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MaximumRD's YouTube Videos


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Blast from the past! WOW! 😛😆😎One thing leads to another and I came across THIS fun old video where I responded to some video game related questions. I am always amused particularly because I just don't remember videos I did like this 10 years ago, mostly because I just answer off the top of my head, fun to see my answers and what I was into at the time, who I was responding to and connected with etc. Just sharing some fun little stories but interesting if anyone wants to answer the same questions today. 😃

What is the strangest place you have played a video game?
What is the longest you've attempted to repair a computer/console non-stop?
Have you ever had nightmares about games?
Have you ever played a game that was too scary to play?


I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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6 hours ago, Justin said:

You look great here Rob!

Hah thanks, well I was 10 years younger and quite a bit heavier! 😆😜🤔But, these are the Youtube days I miss. Doing real video responses etc. I like looking at the people that commented back then and the stories people shared. Also me watching is like literally seeing myself say and do things I barely recall since it's all off the top of my head. I amuse myself often. 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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On 4/21/2020 at 4:34 PM, MaximumRD said:

these are the Youtube days I miss. Doing real video responses etc. I like looking at the people that commented back then and the stories people shared.

Me too Rob. I miss those times very much, and how YouTube used to be for us. I created the forums bearing so much of that in mind. 🙂

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On 4/21/2020 at 4:05 AM, MaximumRD said:

Blast from the past! WOW! 😛😆😎One thing leads to another and I came across THIS fun old video where I responded to some video game related questions. I am always amused particularly because I just don't remember videos I did like this 10 years ago, mostly because I just answer off the top of my head, fun to see my answers and what I was into at the time, who I was responding to and connected with etc. Just sharing some fun little stories but interesting if anyone wants to answer the same questions today. 😃

What is the strangest place you have played a video game?
What is the longest you've attempted to repair a computer/console non-stop?
Have you ever had nightmares about games?
Have you ever played a game that was too scary to play?


Great questions. 

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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😎😜My early experience with a classic computer, silly story, what's yours?


First I start off with my usual rambling, plus a shoutout to jugghead82, then a silly story of mischievous youths interaction with a very classic computer. PLEASE leave a comment or quick response video relating your own interaction or experience with a classic computer or computing platform check out his channel HERE:
Check out his Rock impersonation and tasting / review of Dwayne the Rock Johnson's TEQUELA (no not VODKA like I said in the video 😜)
HERE: https://youtu.be/EZW1lqVMkRk

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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NOTE: I do NOT typically wear a mask in our car, and we wear masks only wear requested / required such as medical appointments or where masses of people gather etc. I wore it in car this time as we were on our way to an eye exam but also to show the viewers the mask my wife made from an old Slimware utilities T-shirt that never fit me. 😆😎
Just sharing for fun. Woke up to a major snowfall last week, it was very unseasonal for us this time of the year, a week later it's all but gone so it was either a freak thing OR who knows? Might be the way the weather is heading with changing climates. Please know that though I DO live in Canada unlike what many Americans and those outside Canada may think, my particular city located in the Okanagan is unlike surrounding B.C. cities like the very cold Winnipeg (often referred loving as WINTERPEG with good reason!) so this early huge snowfall came as we also experienced record low temps. 

What is the weather like in Okanagan?
Average high temperature (summer): 28 C/84 F. Average low temperature (winter): -8 C/16 F. Average Hours of Sunshine: over 2000 per year. Average Rainfall: Approximately 300 mm/11in yearly.



I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Rambling about PS1/PS2 bootdiscs, HDD backups, Cheat Devices etc ALSO some talk about Game Genie and some cool NES random codes I made 😜😎


This is me rambling on for 30 minutes incoherently about PlayStation boot discs, cheat devices etc.😎It was a totally unexpected spur of the moment video that I probably should not have made public, but I figure it also serves the purpose letting my YouTube subscribers know that I’m still alive.😜 I am sure much of the info is wrong or at least some details are off but I invite anyone who knows better to comment and add to the conversation, thanks. 🤘🍻


My Facebook Classic Gaming, Computing and MORE (includes modern posts and conversations as well 😉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/maximumrdclassic

