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Posts posted by chas10e

  1. I'm still trying to even reach my previous score, much less surpass greeweens still :P very challenging !!! last try made it to zapper screen 4 times and mebbe got one beastie outta there the whole time.


    Another time grabbed 2'nd beastie & shuttle wouldn't make it back into mother ship before getting hit by meteor  :wreck-it-ralph: ... good thing the controller was fastened in place :rofl:




    Bleah. I finally made it to the second screen, but only once. Would there be any reason for multiple shots vertically, but not horizontally?

    it does seem sideways meteors have a shorter distance to travel to the ship. this is certainly a "twitch game"



    What controller are you using Ferg?

    I am guessing keyboard for a controller. I still haz to hunt & peck mine. making me a non-PC gamer  :arcade:

  2. Awesome scores fellow gamers!!  I gave up on trying to save the life forms on the second planet...but I may have to try again.  And, I agree with Ferg, the game settings show just how evil the 2600 can really be.  I'd like to see a young COD player try Cosmic Ark on this setting.  They'd probably get their butts whipped by a a machine older than them.  Just sayin'.

    saving beasties on zapper planet .... think of how you have to drive during Holiday traffic , cut right through the traffic (zapper) while giving a friendly smile & waving ;)



    I tried playing but too hard to play with genisis controller (with segal) on my 7800 might try again with my wico joystick

    I my am kind of using a special wico produced joystick sturdily fastened in place.







    Is it ok to say I hate this game?  So hard, and not really fun. 


    I was able to rescue both creatures from that second planet (one at a time), but it seems like it's pure luck avoiding the lasers. 

    it's NOT ok !!!!!


    great score just don't tell the insurance company on that shuttle about the risks your taking & things will be fine ;)

  3. 3693




    to get a clear pic, lowering contrast on TV & hitting some button to make it go Black & White


    to save 2 beasties on laser planet ... fly down through zapper , catch 1 back up through zapper and then down again for 2'nd and hope you don't get zapped on way back out


    zapper does come in handy if you don't think you'll make it back to the ship before meteor :)

  4. 3043




    if you rescue the 2 beasties & make it back to the ship before the alarm you don't have to wait to shoot the meteor ....


    getting past the laser beam is tricky ....thinking more luck than anything .... I was able to rescue one beastie a couple times .... the next trip with one beastie on planet I got zapped & the 2'nd beastie appeared  :wreck-it-ralph:  ..... he should have stayed aboard the Cosmic Ark IMO where it was a little safer !!!

  5. I'm going to guess the large single was the latest revision 'cause of the stock# is same as the 3-dot version but with the additional "L" ... it would seem when they were re-engennerring the things they probably discovered it wasn't a main point of failure but worth a try


    it would be interesting to hear about the things these guys tried til they got to the rev.9 flex circuit 





    CO20501 / CO18127 CX52 Triple Conductive carbon Dots Top and Three Dots Bottom Fire button $2.50 ea. (2 fire buttons per CX52 Joystick controller)

    CO20501-L CX52  Large (3/16 Dia.) Single Conductive carbon Dot Top and Bottom Fire button, one large dot top and one large dot bottom fire button $2.50 ea.  (Limited supply)

  6. If you have some vice grips you can pull that handle off and get under those moving plates.  Use the grips on the white piece and then twist to remove the handle.  Also...there are some slight variants with the joystick molds depending on where they were made.  If you find that a fire button retainer is fitting a bit too snug try flipping it or try another one.  Some of the molds for those make those thicker than others I've discovered.  I could rebuild those all day long.  I actually enjoy working on them.





    The service manual shows a tool made of a flat piece of metal with a 90' bend and a groove cut out of the end. Easy to make with a vise and hacksaw. You do have to use a bit of force but do it gradually. You will feel it starting to give.

    Make the bend end long enough for the bend to rest on the outer edge just past the ring for least amount of damage.


     I think some hair dryer heat & patience helps as well
  7. Maybe I'm the one drunk (???)  I was studying that picture and at first I thought both girls had both arms like wide open.  Study it long enough, though, and it almost looks like the right girl's right arm and the left girl's left arm are blending, like a Photoshop effect.  It was then I realized that each girl is leaning on those arms.  Pretty cool picture but it has a neat sort of eye trick with the girls.  I didn't notice it until now.

    I'd say wide open arms. the right hand on the girl shown on the left can plainly be seen , the left hand of other girl is blocked by drivers head.





    :pole_position_blimp_big:  Congratulations chas10e!



    GREAT SHOWING GUYS! Congratulations on your win chas10e! Chas won with 865 points, and kamakazi20012 placed 2nd with a score of 791! Greenween showed a great game but his initial scores were discarded due to the issue with his difficulty switch. All of you played well! I encourage chas10e to post his winning Super Breakout high score on the Scoreboard! Way to go guys!


    We invite all future Squad Challenge winners to share their winning scores on the Scoreboard and keep the game going!   :atari_2600_joystick: 


    :spot:  w00t   :spot:


    thanks fella's. it was a fun one 

  9. it was great to meet the Atari Creep in person and wished we had a chance to play some of the arcade titles there but the tournament started at the very time he arrived so my attention was drawn away from that.


    I did get knocked out the first round even after a first & 2'nd place on the 1'st 2 tables , came in last on 3'rd & 4'th table , the very last table, Dracula, underscoring by a mear 130,000 ( Pop bumpers are 10K each) ... but that is how these things go "it IS pinball" 


    I stayed til the arcade closed, had the food that was provided & enjoyed the day especially meeting up with another in this community.


    lookin' forward to the video :thumb:

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