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What are your video game goals/projects for 2022?


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4Kizan asked this really good question on the Lvl Up Discord and it has led to several users chiming in with their 2022 plans. I thought I'd ask here as well.

I started one goal inadvertently by streaming more gaming recently. (Long story short, Ecamm Live is clashing with VICE for whatever reason and it led me to test out Twitch Studio Beta.)

I'd like to play games from other systems & computers, though it'd likely be through emulation. I have also toyed with the idea of hosting a tournament of some sort, but I'd need a lot more time to figure something out.

So what are your video game goals/projects for 2022?

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49 minutes ago, DegasElite said:

I want to try to get more Atari Lynx games for my collection. I think I have 44 now, but it isn't complete. It's a sweet little handheld. I give it TLC. :O)

The Lynx really wasi/s a good handheld. It's good to see that it has new life, thanks to collectors and homebrew development.

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I also want to figure out a way not really to reproduce game art, but to restore existing game art like older game boxes and cart labels. I want to restore it to original condition as much as possible. If it can be done without damaging the artwork more, for posterity, I would like to explore that. I would like to explore that option. There must be a way to do it safely and within artistic license without altering the intrinsic value of the artwork.

That would be interesting. Difficult, but interesting. This is ongoing, and not just for 2022. Thanks for letting me share. :O)

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Plans for 2022.  Let's see.  First and foremost remain healthy so I can accomplish 2022 goals.  

We are moving to a much larger place so I will have more room.  I'd love to do live streams playing games on real hardware.  I'd have to get a better capture device that will work with my older systems, even if I have to connect them to a VCR first.  

As for video games themselves, and like @DegasElite, I would like to expand my Lynx collection, find Tempest 2000 for the Jaguar without having to take out a loan, and import more cheap FC and SFC games.  I'm after one more console to add to my collection and then I'm done collecting hardware.  I'm after a PS3.  I was after a Saturn and TG-16/PCE but those have really gone up in price for their games.  If was to add a Saturn as well I'd import a junk model from Japan.  It's be cheaper that way.  

Other than that I'll probably just try to get to the games I have been wanting to work on, beat them, and move on.  I have picked up so many XBOX games with gold this year that I have a lot of them I've never spent time on.  On the PC side I have claimed every game Epic Games has given out for the entire year.  That library is in the hundreds and I bet I've only spent time on a few games.

My main goal:. Beat some of the games I already own be it console or PC.  Maybe that will be my goal this coming year instead of collecting hardware.


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A wise man once said "A gamer need not get a life or have goals, for through gaming itself, they have already attained many, many lives,".


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This post was recognized by Justin!

"Showing true leadership in the community"

RickR was awarded the badge 'Superstar' and 10 points.

It's probably good to have goals, and maybe by writing them down here, they'll get done.

  • Sell my Aquarius collection.
  • Get my TI stuff down to fitting in one box.
  • Explore the classics on NES and SNES.  
  • Be the light in the retro-gaming community.  So much negativity.  
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11 hours ago, RickR said:

Haven't you seen "Office Space"?  Doing nothing can be everything you think it can be and more.  


Afraid not, that is another movie I've never gotten around to watching.  I had plans on watching Top Gun II, but it keeps being "put back".  I was supposed to watch it with a friend in 2020, then 2021 and now sometime in 2022.  She's betting the third time is the charm.  I've not waited this long for something since Duke Nukem Forever.

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2 hours ago, - Ω - said:

Afraid not, that is another movie I've never gotten around to watching.  I had plans on watching Top Gun II, but it keeps being "put back".  I was supposed to watch it with a friend in 2020, then 2021 and now sometime in 2022.  She's betting the third time is the charm.  I've not waited this long for something since Duke Nukem Forever.

As an American, it is your God given right to watch any movie you wish at any time, alone even, without shame!


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A professional agency that restores video game boxes, cartridges, and artwork would be a niche market to say the least. If you've ever attempted restoration yourself you know the results can sometimes be less than desired. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. I can just imagion how finnicky the demographic for such a service would be and then their's the question of does restoration add market value to the restored game. I would be surprised if it did much or at all. More times than not, restoration lowers the value of collectables. 


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Well, I finally found a "Goal for 2022".  Justin suggested I take part in one of the score challenges.  So, I bought a new device today that will prove how good, or dismally sucky my playing level really is.  I'll be using this with my recently tricked out Atari 5200.   Also I guess I'm the Guinea Pig to see if it works with the UAV mod for the 5200.


Now I just have to find where on Atari.io that thread was...


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