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Everything posted by MaximumRD

  1. It is funny how often I forget to fire up MAME to compare the arcade version of home ports, soooo many great arcade classics at our disposal in MAME. It is always interesting to see how different the original arcade version is since those were typically designed to challenge you to keep trying while consuming your coins and so home versions though maybe not always comparable graphically sometimes made up for it with additional features. I will definitely check out the link you mentioned. All these arcade games at my disposal, literally thousands so no matter how many times I fire it up even after all these years there is always something new to check out or great classics to re-experience. Puzzle, side scrolling shooters, racing, fighting, obscure Japanese and even clone and knock off games, though I COULD do without all the Mahjong titles I don't need. 😎
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    1. RickR


      I love MAME and all that it offers.  Yet I've always had a few favorites that I just can't get to work correctly (especially controls).  Examples:  Asteroids, PunchOut!, Defender.


    2. MaximumRD


      yeah works great with my xbox 360 controller but I have not been good configuring stuff like race games that require a wheel or paddle games etc. 


  2. Firstly, a huge and long time ATARI fan here like many of you and still owner of several original Atari consoles and computer and accessories 😉 I lived and love the history of Atari OBVIOUSLY and it saddens me that Atari will never be even a fraction of what it once was even in the different stages (Atari / Warner / Tramiel) back in the day. But at the same time many people seem blindly loyal to that name and logo to the point the will even today, grab up anything officially labeled "ATARI" even though most of it is overpriced junk conning Atari fan consumers and gambling on their nostalgia. This is why even though Atari managed to market and complete a fund raising goal for the new upcoming AtariVCS, early on called the AtariBox but fans and backers keep defending them even though the console they were promised has changed, has been delayed several times with promised shipping dates over and over being pushed back, any engagement has been very controlled and curated with comments often getting removed or people being banned in forums or groups where they represented themselves whenever challenged or backed into a corner where they could not provide a "real" answer, hype marketing talk or skirting around the questions or giving non-answer answers seems to be their specialty. And yet the funny (sad? pathetic?) thing is backers or fans that STILL insist on defending them for really NO OTHER REASON than that blind nostalgia for a long dead company that keeps making promises but actually delivering on very little. Oh and to be clear, I AM NOT SAYING NOR DO I BELIEVE that the backers will never receive what they paid for, in fact at least at this point I still believe they will all receive something....eventually....maybe? 😜 but even that will be far from anything worth what they paid outside of collector purposes or that "official" Atari name and logo being worth a LOT (and admittedly it clearly is to some) I truly believe even the most hard core defender of the AtariVCS and the people behind it would have a totally different view and opinion of what's on offer and for the amount it cost as well as the project developers behaviors to date if it were all being handled by some small unknown start up that were not incorporating the ATARI brand name. And once again, because I know some get triggered by such heresy defaulting to the usual claim I am a "Hater / NO FUN / troll / pessimist etc" this is not the case at all, I WOULD HAVE LOVED Atari to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes and again I am a long time Atari collector who has played and enjoyed Atari through history during all the ups and downs, I even loved and completed Raider of the Lost Ark and E.T. for 2600 backing the day 😎 But with I grow tired seeing the beloved Atari name whored out constantly on garbage product merely to capitalize on the once great brand. Some of you may not even be aware of what I am babbling on about but even if you DO you might not be up to snuff about it all. This video by REREZ sums it all up quite well imho. Honestly, did not expect much but this video actually contains some good points and well stated views regarding "ATARI" today as well as the AtariVCS etc. Sure it is just regurgitating what many of us already know but before you dismiss it have a watch, some people could use this wake up call about modern ATARI especially the blind faithful who think anything modern day ATARI still has something worthwhile to offer.
  3. https://variety.com/2020/film/actors/sean-connery-dies-oscar-winner-and-james-bond-star-dead-at-90-1234820498/ Typically just do a status post for celebrity death but this one seemed worthy of a thread 🙁 Sean Connery dead at 90 RIP ! 😮 An epic career, 007, Highlander etc. A good old age for a man who will live on in his roles.
  4. New video! Please check out in my thread. 😎 Driving through our first major snowfall in Kelowna, B.C. 2020 


