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New Jaguar Titles Arrive - Pre-Order Today!

We're proud to announce the addition of three new Atari Jaguar games to the AtariAge Store, Last Strike, reBOOTed, and Brawn and Brains! We've also re-issued an older Jaguar title, Xenon 2, with an updated box and label, as well as a completely new manual! Pre-order these games today, and we'll have them shipped to you in October. Here's a brief description of each of the new games: Last Strike: Last Strike is a fun shooter with both horizontal and vertical scrolling levels. You mus

AtariAge News Feed

AtariAge News Feed

Even working PSUs are ticking timebombs

Not a video to share this time, although in hindsight I should have made one as a quick tech video. But recently I decided I would get some replacement filter caps for use in standard wall wart power supplies like those used with our Atari, Sega, etc. consoles from back in the day. As I have quite a few of them on hand and wanted to test them out I decided to start with a few Sega Genesis power supplies. I decided to look at three different supplies last night. I first checked the voltages from



Happily Running Win 10 Insiders Preview on old hardware

😎😉I like using one machine to opt-in for Windows Insider Preview Evaluation builds of Windows, WHICH machine do I use for this? Well, certainly not our main desktop (THE HUB OF MY WORLD 😜) and certainly not our main Laptop which is a 17' Dell that Melissa currently uses as her daily driver working from home. Our third best machine / second best laptop is the HP Pavilion I found with just an AMD A6 with 8gb ram (I upgraded from 4) is pretty much MY go to when not on desktop so that leaves another

Hair grooming during self isolation.

So yeah, hair care IS a thing since we cannot go out and social distancing blah blah. I just recently SHAVED my beard off 😮 because I like to "reset" every now and then, let my face breath etc, it's cool, I will have 5 o'clock shadow by 3 o'clock again 🙄 I mention this only because I am posting these silly low res images I took in Linux on one of my low end craptops recently and so you can see my before and after. I used a webcam effect in the after image because I was MAD LIKE HULK or something

Been a little sick (don't worry!)

I been suffering severe sinus issues past 3 days. FINALLY everything that was jammed up in my nasal passages released into my nose and I was able to blow it out, required much sudafed, inhalation and mostly ibuprofen and Tylenol because I get a severe sinus headaches from it, the first day really bad and painful but the next couple days even after doing everything still experiencing a constant low underlying headache which clearly was wearing me out. Today is the first day I actually feel relief

RE: My Tragic C64 incident

RE: Commodore 64. Once (I learned a lesson 😎) back in the early days, my first C64, the classic breadbox model, I loved it so, I even painted the case a cool shiny BLACK with spray paint. NOTE: Image shown is not mine and included for descriptive purposes only. Sadly, I had more balls than knowledge and was always tinkering, wanting to see the guts of a machine etc. Do you know where this is going? I disassembled the machine BUT, and I think this was my biggest mistake in all this, with the cove


Hi and welcome to Lance’s Laboratory! This is the first post of what will be my personal blog sharing small slices of life with you from within my Lab. For those of you who are just getting to know me for the first time, my name is Lance, I’m from Minnesota, and for nearly 40 years I’ve been in the Atari business operating Video 61, one of the last surviving original retail Atari distributors. We started in the video business as a local chain of video rental stores serving the Twin Cities a

Video 61

Video 61

Lunch Time With BurgerTime

The almighty hamburger.  A hot sandwich starting with a beef patty, topped with trimmings like lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese, and smothered with ketchup and mustard.  A monetary staple for fast food drive-ins and a popular item to cook for some outdoor grillin'.  It's also one of the easiest food items to cook where almost anything on it will compliment it.  Almost.  That is until you come across evil food.  Hot dogs, eggs, and pickles are tired of being on the menu and have gone on strike!  Tha

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

My Arcade Micro Players

Video games were once considered a novelty and a source of entertainment.  No one knew how long they would last or where they would take us.  Most of the older generation of gamers will most likely be able to tell stories of lining up quarters on popular arcade machines as a marker of when it would be their turn at the challenges awaiting them.  I'm one of them.  Feeding those machines quarter after quarter for a few minutes of entertainment never felt like enough.  Sometimes it wasn't enough to

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

2019 Atari VCS/2600 Homebrew List (as of 10/14/19)

This is just this year and just for the Atari VCS/2600............. 2019 Homebrews / Hacks released Jan. 2, 2019 - House on Haunted Hill, The (Taz hack) by Salem Frost Video Games {2nd run} thru Repentless VG $29 Feb. 1, 2019 (pre-orders) - Rally Racer by More Work Games (Brazil) $79.90 Feb. 1, 2019 - Jay Walker by Ross Adkin "TidusRenegade" sold by Scott Dayton (NEOGames) thru the Atari 2600 Homebrew Games FB group $35 or $55 Feb. 25, 2019 - Westworld (Berzerk hack) {new label




The SMURFS.  Arguably one of the most popular cartoon icons of the 1980's.  These little blue people took America, if not the world, by storm literally overnight.  Once the cartoon aired it wasn't long before stores started loading down their shelves with everything from lunch boxes, vinyl records, figurines, dinnerware, posters, and many other items too numerous to mention.  Seriously, anything you could think of to put SMURFS on was available.  The Saturday morning cartoon series ran a full 9

