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    Justin reacted to Marco1019 in Club VCS - Issue 01: Is the Fun Back?   
    I will feature this fanzine on my Twitch show next Wednesday night at 9pm ET.
  2. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    I've never seen that before.  I wonder if they were inspired by the Intellivsion controller?! 
    This is what I use with the Phoenix...

  3. Like
    Justin reacted to sramirez2008 in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    Me too! 🙂
  4. Like
    Justin reacted to MistaMaddog in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    When I had an actual ColecoVision, I like using the Super Action Controller for playing Mouse Trap since it was easier to open doors with it's keypad than with the standard controller.  Using the firing triggers you had to squeeze hard was a pain though, so I prefer using an Atari joystick with a Coleco controller in the 2nd port for the manual keypad entry.
    On MAME I not only set my Xbox gamepad to emulate the Super Action Controller but also add the spinner axis to my left thumbstick to simulate the Roller Controller & Steering Wheel and also use the right trigger for acceleration (fire button) plus right thumbstick for shifting (right joystick).
  5. Like
    Justin reacted to OniDensetsu in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    I don't mind using the original CV controller. I think it works well but i have made my own CV gamepad with both fire buttons & * 1 to start & reset games without a keypad but for the games that do need extra buttons like Pac Man collection Ms Pac-Man needs # for Credits i just use my Champ CV Keypad.

  6. Like
    Justin reacted to sramirez2008 in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    I’ve switched to the Edladdin Super Combo Arcade controller. 

  7. Like
    Justin reacted to RickR in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    This is my go-to.  And if a game uses only one button, I'll use an Atari joystick. 
  8. Like
    Justin reacted to CrossBow in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    Two options are my preferred when playing on my CV. My main option is the Rugger Pad I got from Ruggers Customs. It is actually a Genesis 3 button controller with a replacement PCB in it that adds the 1,2, and I think the 0 button along with the actual button 1 and button 2 needed. Covers a majority of the games for me and. If I play a game that uses the keypad buttons that aren't emulated on the Rugger Pad, then I use one of my actual CV controllers that I added a ball top to.
  9. Like
    Justin reacted to MaximumRD in RE: ColecoVision controller options, what is your favorite?   
    OF COURSE besides the default, there are the Super Action controllers. Someone once sent me this and I had no knowledge beforehand. Mine is for ColecoVision specifically but works with other 9-pin inputs. JOY-SENSOR by SUNCOM. There were versions for different consoles. Excuse the dust, it's been sitting in the closet, takes some getting used to but I kind of like it.

