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Posts posted by Justin

  1. 54 minutes ago, atarilbc said:

    Who else is watching High Score on Netflix? Episode 1 covers the rise and crash and prominently features HSW and the E.T. story. 




    Haven't had time to watch this yet so I can't speak to it, but as much as I love HSW and E.T. I wish every documentary would NOT feature it so prominently. That's becoming nostalgia junk food. There's so much more to the Atari story, and the golden age of video games, than the "failure" of E.T. and the dump in Alamogordo. It's one interesting voice in a chorus of stories. To make Atari a footnote in history and focusing mostly on the E.T. thing is a disservice. Hoping this series gives some big picture coverage.

    History Channel had a really nice documentary on last year called "Game Changers". It covered the dawn of video games through Atari, Nintendo and Sega during the 8 and 16-Bit eras. Very well done, lots of good Atari coverage and footage that I had never seen before.

  2. 57 minutes ago, nosweargamer said:




    WAY TO GO @nosweargamer🏆


    10 hours ago, RickR said:

    There's something that really bothers me about this game:  The shifting.  They made "High" up and "Low" down.  Should have reversed them.  Otherwise, no complaints.  It's a game that demands precision.  It's tough, but not unfair.  And that makes it fun.

    TOTALLY AGREE!! I remember being maybe 4 years old at Chuck E. Cheese's playing Night Driver and thinking the same thing.

  3. 2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    In order for the newbies to Atari I/O understand why I answered like I did

    Thank you for taking the time to explain your thoughts @kamakazi20012 it's nice to read a fleshed-out response like that so we can all have a better understanding of where you're coming form.


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    I know Justin will know where I'm coming from

    I do, and I appreciate you helping others here understand too.


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    I begged and begged for an "Atari" and woke up to one on a Christmas morning but I got the 5200 4-port which remains my all-time favorite game console.

    What year was that?


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    I've got 2600 games I would not be caught without as an Atari collector...it's simply against the rules LOL.

    Well it's not that there are "rules" but the 2600 did some games incredibly well, especially the types of games it was designed to do, like paddle games and super simple games. Warlords is one of my all-time favorite party games. Whenever I have a lot of people over we get a 4-Player round of Warlords going and it's terrific. Other games like Asteroids, Missile Command, Moon Patrol, I prefer many games on the 2600 to any other. I could say I have "exclusives" for every system.


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    As my 2600 library grew so did my interest in it.  I've found a lot of impressive games on the 2600 that I wish my 5200 got but never did.

    7800 guy here, chiming in. I don't understand why we never had a nice Missile Command on the 7800. Even as a home-brew. Seems obvious. Tempest and Crystal Castles too.


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    But I'm also not a DK fan at all (unless it's DK Country on the SNES...that one I like).

    I'm just now beginning to appreciate how unreal Donkey Kong Country was. In hindsight, did it blow Jaguar and 3DO out of the water with those graphics? Maybe, maybe not. I feel like Donkey Kong Country looks better graphically than some games on Nintendo 64.


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    So, when I say that both DK and DK JR on the 2600 looked horrible to me it is because of what I grew up with and what I would have expected to see. 

    "Looking horrible" and being horrible games are two different things. I had friends come over to play Jaguar in 1993 and 1994, only to find ourselves playing Centipede on 7800 and California Games on Lynx. 


    2 hours ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    I have DK JR on the 7800 and it's good...but again not one I play very often.  I'm glad I have them both...very glad to have them...I just don't play 'em as much as others would.

    So here's the Million Dollar Question for you @kamakazi20012: when the time rolls around that you DO decide to play a round of Donkey Kong Jr., maybe play with friends or family, what video game system are you playing it on?

  4. 2 hours ago, socrates63 said:

    Thanks, Justin. I reached 5600 and change after I posted the photo. As I mentioned in my intro, I have no gaming skillz. I think I can reach the low 6000s, but 9131 gives perspective and a good target to shoot for. 

    And I was even using my 4-way joystick 🕹️


    1 hour ago, HDN said:

    Thanks, @Justin. I typically play on mode 5 or 6, so it'll take a bit to adjust to the default mode again. According to my high score notebook I keep, my top score on default mode is 7088. I can do better than that.

