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Everything posted by RickR

  1. You think so? He's 20. My youngest. College sophomore. We've been playing video games forever.
  2. Yep. He's been schooling me at Tetris.
  3. I'm posting this one for my son! Let's call him RickR Jr. 32668
  4. Count me in. Oregon -- the end of the Oregon Trail. Do we have anyone in St. Louis -- the starting point of the OT?
  5. Oh and check to make sure your difficulty switch is on "B". That wide ship on your pizza pic indicates it's on "A".
  6. Pizza pic adds 100 points to your score. I agree with you on the moving shields. They get in the way. But once you get to the level where the invaders start at the lowest level...you die very quickly.
  7. 5025. I'm playing on this bad boy 2600jr, which is new to me. Dang I love this game. You picked a good one. Those zig-zag bombs are dastardly!
  8. WOW! This looks awesome. Three really great games. I'm going to be traveling this weekend, but I'll try to play a little Friday night and get some pizza too. Oh, and I'm still trying to land that plane on NES Top Gun. So close!
  9. My son gave me a gift of NES "Top Gun" yesterday.  My goal is to land the plane on the carrier.  I failed a few times, but now I've read the manual.  I won't let you down this time, Goose. 


    top gun 001.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Justin


      I have a lot of great memories with this game! That's nice gift.

    3. MaximumRD


      RickR to be clear, I was not being a smart ass (I certainly can be 😜) but yeah, my console since receiving it has what can only be described as a weird plastic "toxic" or "chemical" odor, like turpentine or a fresh black marker or something 😆something, and I mean STRONG, which seems to come from the paint or plastic itself (I have a RED model as well) consider I have a poor sense of smell but I noticed it immediately but assumed it would dissipate over time but to my surprise to this day it has barely subsided. I have seen others mention the exact same thing so not just me, I suspect a certain percentage that came off the assembly line may of had this issue that was later resolved. 

    4. RickR


      Well that sucks.  I have a very sensitive nose, so that would really bother me too.  

      For a long time, something in my cabinet smelled like tacos.  Not a bad smell, but weird.  After months of wondering, I found it by process of elimination when we got new carpets and I had to empty out the cabinet.  It turned out to be a video camera bag that was inside a cardboard box!  


  10. I remember liking New Coke back then. But I have a feeling I'd think it's too sweet as an oldster.
  11. Welcome to Atari HQ in Los Gatos.

    Someone posted this picture on Facebook, and it screams 1970's to me. 

    Atari HQ Los Gatos.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RickR


      I also found this very fascinating timeline:


      The Los Gatos HQ opened in May of 1973


    3. Justin


      That is a great resource! Michael is a friend of the forums, and yes that is one of the best researched timelines I've seen 👍

    4. StormSurge


      Hey, I opened in May of 1973 too! 🎉

  12. Same deal here. Too busy for my own gaming-good. GOOD JOB NSG, and everyone else too. I'm going to keep my eye out for this cartridge on the Lynx -- it was a really fun game.
  13. OMG you guys!  I just got something spectacular.  A really old 12" Sony TV.  From the 1970's.  It's got a wood case!  It needs to be cleaned up.  But boy-o...is there any better way to play Atari than a really old Trinitron?  I'M PUMPED!


    sony tv 001.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StormSurge


      She's a beaut Clark! Nice find!

    3. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      Whoooooohooo!  New TOY!  Nice.

    4. chas10e


      I like it, I like it A-LOT !!!

  14. RickR

    eBay Finds

    Composite modded 2600jr with some games.
  15. Oh, and like you guys, I never could take the "dark path" and harvest the little sisters.
  16. I played this series on the PC a long time ago. While I did like it, I got really frustrated (like you) at the lack of ammunition. And the "Circus of values" things -- I got so sick of that sound bite after a while. I think this is a game that really explains why I don't do "modern gaming" at all on PS4 or XBox One (or even PS3/360)...the PC versions of games totally kick butt in most cases with far superior controls. Even "Halo" (an XBOX game) is a lot more fun on the PC IMO just because the mouse/keyboard control system is so much more accurate and natural. Maybe it's just FPS games I guess.
  17. How about a few crazy pictures from "Marsh's Free Museum" in Long Beach, Washington....
  18. Jungle Hunt is another great arcade port done by GCC for Atari. You can tell because it's so good.
  19. Hey Willie! You sent that 5200 paddle to me. I can send it back to you if you want. PM me if yes.
  20. I also have an Indy 500 cart and two driving controllers. All tested and working great.
  21. It is really awesome. Unbelievable really. If this came out back in the 80's, we would have all been amazed. This is one title I will purchase at PRGE when it's available.
  22. I finally got a chance to try the C64 mini out. Some notes: It's very easy to update the firmware to the newest version that has the USB loader. Loaded up a USB stick with ROM's, and it works like a champ. Pros: HDMI output Looks and sounds great. Great interface. Easy to use. Cons: Only 2 USB ports. You'll need a hub to also connect a keyboard. The joystick included isn't very comfortable. Highly recommended at only $30.
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