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    Justin reacted to Smell Dawg in - Ω's - Modest Little Game Room   
    Love the clean layout! What's modest to one is a dream to another 😄
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    Justin reacted to RickR in - Ω's - Modest Little Game Room   
    Looks good.  Very functional. 
  12. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in - Ω's - Modest Little Game Room   
    Hey, that looks good! 
  13. Like
    Justin reacted to - Ω - in - Ω's - Modest Little Game Room   
    Well I figured it was time to update this after I downsized into my retirement condo.   My computer room is not large, and it does not have all the cool toys like many of you have, but it's functional and I like it.
  14. Like
    Justin reacted to - Ω - in - Ω's - Modest Little Game Room   
    @RickR, @Smell Dawg, @sramirez2008, @TrekMD
    Wow guys, thanks for all the nice comments!  The posters comment had me confused for a second though, but I know what he meant.
  15. Thanks
    Justin reacted to CrossBow in Atari 2600+ My experiences and helpful information   
    I got my 2600+ from FedEx yesterday. My initial impressions are that it does feel like it is built really well although I was a little surprised at how small the length of screws used were for holding it all together. For those that didn't know, all of the guts of the 2600+ are located in the switch panel section of the unit. It uses a couple of different PCBs sandwiched and connected together to do everything. 
    Here are my Pros thus far:
    The cartridge slot is actually quite nice and seems to have a good connection with the games I've tested it with. But do make sure you clean any of your old cartridges you haven't used in a while to be sure that you are allowing as good a connection as possible and to prevent adding any crud from your old carts into the 2600+. 
    The switches are kinda amazing on this thing?! They have a very satisfying click to the power and color/bw switch and the select and reset have a point where you can feel them engage and their spring back action is very nice. It makes me wonder if the switches can be adapted to OEM consoles...
    My 2600+ shipped set to 16:9 mode. This will result in that fully stretched image that some like and some do not. I prefer to NOT have that stretched look so I promptly set mine to 4:3 mode.
    The hot swap ability of games is quite nice and I advise using this method since you save a little bit of time loading up games this way. If you power cycle the 2600+ off/on each time, then you have to wait for the 2600+ to boot up internally first before it starts to load the game. The hot swap works exactly as it sounds too. The 2600+ detects when you have a game in the console. If you pull it out while powered on, it will blank out and then go to game load failed. Pop in a different game and a second or two later, it will show game loading and the game will appear on the screen.
    Seems to work with most of the original library of games for both 2600 and 7800 that I've tested so far. Quite a few older 2600 homebrews have also come up and worked for me. Some home brew games I tested last night that worked were:
    Berzerk: VE originally released during CGE 2010 I believe?
    K.O. Cruiser (Although I still can figure out the controls on this one)
    Go Fish! (Worked great!)
    Ninjish Guy (Most modern home brew I've tried so far and it worked great)
    Medieval Mahem (Seemed to work okay with joystick and...bonus! It was in stereo?!)
    Now for the cons and most of this is just stuff I've noticed and it mainly effects the 7800 side of things:
    First let me get this out there. NONE of the 7800 homebrews or graphic hacks I tested would load. As the 2600+ uses a lookup table based on the game rom checksum to know how to load up, this doesn't surprise me. Hopefully the lookup table and possibly the emulated being used can be updated to allow support for some 7800 home brews. But again, NONE would load up for me.
    The ONLY original released game for the 7800 that hasn't loaded up for me yet in my testing, was Rampage. It will start to load the game, but then just gives a black screen for me with my actual cartridge.
    Ballblazer was the first game I loaded up and it did load up and play great. But... the pokey emulation isn't quite there as the entire counter melody on the title tune is missing. So this tells me that the RNG from the pokey isn't being emulated as that counter melody uses that pokey feature specifically.
    Commando loaded up and played correctly. The ONLY issue is that there is some slight graphical corruption on the title screen where the difficulty selection is. But very minor and the game itself displays fine.
    Some games appear to have their button 1 and button 2 functions swapped? Although some of the games, I've not played for a bit so I might be wrong on this. But using a normal 2-button 7800 controller, the games did work and respond correctly.
    Now for some oddball miscellaneous stuff I've noticed or find interesting that can be taken as a pro or con...
    The 2600+ outputs a 720P signal. Although it seems this isn't quite a standard 720P signal as my TV takes a second or two to lock in and show the output. Also, my capture device in the game room usually has no issue with 480P, 720P, and 1080P sources. But it does NOT like the 720P from the 2600+ and stays in pass through mode. So I'm not currently able to get any direct captures from the 2600+ output.
    I've heard from others that some games don't work for them while others report they do. Both 7800 Ms. Pac-Man and Crossbow are reported as non-working for some and working for others. In my testing with my actual cartridges, both games loaded up and worked without issue for me. But it is possible there are two or more revisions of these games that were released over the years that could be the cause for this if they have slightly different checksums than what is being expected for those games in the 2600+. 
    The power LED is stupid easy to replace as there is NO soldering involved. The LED is held in place with a 2 piece bracket using small phillips screws. A 2pin JST connector is plugged into the leads of the LED. So all that is needed to change the LED with a different color if you wanted, would be to remove the small screws and put in a different LED. Plug the jst connector onto the leads and that's it. I've not checked the value of the limiting resistor in the 2600+ for the LED as yet, but as they were using a warm white LED, an those are fairly modern, it is likely the value being used will be good for any LED out there that is 5mm in size to fit in the bracket holder. I've installed a slow changing RGB LED into mine as I felt that fit better than a static color.
    Flash carts:
    No surprise, but most of the flash carts out there are NOT going to work with the 2600+. That said, I can confirm that the Dragon Fly 7800 flash cartridge does work! As the DF cart loads the game up outside of the console, the 2600+ is able to read the DF like a normal game and just loads up the game that the DF has loaded into RAM at that time. Also, the hot swap ability of the 2600+ allows for easy game changes on the DF because you can have a game loaded on the DF and playing, then use the DF menu to back out. Choose another game and then press the Enter button on the DF to start loading the other game. The 2600+ will detect this, and blank out with the Game Load Failed message, but then a few seconds later it will show Game Loading... and the game you selected on the DF will now be playing on the 2600+. So it is interesting that the DF's ability to control the 7800 consoles power on/off function seems to also trigger the 2600+'s cartridge detection routine. 
    All other flash carts I have failed to load up with the Game Load Failed message which, is to be expected since other flash carts rely on talking with the console hardware directly to load up and show their on screen menu of games.
    So my initial thoughts are that I think this is a great first step from this new Atari in trying to appeal to as many audiences as possible. There seems to be a lot more market hype on this 2600+ release than anything else Atari related I've seen in well over a decade and I do believe this will get non retro gamers back and into the hobby. With updates made to the console FW or outright hacking it in the future, I'm sure more games will be made to work and that will increase sales of the 2600+ and home brew along with games second hand. I see all of that as a good thing and it might signal a true actual rebirth for Atari and interest in the hobby.
  16. Thanks
    Justin reacted to dauber in Pie Factory Podcast   
    We here at Pie Factory Podcast do not do turkey drops; we do EPISODE drops. And today we're dropping episode 142! There's more to do in the world than just eat (although, listening to this episode, you'd never know that). We also like to play video games from time to time. So join us!

