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Status Updates posted by HDN

  1. Happy Sunday, everyone! I'm craving kimchi, green olives, and Crystal Castles.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      What's kimchi?  I don't do olives of any color/flavor.  Nevermind.  I just Googled it.  Ew.  Salted and fermented veggies?  I'm out.  I'll stick with my Yakisoba Beef Teriyaki noodles.  To each their own.

    3. HDN


      Kimchi is amazing, though the process of making it is a little gross. My white Midwestern tongue cannot handle much of it at once, but I love it!

    4. RickR


      I like kimchi too.  It really can enhance some dishes. 

      We've got a place near my home that does Korean sandwiches.  It's so simple, yet can be so good.  A fresh baguette with Korean pork and small topping of Kimchi.  So good. 

  2. Who's all coming to the chat tonight? What should we talk about?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      I was thinking we'd just start at the normal time that's listed on the calendar. So... that would be 8pm for me and 6pm for you. 

      How have you been doing lately? I've not been having the best of times. My mom has been a pain. She's been very screamy. I keep trying to get my stuff back by doing what she wants but then she keeps changing what I have to do. "Get a hobby" she says, so I show her the poll. "Learn the ukulele" she says, so I learn to play a couple of chords and a few songs, like "Ram On" from McCartney's Ram album. "Learn a real instrument". Sometimes I feel like she hates me. I've woken up to her screaming for the past few days. It's hard, but at least I have my GBA and SNES. 

      Do you think I should maybe get a GBA game with my discount? I could get Namco Museum.

    3. RickR


      I'm sorry to hear about your mom.  Perhaps there's something else going on.  It's such a difficult time for many with the pandemic causing so much change and havoc.  I wish you both the best. 

      YOU must decide how to spend that discount!  Namco Museum is good in any format, but it's up to you! 


    4. RickR


      6pm has turned into dinner time here, so I will probably be late. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      This sucks a fair amount. I had hoped to play some O2 games multiplayer with my dad later. I mean, a lot of those games benefit from two players.

      At least this way I have something to look forward to when the actual system inevitably arrives. Still sucks though.

    3. RickR


      And some games use the "right" joystick for one player games, right?  Do those work?

    4. HDN


      You have an option to toggle between the two. I guess we can take turns.

      ”Here, Dad, you can play Spinout! for five seconds and then it’s my turn!”


  4. “Summer! It turns me upside down. SUMMER! It’s like a merry-go-round!” Every time i hear the word “summer”, I’ll always think of the song Magic by The Cars. My summer of 2017 was fueled by their greatest hit compilation. I listened to that thing on cassette 24/7 (this was back before my Walkman broke). Sadly, I never really listened to any of their actual albums and I still haven’t. I do have that greatest hit collection on CD nowadays, though. I ought to listen to that for a nostalgia trip soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      I would have to go with Ric, as most if not all of those songs on that cassette featured him on lead vocals. He had such a distinct voice.

      I almost picked up a Cars album once a few years ago at the record store, but decided against it for whatever reason. I’ll have to borrow some from the library or something and listen to more of their stuff sometime.

    3. RickR


      Interesting.  When I (and they) were young, I preferred Ric too.  But as I aged, Benjamin Orr is my favorite.  I remember being so sad and shocked when he passed away too young. Let's see...just from memory:  "Just What I Needed", "It's All I Can Do".  OK, I think I know what will be on my playlist this weekend. 

      There's no right/wrong answer.  They both are great. 

      I never did see The Cars live.  Maybe they were part of one of the big "Live Aid" shows?  But that was on TV, so doesn't count.  I'm glad you brought this up, as it's good to remember. 


    4. RickR


      If your library has some, you should.  These guys were one of the great bands that pulled New Wave music more into the mainstream. 


  5. What happened to the Squad Challenges? Is everything okay? I've noticed we haven't had one in months and I'm a little concerned. Is Justin okay?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      First things first! We don't mind. 

    3. RickR


      @HDN, all is fine, as far as I know.  But this is a reminder:  As in life in general, enjoy the good while it's there.  Take care of friends -- even just to say hello.  I think we all know full well that life is full of ups and downs.  People like you and me must keep the IO spirit alive while the boss is busy.


    4. DegasElite


      Thanks, Gianna, for telling us about Justin. We were concerned about him. :O)

  6. I have a confession to make. I splurged a little bit today. I decided to get something to celebrate my job thing, and something caught my eye. Metroid Fusion.

    I didn’t want to spend the $35 on it, but I decided that this was my money that I worked for and that I won’t make such impulse decisions in the future. I wasn’t sure when I would have seen this game again, and I know that I will get my money’s worth. I won’t be spending so much on a game in the future, and I will definitely make sure that I make up the money I spent and more before getting anything else.

    If you recall, this was my answer to what I wanted most for Christmas back in @nosweargamer’s last giveaway.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      I will! You ever play? I imagine that you at least HAVE it, seeing as you've said you're a Game Boy collector as well. 

      I think that many here at Atari.io would enjoy this game. Unlike the rest of the Metroid series, this game is more linear and skill-based.

