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Everything posted by HDN

  1. Wow, no one has posted here in nearly a year? That changes now. Major Havoc is one of my favorite Arcade Games. I've seen the cabinet in person but never played because it was broken at the time. I have become well acquainted with this game with Atari Anthology on Xbox. This great platformer/shooter/breakout? hybrid deserves more love and attention. What are your thoughts on the game?
  2. @nosweargamer Your ranking system is ingenious. I first found you on youtube about 6 months ago and have been watching you ever since. You're like a better version of Classic Game Room that still reviews games and doesn't beg for money. Thank you so much for all that you do.
  3. @nosweargamer Adventure sure is cool! I'd even go as far as to say that it's better than both of the NES Zelda games! I should really pick the cart of this up someday. I've played loads of it on Wii 2600 and the Jakks Pacific Atari Plug & Play(though that's programmed for NES essentially)
  4. @Willie! You are like the Santa of retro game channels. You're always so jolly.
  5. I have never been to a retro video game convention before.
  6. You could join chess club with Video Chess, I suppose.
  7. HDN

    7800 Avenue

    Atari is always better with other people. Try playing something like Outlaw, Air-Sea Battle, or Combat by yourself!
  8. @nosweargamer Nice review of Sea Monter you posted today!
  9. Yeah, I really need one. What would you say is a good price for one?
  10. I know this thread is old but I just wanted to say this. The game you are referring to is Virtual Boy Wario Land, technically the second game in the series. The gameplay falls more in line with the first game than the sequels with the hat mechanic from Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 making its first and only return.
  11. You have a good point there. I never noticed that.
  12. We should set up a charity that donates CRTs to people who play retro consoles on flat screens.

  13. HDN

    7800 Avenue

    @btbfilms76 Indeed I have!
  14. Only problem with the vader model is that dust shows up really easily. I clean it out weekly. When I'm not using it for a while I'll put on the dust cover, but that hasn't been the case recently as I've been playing a lot of Defender, Pac-Man, and Tunnel Runner.
  15. HDN

    Price Tag Thread

    Can't take picture as my phone's memory is full but I have a few: Space Cavern from Kay-Bee Towering Inferno from Kay-Bee Wizard of Wor from Kohl's Chopper Command from Shopko Gangster Alley (yuck) from Kohl's for $29.99 Planet Patrol from Kohl's for $29.99 as well
  16. It seems this guy and Atari are linked. I don't think these were unlicensed hacks either. Could they have bought the rights to the games like Atari did with some red label games like Q*Bert and Donkey Kong?
  17. Good for you! Personally, I'll stick with the Game Boy, but to each their own.
  18. I highly recommend you purchase a 3DS, if for nothing else than to play Metroid: Samus Returns. Speaking of M:SR, another great GB game to have is the original version of that game, Metroid II: Return of Samus.
  19. Interesting. I was reading one of the links showing the worst 2600 games and Gangster Alley (aka Task Force as Froggo called it) wasn't even on there. That game sucks!
  20. I own two 2600s, both four-switch models: vader and woody. I use the vader model mostly. It matches my desk and I've always liked playing 2600 with the joystick set down on a table or something.
  21. @socrates63 You do not jump. You can move left and right on the joystick to move your arms from vine to vine, kind of like a horizontal Crazy Climber. Here's a tip: you can climb faster while holding 2 vines but descend faster only holding 1.
  22. I believe it's $3 on the 3DS eShop if you have a 3DS
  23. I can totally understand that. Buttons do kind of suck. Plus, I've heard you can't play games like Starmaster that use the B&W switch.
  24. Nice collection, dude! If you are looking to streamline your Atari things, I would recommend moving your 2600 somewhere else and just playing the games on the 7800. Maybe hook it up in a different room so you can play in more places. That's what I plan to do when I get a 7800 someday. What kind of 5200 do you have?
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