  17. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Boris in Atari Jaguar "Power Pad" (ST style color)   
    I recently got a grey Jaguar "Power Pad" and wondered when they were built and how many of them had been made. Having dug through the net, I already have a suspicion, but would be interested in more serial numbers. So if you have one, please post a photo of your serial number in this post. Currently, my assumption is that there were only 1.000 of them made, all produced in June 1993. (The no. 1 in these photos is mine 😎 ).

  18. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Boris in Songbird, Jaguar logo re-trademarked?   
    In the United States, having the word "Atari Jaguar" on a good pertaining to a video game console is enough for Atari to need to protect, aside from the design of the logo itself. It's possible the Jaguar logo is also being applied for but may not be necessary. A deeper search could show more.
  19. Like
    Justin reacted to Boris in Songbird, Jaguar logo re-trademarked?   
    Thank you very much guys! Interesting. In the link to Songbird, they do not state any reasons, but oh well, as the sale is still ongoing, I got myself a copy of Total Carnage while I'm at it and hope it will be the one with the old logo 🙂 .
    Speaking of the logo and trademark: Yes, seems like Atari trademarked this one, but only as "word mark" and "STANDARD CHARACTER MARK", which basically means plain text, and only this combination: "Atari Jaguar". So the "Jaguar" logo itself without connection to anything else would still be fine to use, unless they did additionally secure a trademark for that as well. That being said, the entry makes it even more likely that Atari contacted Songbird and kindly asked to not longer use the logo on their products anymore. And I guess because he did not want to go through the effort of legally challenging them and maybe even because wants to maintain a good relationship, he agreed. Seems there was some negotiation going on in the background, as he is able to sell off his existing stock, which is nice. But honestly, Atari should have trademarked the "word and design mark" for Jaguar instead of the plain text. That would not have been that much more expensive, but hey: Guess they are certain nobody will challenge them anyway about a logo for a conosle next to noone cares about (and I mean that not in a bad way, but with regard to target audiences).
    And all that being said, if I were in Atari's place, I would be very interested in snapping up Songbird as well, as Carl has secured some interesting Jaguar licenses over the years, and certainly some more interesting stuff for future releases.
  20. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Boris in Songbird, Jaguar logo re-trademarked?   
    Likewise, many other Atari trademarks have recently been applied for:
    Atari 2600
    Atari 5200
    Atari 7800
    Atari Lynx
    Atari 400
    Atari 800
    Atari VCS
    No results found for "Atari XL" or "Atari XE"
  21. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Boris in Songbird, Jaguar logo re-trademarked?   
    In the United States, the "ATARI JAGUAR" trademark is Live once again for section 028 Goods and Services, namely Video game consoles, with the applicant Atari Interactive, Inc. having filed for the trademark on May 3, 2021 and published for opposition on December 14, 2021. Previously, the trademark had been filed on April 20, 1992, published for opposition on November 23, 1993 and abandoned on September 12, 1996.
  22. Thanks
    Justin reacted to walter_J64bit in Songbird, Jaguar logo re-trademarked?   
    Here some more info about the new logos. I think that Atari has something to do with it.  https://songbird-productions.com/2023/11/17/rebranding-update/
  23. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Boris in Songbird, Jaguar logo re-trademarked?   
    Back before Towers II was released, I noticed that Somgbird had changed to logo on the game's boxart in one of the newsletters to "AJAX64". I thought that was odd, so I asked Carl about it and he said that he was not planning on releasing that game under the Jaguar logo. Hm, strange decision, I thought back then. And I was not the only one, as at least over on AA, people started asking about it. Then, some months later, a new logo appeared on the next newsletter (and thankfully so, to be honest, because the "Fire Jaguar logo" looks waaay better than AJAX, which is a cleaning product over here in Europe). And then even some time later, Songbird announced that they would not be using the Jaguar logo at all anymore, the same goes for the Lynx one. The recent sale over at his store underlines that again.
    So from everything that can be read online, it seems someone forced Carl's hand to change the Jaguar logo on the games he publishes. However, nowhere (as far as I've seen) can be read more about why exactly this is happening. I mean I can guess that it's probably Atari who are behind this, but this is nothing more than a guess. Are they interested in the Jaguar logo again all of a sudden? Do they want AA to be the only store to sell games with the official Jag logo? What exactly is going on and are they planning more with that logo? Hasn't the trademark expired long ago? Does anyone know more specifics about all this?
  24. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in Terry Hoff artwork for the unreleased Asteroids 5200 (Atari, 1982)   
    I own the prototype of this game.  I created a label or the cart since it is one of those old PCB carts.

  25. Thanks
    Justin got a reaction from DegasElite in Terry Hoff artwork for the unreleased Asteroids 5200 (Atari, 1982)   
    NOTE: I edited the title of this thread to reflect the artist's name Terry Hoff - as not to become confused with Intel and Atari's Marcian "Ted" Hoff who is not an artist, but rather one of the inventors of the Microprocessor 🧠
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