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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My unboxing of an classic Atari computer! Originally uploaded to VIMEO in 2012 I realized in 2017 I never uploaded it to my Youtube channel and corrected this asap. ANYWAY, it was a fun unboxing of a great machine I received from Bryan on Atariage and I still have!  😎



I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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😜 To skip my rambling skip to around the 6min 40 sec mark just before my first chip for hilarious results (Though my rambling includes a mention to Trey and shoutout Chris's channel for suggesting this video) 😎
MY usual rambling and build up but feel free to go right to the 6 min 35 sec mark just before my first chip to see the real honest result. HINT worse reaction then I thought, no editing, what you see is what you get for better or worse....THANKS ATARICREEP FOR SUGGESTING THIS CRAZY VIDEO !
Link to The Atari Creep https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRULdTREt024w7_v1G8RvpQ



I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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23 minutes ago, RickR said:

Honestly, that wasn't so bad.  You kept eatin' em.  Me, I'd have probably stopped at one because I cannot handle the hot stuff. 


Yeah, it hit me initially but I adjusted and FYI I DID finish the whole bag ! My wife Melissa on the other hand was done after one chip 😜

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Here is my tasting of the comically named THE TOQUES OF HAZZARD extra strong IPA. My first video in 3 months and it's an actual Beer tasting which I've not done since 2016! Thanks for watching, --- THOSE WHO KNOW ME ARE AWARE I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL TASTER / TESTER of any kind, just a guy who enjoys Beer and likes to share some thoughts so please keep that in mind, it's done for free and for my own satisfaction ! --


Edited by MaximumRD

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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3 hours ago, MaximumRD said:

Here is my tasting of the comically named THE TOQUES OF HAZZARD extra strong IPA. My first video in 3 months and it's an actual Beer tasting which I've not done since 2016! Thanks for watching, --- THOSE WHO KNOW ME ARE AWARE I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL TASTER / TESTER of any kind, just a guy who enjoys Beer and likes to share some thoughts so please keep that in mind, it's done for free and for my own satisfaction ! --


Rob, it's funny you posted this tonight! I just messaged BTB about an idea I had to start a "Beer Tasting Club" in the forums. I love when we veer off into food, travel and DIY stuff in the forums and sharing new adventures with everyone ☺️

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23 minutes ago, RickR said:

Fortuitous timing indeed.  I just got a cache of different beers from a neighbor that moved and had to empty his fridge.  I'm happy to post reviews here, but no videos. 

That sounds good Rick! I don't know how active it would be but I'll create a little "Beer Tasting Club" in the forums for us ☺️

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2 hours ago, RickR said:


I've also been experimenting with non-alcoholic beer for lunch during work because I'm getting tired of the normal options. 


For sure, I might not have said this 20 years ago but options like this are a good thing especially more and more these days! Post any and all Beer reviews even in text form! 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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Taking my mind off the chaotic storms, mudslides power outages and floods BC was hit with ( thankfully we seem to have been spared the brunt of it ) to try a couple New Zealand Chocolate treats received in this months Snack-crate box. Figured I might as well make a video as well. Thanks for watching!


I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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😎😏🍻My latest Beer Tasting video - !!! SORRY THE SOUND CLIPS A BIT, MY INPUT WAS SET TO HIGH !!!!!!!


I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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A quick question for GOOGLE - "What are the best games for the Atari Jaguar?"
What do you think? Did you like ANYTHING better than the results given? Admittedly I've no "hands on" experience with the Jaguar console, it has only been through emulation and I kind of focused on games not found elsewhere so I thought Alien vs Predator or was cool. 


Edited by MaximumRD

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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36 minutes ago, MaximumRD said:

A quick question for GOOGLE - "What are the best games for the Atari Jaguar?"
What do you think? Did you like ANYTHING better than the results given? Admittedly I've no "hands on" experience with the Jaguar console, it has only been through emulation and I kind of focused on games not found elsewhere so I thought Alien vs Predator or was cool. 



@Sabertooth @RickR and @btbfilms76 all can do a superb job of pointing you in the right direction for getting started with Atari Jaguar :atari_jaguar: :mcfur:

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