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Blog Comments posted by TrekMD

  1. So, this is the one I found on Amazon.  The price is high because it is not just the charger.  It comes with 8AA/8AAA/4C/4D/2 9V rechargeable batteries!  Here's the link to it:  Tenergy T9688 LCD AA/AAA/C/D/9V NiMH/NiCd Battery Charger + Premium 26-Cell NiMH Rechargeable Batteries



  2. Cool ideas!  I have solar panels on my house and a 25 KW generator should there be power loss (like during hurricanes) that can run my entire house.  I never considered, however, getting rechargeable batteries or a solar charger for those batteries.  I'm going to look into that.  I saw some chargers on Amazon that run for about $100.  Those look nothing like what you have posted here, though. 

  3. Yep, roll with the punches it is when it comes to rain during a visit to these parks.  I went for the Food and Wine Festival in EPCOT and it started to rain and it just didn't stop.  I put on my poncho and walked around to see what I could.  Since the rain was not relenting, I decided to see if I could get into the Space Restaurant.  Sure enough, there was a short line and I was able to get in in 30 minutes.  Had a nice time in "space" and when I left, the rain had stopped.  By then, most people had left the park due to the rain, so there were no lines on the rides and I was able to still enjoy the rest of the festival.  🙂

  4. I got a 5200 in 2007.  In fact, I got two, as I got both a 4 port and a 2 port system.  I have always liked the games for the console as it has some unique titles and some exclusive ports as well.  I was aware of the issues with the controllers, so I immediately got the gold upgrade for mine.  I also got a WICO controller.  The main issue is the controller does not self-center, something that Atari was working on but never released due to the crash.  Overall, though, I'm happy with the system.

  5. This version could have been so much better had they used more memory and POKEY chip.  There is a hack that has been made of this game and it is an improvement over the original version.  It's unfortunate that Activision did not put more effort into this port.  I did enjoy playing it when I got it as I was able to make it through the game.  I was never able to do that in the arcade.

    Here is a video of the hack but just with the visual changes...

    Here's a side by side comparison...


  6. I only had a 2600 at first.  When I saw the 5200, I loved the look of the console and I was impressed with the games.  I really wanted to get one but I did not until much later.  I actually got a 7800 when I was in college because the graphics looked even better.  Little did I know that it was not going to have a good sound chip but, still, I loved it.  I played 5200 games in emulation for years and it wasn't until the early 2000's that I decided to finally get a 5200 so I could play using the console rather than by emulation. 

    I have to say that, despite it being somewhat limited, the game library for the 5200 is overall really good!  Most of the games are quite fun and the arcade ports are well done.  The controllers are an issue but I have different controllers now to enjoy the system. 

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