      One of these days, I'll need to get me Metroid: Zero Mission as well. That one is very good, a bit more like the rest of the games, and even has the original Metroid built-in! It's a remake of the first game. I saw it at the store a few months back (pre-pandemic) and didn't buy it. I didn't want to make the same mistake here.

      Metroid games really hold their value and can be expensive today. They are generally some of the highest-regarded games on their respective systems. So far in the 2D series, I have Metroid on NES, Super Metroid on SNES, Samus Returns on 3DS, and now Fusion on GBA.

      As for Game Boy Advance in general, I'm looking to get the rest of the Super Mario Advance series (I have 1 and 3 currently), Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Mario vs. DK, Link to the Past, the Kirby games, WarioWare, and a few others.

    3. socrates63


      Very nice, Harry. You worked hard for your money, so enjoy.

    4. RickR


      I do not have that one, but I do have "Zero Mission" 

  7. Heh heh heh... I’m such a nerd.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      It’s also easier with a functioning R button! Back to square one I guess...

    3. RickR


      No R on your dsi?  I should give you the pink ds. It's fully functional. 

    4. HDN


      You are right about my DSi; no working R or L triggers. However, this is a DS Lite that I’m using here. This one has a broken touch screen (super unresponsive no matter how many times it is calibrated) and apparently R trigger as well.

      Thankfully, now that my DSi is hacked, I can remap the trigger buttons for GBA games to face buttons that work. Metroid Fusion won’t work on there, and the thing doesn’t have a GBA slot like the DS Lite does. Minor trade offs for the amazing hacked goodness my DSi now has in abundance.

  8. Defeat is at hand!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      You can print one out yourself now!

    3. RickR


      Yes I can!  I am limiting myself to weekends only for now.  Work gets the priority for now.  I also need to buy different color filaments. 

    4. RickR


      This guy also agrees that de feet is at hand. 


  9. THANK YOU, GRANDMA AND PAPA! For Christmas, they got me the brand new McCartney album! Haven’t listened to it yet, but I hope to soon!

    I now own both McCartney 1 and 3. I just need 2 now!

  10. I don’t know what brought it on, but today I really miss my grandfather. He could have still been here had he held on for just a few more days. I’m sorry for bothering anyone, I just felt like I needed to tell somebody.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      I’m sorry about your dad, @RickR. I’m certain he’s looking down on you as well. The deceased live on in our memories and the stories we share about them.

    3. HDN


      This will lighten the mood for us both. Unless you’re afraid of snakes.


    4. RickR


      The ragtime giant snake is hilarious! 

      Here's an oldie that I'll never get tired of.  A dude that sneezes into his trombone.



  11. HAPPY ATARIVERSARY! One year ago today, I finally got the system of my dreams after wanting one for years and years. I'm very happy to finally have these systems and I can't believe it's been a year already!

    I've gone a little cuckoo for Atari collecting these past 365 days. I've collected close to 100 Atari 2600 cartridges! I also have around 25 games for my 7800 (thanks to the site for convincing me to get that awesome system). Many of the games I've gotten from Atari.io. Special thanks to @RickR, @chas10e, @socrates63, @cjherr, and @Scott Stilphen (I really hope I'm not forgetting anybody). A lot of you sent me free games completely out of the blue, which you didn't need to do. I'm very grateful, and I'm trying to find a way to repay you.

    Some of my accomplishments thus far:

    I finally found in the wild (and bought) my favorite game, Tunnel Runner!

    I lucked in to getting Flag Capture and Adventure, which had been hard to find for me (thanks Young!)

    I revived a broken Atari 2600! It was super corroded and needed a good scrubbing.

    I gave games a second chance and grew to like them, like GORF and Dragster to name a few (thanks Rick for teaching me how to play Dragsterand Chas10e for sending me GORF out of the blue!)

    I got my first-ever CIB retro games (thanks Jon for saving your boxes from forty years ago, and thanks Young for sending Gravitar!)

    I have been working on building a decent collection of home arcade ports for my 2600. I'm proud of it so far! I hope to expand further in the future!

    I joined various Atari communities, including this one (especially this one)!

    I wrote in to an Atari podcast! (thanks @fergojisan for putting up with me)

    I got an Atari 7800 as well! (thanks to CJ for sending me so many games! Some were pretty rare and it was very kind of you to do that!)

    I participated in many Atari-related challenges here at Atari.io! (thanks @Justin for setting them up, and thanks Rick for trading me Galaxian for one of said challenges!)

    I hacked my DSi, so for the first time I can play all the Atari 2600 I want WHEREVER I want!

    I taught myself how to fix controllers because I was a cheapskate with the Atari and didn't want to buy new controllers! I also know new methods of cleaning games and systems.

    After wanting to do it for some time but not having the equipment to do so, I finally starting making gaming videos, including Atari videos! I hope to shoot Atari Night ep. 2: 7800 games, soon! There have been a few delays this weekend.

    I started a blog!

    I discovered some great new gaming channels on YouTube with lots of Atari content, like @nosweargamer and @Atari Creep! (I already knew about @Willie!)