  5. NOTE: I do NOT typically wear a mask in our car, and we wear masks only wear requested / required such as medical appointments or where masses of people gather etc. I wore it in car this time as we were on our way to an eye exam but also to show the viewers the mask my wife made from an old Slimware utilities T-shirt that never fit me. 😆😎 Just sharing for fun. Woke up to a major snowfall last week, it was very unseasonal for us this time of the year, a week later it's all but gone so it was either a freak thing OR who knows? Might be the way the weather is heading with changing climates. Please know that though I DO live in Canada unlike what many Americans and those outside Canada may think, my particular city located in the Okanagan is unlike surrounding B.C. cities like the very cold Winnipeg (often referred loving as WINTERPEG with good reason!) so this early huge snowfall came as we also experienced record low temps. What is the weather like in Okanagan? Average high temperature (summer): 28 C/84 F. Average low temperature (winter): -8 C/16 F. Average Hours of Sunshine: over 2000 per year. Average Rainfall: Approximately 300 mm/11in yearly.
  6. Forced to live in a digital world but I will always be analogue at heart. 😎🤘


  7. Love DREAMCAST, still have 3 original consoles. Back in the day of course I followed development, news, articles but that only conveys so much right? How this system was next level power etc, ok sounds great. Then one day as I was on the second floor of our local mall I approached the gaming shop and I SWEAR THIS IS 100% true, from a distance my immediate reaction was "Oh what the hell? Is the manager a huge Football fan? YOU ARE DISPLAYING A FOOTBALL GAME INSTEAD OF VIDEOGAMES? (keep in mind I am not much a sports fan and definitely not a football fan) seriously is there and important game on what........HOLY SHIT...NO WAY....(as I approached and got closer it began to sink in)...THAT NOT A TELEVISED FOOTBALL GAME....THAT IS AN GOOD DAMNED DREAMCAST GAME!!!!!" - as I say, I was so impressed by a football game visuals I knew that this was definitely the next level of gaming consoles and I HAD to have it. Such a shame the whole DREAMCAST generation lived for such a short time, there was still so much more potential for great games, they introduced concepts and tech way ahead for consoles. Still, in it's short life, at least it still introduced many cool arcade ports as well as interesting and unusual titles in typical SEGA fashion. EVEN some unreleased games became obtainable online since the prototypes were dumped (Half Life, Propeller Arena) great accessories like the Fishing Rod for those great SEGA BASS FISHING games. So much potential.
  8. I AM SO LUCKY ! Best thing that ever happened to me. 😎




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HDN


      Happy anniversary, MaximumRD. I wish you the best.

    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Happy Anniversary!  The years fly by so enjoy every minute of it.

    4. Justin


      Congratulations Rob & Melissa ☺️

  9. The mix of manufacturer parts, reminds me back in the day, before the clear winner was obvious I admit I preferred and was in the BETA camp of the format wars. I had and loved my sleek looking ZENITH branded Beta machine. Opened it up one day, might have been to clean the heads manually or just my usual curiosity / tinkering, anyway several parts inside were branded as SONY. So I guess SONY was the actual manufacturer of ZENITH BETA machines? If I recall before SONY started their own line of VHS decks they pretty much had a stranglehold on the BETA format which I guess explains them actually being the manufacturer with I guess ZENITH and I am guessing other brands just licensing SONY tech to put in their machines.
  10. An awesome video continuing from the Elvira thread, sums up even better her career and what she is currently up to. AS WELL do yourself a favor and check out his channel and tons of other great videos on all the movies, tv shows and celebs, great insight and fun well done videos by Dave Sundstrom. Channel description - This YouTube channel is my outlet for my creativity. Most of the time, I talk about music, movies and television from 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. You know...THE GOOD STUFF! I am happy that you have found my channel. I hope you enjoy my little corner of YouTube!
  11. "Please Stand By" - The ORIGINAL opening titles to "The Outer Limits!!" As a child I would stay up into the wee hours of the morning to catch this in reruns.
  12. Heh, well a long overdue update but in case anyone has not noticed but obviously I, as apparently many I know, took this "retirement" out of context. To be clear, she retired the ELVIRA character ONLY from headlining at Knox Berry Farms where she headlines a live show for many years. She did this to free up time and pursue other projects like her autobiography and an animated project which I am guessing was her characters appearance on a recent Scooby Doo Halloween special. So,now at 69 she is STILL rocking and to celebrate and be thankful here is a recent video she released - I've never been happier to be wrong 😛
  13. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving dinner today. Our first Turducken bacon wrapped with Italian sausage stuffing, cream corn.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RickR


      Cheers.  Stay thankful, my friend.  

