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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I've updated the first post. Added a few games and also a color scheme (green = great, yellow = meh, red = terrible). @HDN, you suggested Mario Golf and Kirby's Pinball and both are excellent. Thanks!
  2. Very nice set up and collection! I like that idea of the "cube" shelves to hold systems and controllers. I'll have to find something like that. I see those Harbor Freight LED lights -- I use those exact ones too! It seems like it's harder to see as we age, am I right?
  3. Thank you @HDN. I shall try those! And I also really like arcade football games if that's any help.
  4. I'm on the hunt to find some really good GameBoy (or GBC) sports or pinball games. I'll post what I've found so far (good and bad) here. Please do post any suggested games! For the moment, it will be games in these categories: Pinball, Bowling, Golf, Racing, Baseball, Football. Here's a few that I've tried so far: Bowling World Bowling - Not too bad. 10-Pin Bowling - Terrible. How do you mess up a bowling game? It's got bad controls, no animations of the pins falling, and no options at all. Pinball Kirby's Pinball - Excellent! Little Mermaid 2 Pinball - Fun. A little slow. But lots of mini-tables to uncover. Very colorful -- looks good. Revenge of the Gator Pinball - Fun! Basic, yet fun video pinball action Pinball Dreams - It's OK, but I find it kind of boring. It's more or a real pinball simulator with no video enhancements. Golf Mario Golf - Perfect! Hole in One Golf - Terrible. It's confusing to play, and has the most irritating music. Racing Toy Story Racer - It's a Mario-Kart style racer with some pretty ambitious 3D effects. Graphics look good, but are a little choppy. It's ok, but I'm hoping to find something more fun.
  5. BEFORE WATCHING, I guess Frogger, Chess, and Pac Man
  6. I'm always excited to see PET games reviewed. It's amazing what they did with such a primitive machine. And William, I hope your hand is feeling better.
  7. Good question. I'm totally into sports games and anything that is quick to pick up. Go-to games for the Game Boy for me are Tetris (of course). I like the Super Mario Land series (1, 2, 3 -- it's cool how the games look better with each iteration). I have several pinball games that I like a lot (Pokémon Pinball is a favorite). Now that I've discovered the Gator Pinball, that will get a good amount of my time. Alleyway. In general, give me a baseball, golf, football, or basketball game, and I'll be happy on a plane ride. I like the arcade conversions (Ms. Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Defender, etc). I have 62 GB games and 55 GBA.
  8. Ha ha. Yep. Kid #2 and I found this a long time ago. What a cool idea.
  9. Why I collect: Mostly, it's the system my kids were really into, and I had fun with it too. Memories and nostalgia. But the other part is how these systems and games were all super inexpensive when I first started collecting retro games. Consoles were generally $5 at Goodwill (and plentiful). Games were usually all less than $5 back then. And finally, I think the games and systems are pure brilliance. Most games are easy to get into (and a challenge to master). It feels like the last real incarnation of the old Atari systems, where games were meant to be enjoyed for short bursts of time. And so many modern series find their roots in the humble Game Boy.
  10. And two Game Boy Advance: The Glacier one -- purchased for Kid #1 and he played and played and played. Interestingly, when I bought it, the SP had just come out. He chose this one. I kept gently prodding him to get the SP, but he insisted. Fine. We laugh about it now. Like the GBC, this one got inherited by me once he got a DS. The GBA SP (model 101) is one I hunted for and bought many moons ago. I love this thing. Probably one of my most prized possessions. I take it on vacation. I still play it a lot. If you hear I've been playing Game Boy games, it is most likely being done on this machine. I think the form factor is perfect. I like how it closes up to keep the screen from getting scratched. Perfection.
  11. Here you go. The OG Game Boy was a gift from a friend who knew I collected old video games. His kids didn't want it. I was glad to take it, and I gave him a case of beer in exchange. It came with the case and all those crazy accessories. At that point, I already had a brick Game Boy that I had purchased from a Goodwill. Strange timing -- another friend posted on Facebook about wanting one because of the time they spent playing it while on duty in the first Iraq war. I gladly gave it to them. The blue GBC is the very first gaming console I purchased for kid #1. I bought it new at Toys R Us with an "Elmo's ABC" game. He was so excited and played it a ton. It got handed down to kid #2 a few years later. For whatever reason, neither kid wants it, so it goes to me. Maybe they know I'll keep it safe and give it back if they ever change their minds. The Super Game Boy is one I purchased a few years back from Goodwill. I love it because it's smaller/sleeker than the original and only needs two batteries (and they last a long time). Of these three, the GBC is my favorite because of the family connection.
  12. Your story is awesome, as is your collection. I will take a picture of the three Game Boys I have and post it as soon as I can.
  13. TG16 is so much better than I thought it would be. I honestly like it more than Genesis or Super Nintendo. If you decide to buy one, make sure to budget an extra $100 for the everdrive.
  14. Here are mine. Post pics of yours! PS - I find myself with an extra Pokémon Pinball (an excellent game, by the way). It's available for trade!
  15. PS - I've wanted a Jaguar for a long time. I haven't ever found one for sale at a decent price is all. The emulation stinks. I need the real thing! I'm hoping once the pandemic ends and the retro game shows are back on, I'll finally find one. That's how I got my TG16. After years of looking, I found one for a slightly elevated price from a vendor at PRGE, and BOOM -- been loving it ever since.
  16. That is awesome @socrates63! And you can use the "pause" feature if any customers come in! I agree with you on every point. The only bad thing I can think of on the controller is the keypad (it just seems so outdated on a system from that era). Otherwise, it feels fine and works great. Have fun! Post your high score.
  17. Au contraire - I'd say this proves it is a bad port. What other game do you have to downgrade to black/white to enjoy? Was the arcade version black/white? This is like saying "well, if you squint your eyes real tight and get just the right lighting, that 1975 Ford Pinto looks like a Ferrari". TrekMD says it's a good clone of Pac Man, which is very true. But that's why it gets so much dislike. It was the licensed version and "clone" wasn't good enough. Atari could have done better (Nukey Shay's excellent hack proves this) but did not care. In retrospect, this was a huge sign of their impending doom.
  18. I added Venture and Reactor just to give @Rocker67 trouble Venture is a good one for sure. It does capture the arcade game pretty well. Reactor - I can't say I've ever seen or played the arcade version, so I'll take your word for it.
  19. Oh, this is so sad. Hug your loved ones and be good to each other. Our lives are so precious.
  20. 24,950 on emulation. @Justin, can you help me with the 1001 access code? When I start a game, it's on 1008. If I enter a code of 1001, it just goes back to 1008. Is that a quirk of emulation?
  21. It brings up an interesting point that I had forgotten about. Most people who owned Atari bought Atari games, and Sears buyers bought Sears games -- even though they were the exact same thing in different packaging. I remember that my family would go to Sears a lot. I'd look at the Atari games but always bought them elsewhere to get the Atari branded item. For me, it was more about getting the more colorful and popular packaging. But I'll bet a lot of parents assumed they were locked in to Sears games only.

