 300 watts, yet it's still so nice to watch stuff there -- such better quality than we could have imagined 20 years ago.  In many ways, we are in the golden age of home entertainment. 
  6. Like
    RickR reacted to TrekMD in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    Thanks for the comments on my set up.  I upgraded my TV about 2 years ago.  I had a 55" TV but it was older and only did 1080i, so I decided it was time upgrade and went 4K.  Then I decided to upgrade the sound system as well to a wireless system and 4K.  Best part is that I used points I had accumulated and the entire thing cost me all of $200! 
  7. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Coolest Atari Game?   
    I have to admit that the 2600 Space Invaders introduced me to Atari.  It was cool and did make me want to try to get an Atari in my home.  Now that you guys have pulled out all of my memories I'm going to really shock everyone...
    That moment when I woke up to an Atari sitting in my living room.  Super Breakout was totally cool in my eyes.  Not because it did anything fancy but because here was an Atari console with a game sitting in my living room and it was all mine.  While that might sound greedy there was a red gift bow on the top left corner of the console with "TO: Mike" and "FROM: SANTA" written on a card.  So, I had an Atari in my home and Super Breakout couldn't have been any more cooler.  Then I opened Space Invaders, Galaxian, and Missile Command.  Yea.  Super Breakout would be my first Atari game that was cool.  And that would have been on my 5200.  Man I love that machine.
  8. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in calling all collectors   
    My poor 5200.  Alas...It was never treated properly by Atari or most of the general public.  It still remains my number one favorite console of all time, there it will stay.  That's MY baby and I'd gladly wear a shirt that said Atari 5200 lover on it. I'm proud I have that kind of bond to that system.  Do they have 5200 shirts?
    I love the Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft systems that came later but the games...the games were a mixed bag.  Saturn was a very much missed opportunity for Sega.  All the hype built up to it just to pull the trigger too soon and piss a LOT of people off.  PlayStation was great for the time but it is one console that didn't age well.  While I do collect other systems and games I generally try to stick with games I know I will play or have a history with.  Sadly, most of those games might as well be in a museum for the prices they are fetching now a days.
    Nope...for me Atari will always be the special consoles and computers in the house.  And whether I've played the game or knew absolutely nothing about a game I am after every single Atari game I can get my grubby greedy little hands on.  I'm very fortunate and lucky to have the systems I do have.  The Atari consoles are getting extremely rare these days including my very much loved 5200.  The games are starting to dry up in the wild at a rapid pace.  Yet, there's a part of me wanting to explore the Atari computer and consoles I couldn't before, to see what was there, to see what was fun, and to to see what made a better door stop.  
    I will always be loyal and faithful to the Atari name I grew up with as that is the name that meant something then and it still resonates that same feeling in me today.  These Atari consoles and games were from an era where you simply had to be there to understand it.  There's no other way to understand how my generation and those before it feel about that company.  Did they mess up?  Often.  But it was a new industry...there was no dummy manual.  
  9. Like
    RickR reacted to Video 61 in calling all collectors   
    hi rickr,
     true, a few were different, but not enough to make some 8-bit/2600 guys buy one. but the 7800, there was some great differences for sure.
  10. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Tons of great ROBOTS in this image.   
    I don't see R.O.B. the Robot. Is he in here somewhere? Looking for Lt. Cmdr. Data too.
  11. Like
    RickR reacted to MaximumRD in Tons of great ROBOTS in this image.   
    Found many of my favorites like TOM SERVO from Mystery Science Theater 3000. So many popular and less known ROBOTS, posted elsewhere but I had to share this higher resolution version. 

  12. Like
    RickR reacted to TrekMD in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    Once the vaccine is out, yes.  I enjoy going to the movie theater but mainly to watch movies on the IMAX screen.  I have an AMC with an IMAX screen close to my house.  Otherwise, I just enjoy the movies on my 65" TV with the 1000 Watt surround sound system.  🙂
  13. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    30,640.  Holy heck, how do you get past that rocket car that comes behind you? 

