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Hi there, I'm Ferg. I've been collecting home video games (starting with the 2600) since 1994, when you could still find good deals at flea markets and garage sales every week. I have since sold off a lot of stuff but still have all of my 2600 and an almost complete CIB domestic 7800 collection (damn you Tank Command box and manual!). I am the host of the Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast, and also appear on the Intarivisions podcast (where we talk about games that were released on many of the classic systems) and Please Stand By (which is my friend Kevin and me being goofy). Some of my fave raves include: Adventure, the Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Tempest, Food Fight, Haunted House (pinball), Dig Dug, and Tron. I am a baker by trade; I started my career in 1982 making Pac-Man cookies in my father's shop. I wish with every fibre of my being that I had a picture to show you.


Welcome friend! I hope to see you around these parts more often!  :berzerk:


Thanks for all the work you put into the podcast. I know I've told you plenty of times before but I truly appreciate it & the time I spent catching up on back episodes in early 2014 really helped me through a dark period. It sounds corny & cheesy hearing you & all the wonderful listeners was very comforting and reminded me that there were a lot of good times in my life. Thank you Ferg...


Another new member, this is awesome! Welcome to the forums Fergojisan! That's legit collecting starting in 1994, it was still a lot of fun back then, it was like the nexus between the days of a dominant Atari and the days of collecting on the Internet. I've enjoyed listening to your podcast a lot, you're in good company in the forums since you're joined by No Swear Gamer from the Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast. You have a nice mix of favorite games too, anybody who likes Adventure AND Zelda is okay in my book. Welcome! Hope to see you around more often :thumb:


Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I wish I didn't have to work Wednesday nights. :(


We're doing Late Night Atari Chat every night overnight from now on! I hope you'll join us sometime fergojisan!





Ferg, I just realized that your avatar picture is John Lennon last week, when I saw the same image elsewhere on his birthday.

I always assumed it was a shot of you, from that time in the past, you know, back then.  ^_^


I figured you'd get a kick out of that.


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