    :pow: If you guys can beat @kamakazi20012's score of 9,131 you can post your new high score in the Scoreboard thread above 

  5. 8 hours ago, nosweargamer said:

    I never realize Froggo made controllers for the NES. I wonder if they did anything else I'm unaware of.



    1 hour ago, kamakazi20012 said:

    Whaaaaa?  Froggo made NES controllers?  How'd I miss those?  I never seen those anywhere I shopped frequently.


    Here's the kicker: Froggo developed games for the Atari 7800 and were BASED IN SUNNYVALE, and they made controllers for the NES without changing up the cord and releasing an Atari 2600/7800 variant. Are you serious? Could've used the same case design, the same plastics, mostly the same internals, just changed up the wiring and given us a wonderful D-Pad controller for the 7800. The "cordless remote" one on the left would've been a dream. Generations of Atari 7800 players would still be enjoying these today, seeking them out on eBay and paying a hefty price. They would've owned the 7800 aftermarket. That's incredibly frustrating.


  6. 3 hours ago, HDN said:

    The Turboduo reminds me of that Sega Cd console that had it built in. I believe it was called the JVC X-Eye?

    Yes. I have the official one from Sega which was a tiny unit called the Sega CD-X which is going to sit right in there with my 16-bit consoles. It's the Genesis I grew up with. Very small, it's a portable CD Player with a cartridge slot.

    Highly recommend the Turbo Duo at any price or emulating the games if that's what it takes. TurboGrafx used to be a steal at Toys R Us!

  7. You should give TurboDuo a try if you like shooters. I love the low slung looks of the Duo, and that it takes two formats. It's an incredible game system, possibly my favorite. Nice, clean arcade-style graphics and gameplay. Never could get into the CD-i but thought the "interactive television" idea was cool.

  8. 1 hour ago, Atari Creep said:

    I already had Chips Challenge here waiting for a system. Such a fun game. I do plan to see out as many titles as I can. Cali Games is the only other game I have ever played on the system back when it cam out.

    Dude that is WILD that you're starting with Chip's Challenge and California Games, those were my first two Atari Lynx games too!! That first summer I went all summer with just those two games. Chip's Challenge was a gift to me, and one that I really came to appreciate. When I was saving up for the Lynx, looking at the pictures and screenshots in the Sears catalog and browsing games at Toys R Us, Chip's Challenge didn't really stand out much to me. When I received it as a gift, it was rare for me to receive a video game present and I really, really appreciated it and wanted to make the most out of it. I gave Chip's Challenge a chance and it turned out to be an amazing puzzle game, one of my absolute most loved games of all time. I love the graphics, the chip tunes and sound, I love that the game forces you to think and find your way through these mazes, and I really appreciate that there's a story to the game. It's not just Tetris, you've got to get the girl! You're in for a real treat @Atari Creep

  9. 19 minutes ago, HDN said:

    Cool setup dude! You should find a way to hook up your 16 bit consoles there as well. They look so much nicer on a CRT! But I envy your 7800 a great deal. I love how the black light reflects off of the metal strip!

    Thank you ‼️🙌 Yeah, the 16-Bit systems enjoyed life there for many years. At this house I am setting them up out in a larger room where guests can more easily enjoy them. Sega Genesis and Nintendo 64 will be added to this lineup, along with some handsome lighting.





  10. 5 hours ago, MaliciousCarp said:

    My first job was also at a Movie Theater!  We didn't have to wear ties though - our uniform was basically a white button up shirt and then they gave us a vest to wear.  When I got to be a projectionist - there was no uniform required 🙂

    Our uniforms were Star Trek-based, beyond just the tie. We all wore black pants with black boots/shoes, and then Red, Turquoise, or Yellow shirts depending on our position, with gold name badges. I was a red shirt ☺️ And we all wore ties. It wasn't blatantly a Star Trek uniform, but the same TNG/DS9-era color coding and gold badges were obvious to a fan like me. I'll see if I can dig up an old photo.

    Even our projectionists wore nice uniforms, they were Turquoise. 

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