  14. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in calling all collectors   
    I like doing this exact thing too! 
    It all started when I was a teenager.  I had an Atari 800XL, and most of my friends had a Commodore 64.  There were many games common on both systems.  I used to get made fun of a lot because the Atari versions of various games had slightly worse graphics and sound.  I think it's fair to say that the C64 has smaller and more detailed sprites than the PM graphics of the Atari.  But the Atari versions were usually a lot faster and more colorful.  I also noticed right away how much of a dog that C64 disk drive was.  SLOW!  And the Atari computer has a lot more design polish.  For example, it will auto-load a disk when you turn on the system, while the C64 will not. 

    Whatever, they both are great.  And as an older dude, I now have them both and enjoy them very much.
  15. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    PS - the last movie I went to was "Onward" with my 10 year old niece.  I think it was early March.  Right before this mess started.  It was a good movie -- I'm a huge Pixar fan. 
  16. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Gianna in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I've only done take-out at restaurants since this started.  I have not gone inside to sit and eat.  Isn't that awful?  On the bright side, we've been doing a lot of cooking of new recipes and it's fun to try new things.  But on the other hand, it gets tiring, as I'm sure it is for everyone.  We do take-out maybe once or twice a week.  I try to tip as much as possible even with the take-out and support our local businesses.  I know there will eventually be a vaccine, but I sure wish everyone would wear a mask while out in public.  I believe if that occurred, I've heard the virus would be gone in 2-3 months. 
  17. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Sabertooth in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I'm going to say that when this horrid pandemic is over and there is a vaccine, I plan on doing EVERYTHING.  Movies?  Yes.  Restaurants?  Every night.  Theme parks?  You betcha. 
    If I ever make it any or your areas, I'll buy you a beverage of your choice 🙂 
  18. Like
    RickR reacted to Video 61 in calling all collectors   
    hi rickr,
    the c-64 had a lot of games. but the atari's were almost always better to play, and yes, the c-64 drive was a relic compared to a 1050. plus atari had a huge edge wise with their cart port compared to the c-64.
    what i like is comparing the same game on different systems. it makes collecting even funner!
  19. Like
    RickR reacted to Gianna in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    Me too 😄
    Although we are still in the pandemic, I did go to Universal, but they took everything very seriously. Also, restaurants. Have you been to any yet? I've gone out maybe 3-4 times since they reopened here in May and at each place the tables were spread out very far. It is nice not being jam packed close to people and being able to have a lot of space!
  20. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Gianna in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I'm going to say that when this horrid pandemic is over and there is a vaccine, I plan on doing EVERYTHING.  Movies?  Yes.  Restaurants?  Every night.  Theme parks?  You betcha. 
    If I ever make it any or your areas, I'll buy you a beverage of your choice 🙂 
  21. Like
    RickR reacted to Sabertooth in Will you be going to the movies again?   
    I just did! 

  22. Like
    RickR reacted to Video 61 in Coolest Atari Game?   
    hi, rickr,
    that is the one that changed my perception of gaming. after space invaders, i had a hard time playing the early games, they seemed to easy and lacked the visuals and the experience of space invaders, which opened up my mind to use my imagination, asteroids really did that trick for me also, then pitfall, crystal castles were all ground breaking for me.
    getaway on the 8-bit was a real imagination creator, food fight on the 7800 was like a 3 stooges movie to me. of course the pacmans on all atari systems. mouse trap on the 2600 is a killer. video pinball on the 2600 for its time, was a killer.
  23. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Favorite Sega Master System Game   
    I need to pull out my real SMS to re-play some of these classics.  I'm sorry I was too time-crunched to do it for the Alex Kidd challenge.  Seems like that pause button was the only way to get a screen shot of the score. 
  24. Like
    RickR reacted to Justin in Favorite Sega Master System Game   
    After Burner is a great one!! How did I forget After Burner?! I had a blast playing the full-size cockpit After Burner in the arcade. After Burner on Sega Master System was my go-to jet fighter game until I started playing Blue Lightning on Atari Lynx. Those games were a lot of fun!
    Global Defense was a fun game too, very challenging! I remember thinking it was going to be like Missile Command and Liberator but that wasn't the case. Pretty cool. Always remembered the opening screen of the missile striking the twin towers.
  25. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Squad Challenge - Moon Patrol (Atari 2600)   
    Here's the NSG review of Moon Patrol...it has a few helpful tips.  And he also mentions a little trouble with the difficulty switches!
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