      That's a nice looking meal.  

    3. HDN


      Hope you had a great day, RD. That's a good looking Turducken. How was it?

    4. MaximumRD


      Well it was delicious, went back for two more slices and poured some wine to wash it down! A great day indeed! 

  14. DID YOU KNOW? JOHNNY NASH who passed away the other day, while widely known for the hit "I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW" was also the singer of the THEME SONG for the animated 1963-66 animated show THE MIGHTY HERCULES. 😀


    1. DegasElite


      No. I didn't know that he sung the theme song for that cartoon. Interesting… :O)

      Thanks for the factoid. ^_^

  15. I just awoke to hear this! Man my high school years were all about Van Halen with front man David Lee Roth, so sad! ☹😥
  16. Wow awesome ! You even got 5200 Wizard of Wor aw well ! OH and GORF NICE! 😎👍
  17. YES lack of space is my issue as well and that wont change as we own a 1 bedroom condo and not looking to EVER owe for a place again so even in best case scenario it's out of here and hopefully not for a long time into retirement home which will be more major downsizing 😜obviously very little to nothing of my collection will be going there. 😥So my point being 99% of my collection is stored until I get the itch to try something specific.
  18. Also I find these CBS electronics games cartridges interesting, they look so different, the other one I have is Mountain King, never played that much so I look forward to that as well.
  19. Cool, I do have an adapter for pc controllers as well. Interesting info since I don't have the instruction manual as well. Thanks for the feedback guys.
  20. Just random thoughts upon seeing the recent and improved Homebrew version of Wizard of Wor Arcade for the 2600 on atariage store which looks absolutely amazing I began thinking about this title. I don't think I ever encountered it in the arcade bitd and if I did no doubt I passed it over to play other games. Now, these days I am not really in a position to pick up the great looking 2600 homebrew version and I thought well at least I could load up my harmony cart and try the old original 2600 release rom and I still plan to dig it out and do just that, I figured this was my only shot of playing Wizard of Wor since I don't own any other version or have an original cart. BUT THEN what do you know? The other day as I was literally digging through my boxes I happened upon al my 5200 stuff, one of the few systems I still have a few original carts for and lo and behold HERE IT IS! I have an original cart for the 5200! Cool! I do NOT have the original instructions or an overlay as I do for several other of my loose games (though I also have MOUNTAIN KING with both the instructions and overlay!) but still at least it's something, I look forward to trying it out, not expecting it to be as good as the new 2600 homebrew but was wondering, it might be a while until I actually have the time to hook up the old 5200 beast but for those who might know, how does the 5200 stack up? I mean at least in comparison to all the original homeports? Is it worthwhile? Anyone a fan of this game? Here is my cart - 🤘😎
  21. Cool music and visuals we can all appreciate! 😉😎
  22. Well that WOULD explain it Lee, I mean a clean comes in box Intellivsion for $40 would definitely be an amazing find. But now that you say they could not get it to work, that makes more sense honestly, sorry.
  23. As CrossBow touched on yes the NES Switchbox are not compatible with Pre-NES consoles like Intellivision, ColecoVision etc. So it is good to get a RF to coaxial cable adapter or even an original type of switchbox where you manual can slide the switch between TV / GAME select. So, you unit appears to power on but all you get is a black screen? And you are SURE the TV is receiving a signal, like even though it is a black it still looks different then when powered off? Maybe when you switch on the console you notice a split second of static or something? Just trying to determine it IS actually powering on and sending a signal to TV. What about SOUND? Anything at all. Last shot, and it's a funny one, at least with my Intellivision II console this is a thing, obviously you are fully inserting the carts the correct way (not sure upside down is even possible) BUT ALSO if it's like mine, I actually find inserting them fully results in no image, in fact they seem to work best when mostly inserted like nearly all the way but not quite, so maybe try at slightly different levels and see if anything at all appears different. Maybe also, before cleaning all the carts go the direct route and try cleaning the console cart slot first? Blowing in of course may be just enough. Other then that and making sure it's powering on and everything including cables are properly connected I am not sure. I assume you have other RF consoles that display fine? Does the Intellivision output allow to select channel 3 or 4? That's all I got.
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