    I will be in the chat tonight (around 7:15pm Pacific).  My goal is to try a few rounds of emulated Cybermorph for the high score challenge.  Join me if you'd like to see how that goes.  Maybe you need guidance on setting up an emulator.  Maybe offer me some tips on the game.  Or whatever you'd like to chat about. 


    Cybermorph Jaguar.png

    1. Marco1019


      I will likely stop by the chat as my show will end at about 6:30pm PT.

    2. Justin


      I love it Rick!! I'll be joining in the Squad Challenge very soon!

  23. A pretty nice bundle of games arrived today.  "Revenge of the Gator Pinball" is one I've never heard of, and it's really fun.  The label is terrible, so I made my own for the back.  In addition to these, there were several duplicates that will go into the next junk box.

    ebay games 001.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      ROTG pinball is excellent. I only have it on the 3DS so far. For my GB pinball fix, I play Kirbys Pinball Land, made by the same people.

    3. RadioPoultry


      Cool! I found a Revenge of the Gator cart at a pawn shop during a trip to Idaho last month. Addictive little game. I love the intro screen. I posted my high score a few days ago on the forum scoreboard. (Using an SP, yes I admit. 🙂) Maybe one of you can beat my score!

    4. HDN


      The intro screen on that game is FANTASTIC! It seems that Revenge of the Gator has become a bit of an Atari I/O trend. I'd love to get my hands on the physical cartridge someday, as it's pretty cheap and I'd definitely get my money's worth.

      I have been getting back into Game Boy stuff recently. So far, I only have the Advance and Super Game Boys, not the "brick". I like my standard GBA better than the SP for a few reasons. For one, I can use AA batteries. I bought a few rechargable ones last year with a gift card and have been using those. I always have one pair in the system and one pair charged/charging and ready to go. With the AA batteries, I never have to wait for the the thing to charge and if I don't have my rechargable batteries laying around, I can use any kind of AA battery in a pinch. The second reason I like it more is that it has a headphone jack. I love listening to my games with headphones and getting that sweet stereo sound. I imagine it'd be decently hard to find the GBASP headphone adapter these days. Thirdly, the GBA is more compatible with games. The SP,. when using a gyroscope game like Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble, will have the controls reversed.

      Sure, the lack of a backlight is a problem, especially these days when it gets dark outside so soon. But I have found ways to work around it. When using Game Boy or Game Boy Color carts on the GBA, the games stick out about an inch from the slot. This makes the thing harder to fit in your pocket, but it also makes it so I can clamp a reading light to the cartridge and be able to play my games easily. GBA exclusive games are a bit harder to light, so I mostly avoid them. This works, but it is inconvenient and mostly falls off. I'm hoping that I get a Worm Light for Christmas that will make my life a lot easier.

      For those of you who don't know what that is, here's a picture from the web. It plugs in to the Link Cable port.

      Nintendo Other | Game Boy Advance With Worm Light And Game | Poshmark

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