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Very Short Treks


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Hah that was great and cool to see in modern times, somewhat related are a couple of animated Treks in the style of FILMATION but done recently for Voyager and TNG. I don't remember if they've been posted before:




Edited by MaximumRD

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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1 hour ago, - Ω - said:

Did anyone else get the unspoken meaning of the story?  

Yes, it's obvious, let's just leave it at that. We don't discuss "WOKE" here. 

I am Rob aka MaximumRD aka OldSchoolRetroGamer and THIS is my world http://about.me/maximumrd

"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

 - M. Bison

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2 hours ago, MaximumRD said:

We don't discuss "WOKE" here. 

We don't discuss politics or divisive issues of any kind here, period. Atari I/O is an escape from the rest of the world. Do not inject divisiveness into our community. Divisive topics and posts will be deleted without notice. Accounts that wantonly push the boundary to see what they can get away with will be placed on manual moderation with all posts held until approved.

Same goes for mopey topics that breed negativity. Atari I/O is a place to have fun.


On 6/28/2014 at 11:05 PM, Justin said:


This is a privately owned website that we put time, effort, and money into creating and maintaining. This is not the public square. We ask that you conduct yourself as you would a guest at a party in someone's home. A likable party guest doesn't bring negativity and drama from the outside world into somebody else's home. Likable party guests aren't negative, overtly political, divisive, critical or argumentative in an otherwise friendly setting. They don't insinuate or beg for handouts. They don't walk over to a group of people and insert themselves into a friendly conversation just to say "Subscribe my channel/podcast/website" or dictate the rules of their card game. A likable guest knows to leave politics and divisive topics at the door and doesn't push agendas or political imagery in your face as they enter your home. We set aside our differences to make new friends with shared interests, not foment divisiveness. A likable party guest is polite and thoughtful toward the other guests, treats everybody as equals, and knows how to enjoy their time at the party. Please treat our forums and your fellow members the way you would want to be treated.



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26 minutes ago, DegasElite said:

Well said, Justin! Thanks. 🙂

Everybody is welcome here, but we leave divisive conversations at the door before we come in so that we can all have fun and get along. Let's not find things to disagree on, argue about and foment negativity. Let's find shared interests to be excited about and have fun with!

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For anyone interested...

Release schedule

The remaining four cartoons will be released weekly on Wednesdays through Oct. 4 at 10:00 A.M., PT/1:00 P.M., ET.

Sept. 13 – “Holiday Party”
Sept. 20 – “Worst Contact”
Sept. 27 – “Holograms, All the Way Down”
Oct. 4 – “Walk, Don’t Run”

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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I laughed so hard with this one.  Can you imagine if this was for real?  😆

Two more episodes left:

Sept. 27 – “Holograms, All the Way Down” (written by Prodigy co-EP Aaron Waltke)
Oct. 4 – “Walk, Don’t Run

Edited by TrekMD

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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