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I finally got my 7800 today. It's a bit disappointing that it only came with Pole Position II because they said they'd put a few games with it, but I don't really mind. I like PP2 quite a bit. I wish I had Food Fight though.

I also like the ProLine controllers. I tested them with a few games. It worked good with PP2 and Pac-Man, but not so good with Defender and Tunnel Runner.


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20 minutes ago, HDN said:

Working on the Squad Challenge thing. Not as good at this as I am at the 2600 prequel!

That's the beauty of the Squad Challenges. you start off kinda ~meh~ then you improve develop a few tricks & share with the group.

PPii does have a brake that can be useful 😉 it was also the pack-in game that came with the 7800 system so your experience will be like "back-in-the-day"


I do have a dupe "Food Fight" some clear tape on the label that make it look a bit rough, shoot me a PM if interested

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39 minutes ago, nosweargamer said:

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Painline Joystick!

Honestly, I've already gotten used to it. I think it's underrated. Not the best controller by any stretch of the imagination, but decent.

Also: Pole Position II. Great game, terrible pack in. No way it could compete with SMB, or Duck Hunt, or even World Class Track Meet. Not good even for 1984. Should've been Food Fight or Ms. Pac-Man. But I love this game. Not bad, just a poor choice to pack it in on Atari's part.

Thank you all for making this 7800 possible!

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Welcome to the 7800 Club!!  Those joysticks are OK if you don't need a LOT of button presses (hint: Ms. Pac-Man) but it's balance is off when needing one or both of those fire buttons.  

6 minutes ago, HDN said:

Also: Pole Position II. Great game, terrible pack in. No way it could compete with SMB, or Duck Hunt, or even World Class Track Meet. Not good even for 1984. Should've been Food Fight or Ms. Pac-Man. But I love this game. Not bad, just a poor choice to pack it in on Atari's part.

I have to disagree with this but only by personal opinion.  Compete against NES' offerings?  No.  Compete against SMS offerings? No.  But I was in to racing games more than any other game genre so Pole Position II was the sole reason that caused me to want a 7800 in the first place.  I seen the box up high on a consignment/clearance toy store top shelf close to the ceiling.  It wasn't the Atari name I seen first...it was that black console, its controller, and an image of Pole Position II that caught my eye...then I seen "Atari"...I simply had to have it and that's what my Grandmother got me for Christmas that year.  I was 16. 

That little machine sat between the NES and SMS in my bedroom and got the most attention.  The games on it I had more time for.  When I didn't have homework or have to do things around the house (which wasn't very often) I put some time in the more in depth NES games, sometimes SMS games depending on what I was wanting to play.  Regardless the 7800 got the most attention. Asteroids became an instant favorite with my friend and I because the two player mode allowed us to be idiots, flying around carelessly, banging into each other and rocks, and us laughing so hard we made ourselves sick to our stomachs.  I don't know how many times my friend spent the night and I would wake up and he would be on the 7800 playing something.  He didn't pick the NES or the SMS...he picked the Atari.  His favorite was Galaga and mine was Pole Position II.  We could play games together on it better than we could games on the NES.  He wasn't very good at complex games which the NES had but he could rock it on arcade style games which the 7800 and SMS offered heavily. 


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4 minutes ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

He didn't pick the NES or the SMS...he picked the Atari. 

Interesting that he did that, but understandable given his preferences.

You talk about the NES having more complex games and the 7800 having more arcadey titles, and that's true. You know how people say the TurboGrafx-16 is a 16-bit console with the heart of an 8-bit console? I feel the 7800 is kind of like that. A 3rd gen console with the heart of a 2nd gen console.

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14 minutes ago, HDN said:

Yes, Hat Trick and Karateka. Must-own games, and reasons to buy a 7800!

You should totally buy one of those games next. It will help you appreciate all the other games you get later 😄

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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4 hours ago, HDN said:

I feel the 7800 is kind of like that. A 3rd gen console with the heart of a 2nd gen console.

The 7800 has more heart than people give it credit for.  Just think about it.  That console was done by GCC.  It was their first and only console.  The graphics chip in the 7800, MARIA, is also GCC's first IC.  They studied how to design IC circuits just for the 7800.  Pretty cool.  And that graphics processor can actually handle a lot.  

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Karateka was one of my favorites on the Atari 8-bit.

Besides learning that the 7800 was the choice of experts, from the ad, I verified that my pronunciation of Karateka is correct. I always wondered whether you're supposed to stress the third syllable and pronounce it as EEE (the long e vowel sound) -- karatEEka 😆



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12 hours ago, socrates63 said:

Karateka was one of my favorites on the Atari 8-bit.

Besides learning that the 7800 was the choice of experts, from the ad, I verified that my pronunciation of Karateka is correct. I always wondered whether you're supposed to stress the third syllable and pronounce it as EEE (the long e vowel sound) -- karatEEka 😆



Technically they pronounced it wrong in the commercial. I did some research when I covered it for my podcast. According to the creator, it's suppose to be care-ah-take-ah, iirc. However he also said any pronunciation is allowed in his eyes. So I guess it's technically allowed too.

Before I did my research, I pronounced it like the commercial. In fact, I may have learned about the game from the commercial!

The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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I always figured it was however you pronounce "Karate" and then just glue a "ka" to the end.  So for me:  Kara-tay-ka

In any case, it was a GREAT game on the Atari 8-bit and C64.  The 7800 version just has the absolute worst controls, which ruins the game.  I think it was just a really poor choice to port over.  It really needs three buttons to work properly.  One for run/stance, one for kick, one for punch. 

If I was given the job of programming this game, I would have done the controls like this:

  • Button 1 + 2 at the same time = change stance
  • Button 1 = kick (use stick up/neutral,/low for type of kick)
  • Button 2 = punch (use stick up/neutral/low for type of punch)

This game got hosed, and you really have to wonder if any QA was done with real gamers. 


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@socrates63 You should listen to it. It is very informative. The listener feedback provides a very accurate and multi sided view of the games. I'm partway through the Pete Rose Baseball episode.

By the way, I pronounce it car-ott-eh-ka.

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