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Everything posted by DegasElite

  1. I think video gaming is both a hobby and a pastime, which seems to paraphrase what Keatah said over an hour ago, I would think. Yes, it's competition. I agree. Everything surrounding the gameplay is a hobby in and of itself. I agree on that, too. So, we're thinking the same thing, I guess. It makes sense to categorize it that way.
  2. My dad loved "Artillery Duel" for the A2600 and "Choplifter" for the A7800. I think he loved "Choplifter" more. He used to call it "Whopper Chopper." The name stuck with him.
  3. Indeed they were. I have A2600 cartridges from 1978 that still will work like yesterday or yesteryear. Solid!
  4. Impressive! I have almost 300 games for my A2600 alone, but not so many CIB collections. Most are cartridge only. I would love to get more games with the original boxes and instructions complete. Thanks for sharing. :O)
  5. I was wrong. The TurboDuo was released in North America.
  6. Actually, I believe it was released also on the TurboDuo, which is basically the TG16 and CD drive built into it. But, I think it was released for that system in Japan.
  7. Welcome to the forum. Happy to have you. :O)
  8. You are welcome, HDN. It's a good rule of thumb. :O)
  9. HDN, have you considered that the 2600 you are using has a dirty cartridge port as well? If so, by all means, you may need to clean that, too. I would use a microfiber cloth for a pair of eye glasses, a thin card, and a dab of 91% isopropyl alcohol on the edge of the cloth. It would clean the port like there is no tomorrow. That could also be the problem. Furthermore, never leave your carts in the port of your game systems while they are plugged into an active socket. The electricity can react to the air and oxidize the leads and the cartridge port. No lie, as it has happened to a Jaguar unit of mine once, which now needs to be repaired because of it (I still have a working Jag with CD, though). If you use a power strip, deactivate it if you leave your game stuff plugged in. That way, no electricity can cause the effect of oxidizing the leads. I can't stress that enough! I have learned from pros. Once it is deactivated, then (and only then) unplug your retro stuff from a power strip. It's safer for your older electronics, and you have less risk of overloading components on your games systems' motherboards. Again, I cannot stress that enough. Just my sage and friendly advice to extend the life of your retro collection. I have been a professional collector of video games for over three (and almost four) decades. Trust me. I am well versed and my collector friends can back me up. You are creating a great collection and I hope you keep it that way so you can enjoy it. Thanks for letting me share. :O)
  10. A small vial of DeoxIt costs around $6.00+ in value, I believe. Like I said, you can get it at RadioShack.com.
  11. It might be the last resort that you are looking for.
  12. Isopropyl alcohol works great on cleaning games. I use 91% solution. You can also use a regular rubber pencil eraser to clean the leads. It's abrasive, so it works to get the corrosion off the leads on the cart. If you want to get fancy, get DeoxIt. You can find that at RadioShack. It polishes the leads to a ultra-high sheen and takes the corrosion away.
  13. Welcome! Have a look around. You will like this site. :O)
  14. Sorry I did not see this before, Umberto. I have been busy. Tell me, can you repair Jaguar CD units as well? Thanks. :O)
  15. Another good arcade conversion is Crazy Climber, but it's extremely rare. I would like to see how it works. It's a funny game. :O)
  16. Another good arcade port, at least in my opinion, is Star Wars: The Arcade Game for the A2600. Although it does have limitations, it does a good job for the system's abilities. I have it and I like it. It's interesting, to say the least.
  17. Which I did. I was playing around with my 1010 Evolved SD drive. I played Moon Patrol with it. I like that setup where people can play games on an SD card with the XEGS. Ahh, technology can work wonders. :O)
  18. Happy Thanksgiving! I was going to play some games on my XEGS today. I will do that tonight. It truly is a fun system to play. :O)
  19. Crystal Castles was a game-changer for me because it was different and inviting to play the game. It was cute and horrific at the same time. It was my favorite Atari arcade game and still is. It just drew me in. It's like 3D Pac-Man with a plot. I don't think that it was done that way before, but I don't know. I loved the graphics and wished that they made a Saturday Morning cartoon after it. I loved it. When I got the A2600 version of it, I was a little disappointed because the levels were different in layout. But, I still played the game until I made it through every castle in the A2600 version, getting more than 700,000 points playing the game. I never have beaten the arcade version, but I want to see the castle at the end of the game for myself, playfully called "The End: Level 10." It redefined fun for me and was a great challenge.
  20. I would put these on my list: Crystal Castles. It was a game-changer for me. Phantasy Star Series (1-4). This was one of the most successful JRPG series of all time. Also, King Lassic (Lashiec) returns in PSIV to wreak terror! I loved it. Forgotten Worlds. My favorite Capcom arcade game of all time. Those are the best games, in my opinion.
  21. Well, how can it? Film uses no scan lines. Video does. The only way to get perfect film quality on video is to eliminate the scan lines. Then, and only then, video quality would have no bounds. That, unfortunately, is years into the future.
  22. Interesting, because they had an app that emulated only Irem games once. I had it from the App Store a few years back. They must have changed their stance and disallowed it in the past few years then. That's why I don't see it there anymore. Fascinating.
  23. You know, I just brought my cat to the vet. She needed shots and a checkup. She is still quite healthy but needs some dental work and future blood work done. But, she is still doing good for a 13-year-old cat. She'll be alright. :O)
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