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

Diggin' With Dig Dug

Grab that joystick, mash that button as we go on a journey digging underground to collect vegetables, pump up Pookas, and dropping rocks on Fygars.  This is Dig Dug -- the strategic underground arcade digging game that took the video game industry by storm in the early 1980's.  Released by Namco in Japan, the game was brought to America and Europe by Atari's arcade division.  It wouldn't be long after that when Atari's console division made home versions of the game for the Atari 2600, 5200, and

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

Small Size, Big Heart

What to write about?  I know I want to write about the 2600 but I just don't know where to begin.  Do I talk more about the iconic woody console or the Junior model?  I don't have much to say about controllers because it's either paddle, driving, keypad, or more joystick designs than anyone could fathom.  Games?  Do I talk more about games that I have managed to pick up since my last post?  I might have to think on this a bit more.  While I'm thinking... As I sit here writing this there is

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

You are ALL my children now!!!

I love taking something old and giving it new life. That said when it is a creation from someone else past it can be a bit touchy. Anxiety on red alert. This kit was someones work of art, their creative outlet in the time in witch it was created. No matter, some things need to be restored and given new life. I am more than happy to do so. In fact it's an honor. Someone its giving you something VER PERSONAL regardless if they feel so or not. Regardless of the extent I do or do not put my spin on

Atari Creep

Atari Creep

Annex 002 - Rikki & Vikki (Atari 7800)

Welcome to the second "annex" entry of the Game Cave.  In this entry, I'll discuss the PenguiNet game Rikki & Vikki for the Atari 7800.   Rikki & Vikki was a surprise release on Steam (12/2018) and the 7800 in February 2019 from PenguiNet.  Some of you may be familiar with PenguiNet for their amazing work on Zaku for the Lynx; arguably one of the best original titles on the platform.  Zaku really pushed the Lynx and stands as a tremendously fun, graphically stunning and amazing soun



Annex 001 - Robotron 2084 Controller for Atari 7800

Welcome to the first "annex" entry into the Game Cave.  I'll post reviews of homebrews, community projects, and other goodies here. First up, my review of the Robotron 2084 controller for the Atari 7800 by Mike @RetroGameBoyz   I ordered my controller last week after reading about it on the forums and received it on Friday.  It was shipped in a plastic mailer with plenty of bubble-wrap for protection.     As many of you know, the Atari 7800 version of Robotron can



Storm's Homes - Article 0

In my first blog post here, I talked about how I wanted to use this blog to document so many of the wonderful memories I have of growing up. In thinking about that, I've often wondered the best way to do that. By year? By topic? Some other way? I don't think there's a right or wrong way, but I think I've come up with an interesting way. I'm going to sort them by the homes I've lived in & others that are special to me. I'll be starting with my first home and end with my current



XBOX E3 Highlights

Once a year one of the largest gaming events sets the stage of what's to come.  And XBOX has always put on a good showing with exclusives, releases of popular game franchises, XBOX firsts and much more.  This year the concept behind XBOX's E3 show seems to be more about finally bridging the gap between console and PC gamers.  But more on that later.  Here are the highlights I found most interesting ... so far. Sega is bringing one of the most popular RPG franchises of all time to the X

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

The Terminators .45 Long Slide With Laser Sighting.

It is no secret at all that one of my favorite franchises is the Terminator Flicks. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will ever beat the original no matter how much people try to tell me T2 is a better film. The original had everything. SciFi, action, a bit of noir and a hint of the slasher element from horror films of the time. Most important the film had the  greatest villain (next to Darth Vader) in cinematic history, Cyberdine Systems 800 series Terminator model 1 0 1. A cybernetic organism with li

Atari Creep

Atari Creep

Atari 7800 - Top 10 Games

I'm just going to put this right out there without any introduction (I'll save that for another related article) and pick the 10 games I play most on the 7800 in the small collection I have which is now at 16 games.  We start with number 10. 10.  Centipede Mom's favorite...but on the 5200.  She tried playing the 7800 version when I got the system and a few games for Christmas around 1990.  I have to admit that even though it gets more play time than others it doesn't quite capture ever

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

I already had Monday, October 29, 2018 circled on my calendar. It had been for months. That was the day for me to cash in my birthday present from 5 months prior. Tickets to see Metallica in concert, 26 years after I saw them for the first time. No band I had seen since then has been as good live (and I saw a lot, working as an usher in an arena, but that's a story for another day). I woke up at my normal time, a little after 7 AM. Before getting out of bed, I checked my email and hopped on



Borderlands 2 Game Play Series

The FPS/RPG series Borderlands has become a favorite modern game with my wife and I.  In anticipation of Borderlands 3 coming in September I decided to do a video series on Borderland 2 to revisit the game and to showcase the game in its raw form.  There is no commentary as I lack the equipment to capture both at present time.  The first of this series starts in the video posted below.  More will follow when time allows. Parental Warning:  The game play presented in the video below has been

Atari 5200 Guy

Atari 5200 Guy

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