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Posts posted by Starbuck66

  1. My daughter got this for Christmas a couple years back. We've played it quite a bit and love it! The only thing I hate is it seems like every time we go to play, there is some huge update that has to download. Great game though, and a nice mix of previously released Lego games and Skylanders.

  2. Console-wise I started with dedicated pong unit, and moved into the VCS on release day. Since then I owned practically every cartridge based system of the day. But I had always wanted an all-in-one system that'd play every game ever made. Today that is possible through a standard emulation box. And that means yes, despite it being virtual consoles.


    This enables me to sample and enjoy NeoGeo. Something I didn't like bitd, but do now.

    I would love to get into real Neo Geo, but it’s more expensive now than it was when it released! Emulation seems like the smart choice for that system.

  3. Yeah, I can understand that, but if I was the kid, I'd try to tell my mom that the whole point was to defeat the demons/Satan! :pow:

    You know, I think that’s what I told my mom when she saw me playing the game for the first time! I got it in a huge haul of carts from the video store next door after the owner just gave me all his Atari stuff. It worked!


    And Rick, I don’t think I could have got Satan’s Hollow to fly no matter the excuse... my mom would have tried burning it to make sure the demons were exorcised from it :-)

  4. Not quite to the big 4-0 yet, but rapidly approaching it. I noticed my thumb joint was quite sore after playing some 7800 Asteroids for 45 minutes or so the day after this past weekend. I remember playing the 2600 version for HOURS, sometimes most of a day when I was a kid, rolling the score and not feeling any pain the next day.

  5. Spikes Peak...Uggg




    Pair it with Artillery Duel on a Double Ender, and you have one of the worst 1-2 combinations in history :rofl:

    Isn’t that the version of Artillery Duel that doesn’t work on NTSC as well? Or was that the Chuck Norris double ender version?


    Spikes Peak is a game I want to like... but it’s extremely frustrating. I don’t think I despise it, but I definitely don’t play it much if at all. I have it on a double ender with Ghost Manor, and Ghost Manor gets much more play time, especially around Halloween.

  6. So NSG’s “Games that grew on you” thread, and this months high score challenge got me thinking and wondering what games out there are truly despised?


    I mentioned Ice Climber already in the HSC thread, but another game I absolutely won’t play is Sssnake. It has to be one of the worst 2600 games ever made. It embarrasses me to have it in my collection, it’s that bad! If it weren’t for the fact it completes my Data Age collection, I would probably get rid of it just to save shelf space.

  7. Tutankham on the 2600... when I first tried it, I thought it was frustrating and almost unfair. But for some reason, I kept coming back to it, and started to figure out how to progress and get better scores. Now it’s one of my go to 2600 games!


    Donkey Kong 3 on the NES is another one I didn’t enjoy at first, likely because it has so little in common with the first two games in the series. I think it was one of your video NSG covering the game that made me come back to it and try it again. Now I really enjoy it, not as much as DK or DKJr, but it’s still fun to play.

  8. I actually passed up a loose Pac Man at Retro Taku over in Detroit last month for 12 bucks for INTV... I wanted it, but was also trying to stay on a budget, and I didn’t think I’d play it much if I was being honest with myself. Looks like a fun port, but I’d probably fire us 7800 Ms Pac Man or NES Pac Man instead.

  9. This thread reminds me that I need to inventory my collection... I have most of the Atari and NES stuff in a spreadsheet, which has me at 236 Atari 2600 games and 104 NES games, but I think those need to be updated as well. I’m probably in the 50 range for both SNES and Genesis, a little over 20 7800 games, mid 20’s for the 5200, mid 30’s for the Intellivision and Colecovision, close to 30 for the N64... plus a bunch of GB, GBC, GBA, DS, and 3DS games, and all the Disc based stuff (PS1/DC - PS4/XBox One).


    I probably should use a web app or something like some others mentioned on this thread and elsewhere, it might make things simpler. I seem to end up with egg on my face more and more when I come home with a killer “deal” only to find it sitting there in my collection already. It helps me keep stuff for the junk box, but that’s about it.


    I need to do the same with my movies; I’ve got several duplicates now thanks to not having a good inventory and relying on my faulty memory!

  10. I might submit a score for this... if my daughter forces me to play it. I HATE this game... the jumping mechanics and where/how the characters land drives me nuts! Its like they have boat anchors in their asses! For whatever reason though, my daughter loves this game! I think partly because she thinks its fun, but the other part is probably how frustrated I get whenever I play this game :-)

  11. Its funny, I have lots of systems that I didn't own BITD, but I played them either at a console arcade next to my house, or at my friends and cousins houses on a constant basis.


    The only consoles I owned as a kid are:


    Atari 2600



    The consoles I own now that I never really played before are:



    Atari 5200

    Atari 7800



    The consoles I own now that I played a ton of when I was younger (pre-20) are:



    Sega Genesis



    Turbografx 16


    Dreamcast on up I've owned myself, although I usually don't buy them on release. The exception for that rule was the Wii, Wii U, and Switch. Wii I got launch day, Wii U and Switch I got within 3 months of release.


    My wife got me into the CV; she played it a lot when she was a kid because her folks left it at her grandparents house after they upgraded to the NES. Some of the best pre crash graphics and arcade ports are on this system, and I'm glad we have one now!


    SNES and Genesis were no brainers for me; I played these things almost every weekend. I had two cousins that had the Genesis, and my best friend owned a SNES and his stepbrother had a Genesis which we borrowed pretty much whenever we felt like it. The SNES we have is actually my wife's original one she got for Christmas in the 90's, yellowed case and all!


    I had played the Playstation a lot at same best friends house; he bought one shortly after it launched. My brother in law also had one, and I played it a lot while I was dating my wife.


    Another one of my best friends had the N64 at launch, and I was at his house playing it a lot, or there were times when he would let me borrow it for a week, usually when I was on school break. He had already graduated and was working full time, so he was cool with me playing it when I was off school. The N64 we have is also my wife's original one she received for Christmas in 1999.


    None of my friends had the Turbo, but the console arcade next door to my house did, and it was one of my favorite things to play, mainly because none of my friends or relatives had one. I played the heck out of Bonk's Adventure, Galaga 90, and Blazing Lasers.

  12. Well I didn’t end up getting my hands on a multicart, but I did manage to get several loose carts a few weeks back in Detroit for 2 dollars a piece. I also got a few in box games in the 4-10 dollar range. I believe this was the final game list I ended up with:


    Computer Golf


    Speedway/Spinout/Crypto Logic


    Invaders from Hyperspace

    Pick Axe Pete

    KC Munchkin

    Out of this world/Helicopter Rescue

    Alien Invaders Plus

    Armored Encounter / Subchase


    I gave it to my in-laws last night and they were excited! They played Pick Axe Pete for at least 30 minutes, then they popped in KC Munchkin for a while. I then played some UFO, Invaders from Hyperspace, and Armored Encounter/Sub Chase with my father in law. We had a blast! This system is pretty fun given its limitations, and I especially enjoyed the strategy involved in Invaders from Hyperspace. KC Munchkin is no slouch either; just because there aren’t as many dots as there are in Pac Man doesn’t make it easier!

  13. One thing that I thought was funny and had to Google was a scene where the airbag in his Firebird deploys. I was like airbags in an 80’s sports car? From what I could tell they only put airbags in the 90-92 models. Not a real timeline killer though... it’s possible he got the car in his early 20’s and just never let go, but you can see the intent of the show is to have Johnny firmly planted in the 80’s. Maybe he bought it in 89? Ahh details... they always seem to pop up in nostalgia shows.

  14. So has anyone checked out the new Cobra Kai series on Youtube Red yet? I'll admit, I binge watched all 10 episodes in a day, it was like one long Karate Kid movie! My only beef is that they ramped the sexual jokes and foul language way up from the originals, so my hope of watching this show with my daughter will have to be put on hold until she's a bit older. It's a shame too, because she loves the three original Karate Kid movies. I think you can watch the first two episodes without the Red subscription too, but if you haven't signed up for Red before you get the first month free, so if you like the first two episodes theoretically you can watch all 10 for free.


    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe9DTWmhhxeKyYHL4mldGcA - Series page


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