    But, most importantly, I made a lot of new retro gaming friends along the way! People who will listen to my silly rants about games from before my time and talk about it with me. Seriously, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! THANK YOU ALL!

    My Atari journey is far from over. What do I hope to accomplish on year two? Here are just a few select things.

    Complete my Atari 2600 and 7800 Nintendo subsets. I love Nintendo, and I'm really close to having all of their games for my 2600 and 7800! All I need is Donkey Kong Junior on the 2600 and Mario Brothers on the 7800. Should be easy! I just have to keep my eyes peeled.

    Collect more home arcade ports!

    Maybe get some homebrews? If I can afford it, that is!

    Build a real arcade-style controller? I know I've wanted to for some time now.

    Give one of my 2600s back to its original owner! I have wanted to do this pretty much since I got my first two 2600s, but with the pandemic I haven't been able to visit Jon and give it back. I have been slowly collecting parts like adapters and controllers for him, and I plan on buying some games from somebody here for him. He said that he would maybe like it back someday, just not with the pandemic. I think that it'll be safe to return it before March 1st of 2022.

    Get some keypad controllers, and games to go with it! I only have a video touch pad now.

    Keep on collecting!

    Really, thank you all for being there. This has been a fun journey to go on, and I'm happy to have people willing to join me. You're the best, all of you.

    Take care and best wishes,

    Harrison D. N.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RickR


      It's incredible how easy it can be to collect the old stuff if one sets their mind to it.  Very good job. 

      Speaking for myself only, I find it really nice to see others starting the journey.  I'm one of those oldsters that rarely finds anything "new" to buy.  Homebrews are a good way to keep going.  But then again, I'd rather have fun playing old favorites.  Keep on telling us about it.  I find it fun to talk to you about it. 


    3. HDN


      Well, if you want me to keep on talking about it I will!

      So far I have collected 91 Atari 2600 cartridges. I'd say around 50 of those didn't cost me anything (so either they came with the Atari or were gifts for birthday, Christmas, no reason), even more if you count the ones I got with my $5 discount. Most of the remaining 41-odd games were dirt cheap. About $1-5. Only two were above five bucks: Tunnel Runner and Mario Brothers. Both worth it in my opinion.

      It may sound like I'm foolish with my money, but really I'm not THAT bad. A lot of that which I spent on those games was Christmas/birthday money, and I feel it was worth it. With my job now, I save 80% of my earnings for college and other future expenses and I save the other 20% for HDN-things like Atari. For every game I buy, I stop and think, "is it worth it?" That's why I don't have Math Gran Prix or Sprintmaster. I'm only getting the things I want (and if the price is decent).

      The rarest game I have for my VCS (according to the AA rarity guide) is Private Eye. I kind of hate that game. Anyways, I'm not sure how accurate that is. I've seen a lot more Private Eyes out in the wild than Tunnel Runner. The only Tunnel Runner I've seen in the wild is the one I bought, and I don't think that should be the same rarity as Mario Brothers, which the game store has about 15 copies of at all times. 

      On the "professional" side of things, my 7800 now has 25 games under its belt. However, I only bought 3 of them myself. PPII came with the system, I got One on One with my discount, and the game store just gave me Karateka. The only games I got were from chas10e: Food Fight, Xevious, and Galaga. The other 19 games were gifts. 18 of them were from cjherr, which was very nice of him. And one of the games, a homebrew, was from Young! Thank you guys!

      The 7800 is also the home of my first ever duplicates for a home console. Cjherr also sent me two Xeviouses, PPII, and another Galaga. I want to give them away but I haven't been able to. The only one I have successfully given away was the PPII.

      The rarest 7800 game I (according to the guide on AA) is Rampage, scoring a 5 just like Private Eye. HOWEVER, the most valuable 7800 game I have is Commando. It's a great game, and I'd highly recommend it if if wasn't, like, $70.

    4. Willie!
  12. Some guy came into work after we closed and started filming me 😞

    1. socrates63


      Why? And how did he get in when you were closed?

    2. HDN


      We had forgotten to lock the door and turn off the sign 

    3. socrates63


      Whelp, glad it sounds like nothing bad happened outside of the creepiness factor

  13. I don’t care what anyone thinks of me but as far as I am concerned now is an appropriate time to put up Christmas decorations.

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I usually do that after Halloween.  And I listen to Christmas music throughout the year.

    2. RickR
    3. socrates63


      I just got new outdoor Christmas lights installed. I upgraded to LED bulbs, so I should be able to leave them on for longer periods and not see a big bump in the electricity bill. I haven't turned them on yet though. I'll probably turn them on in a week or two.

  14. I noticed this a few months ago, but suddenly Sears Haunted House carts CIB started going for well over $100. It’s gone down a bit, but I think it’s still around that mark.

    1. RickR


      Maybe it's because Sears itself is now a haunted house.  You can hear the ghosts of Kenmore and Craftsmen. 


    2. HDN


      Some say you can still hear K-Mart’s footsteps in the aisles in the dead of night…

    3. RickR


      "Diehard" batteries were a lie. 

  15. Listeners of the Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast may know that the 200th episode was released the other day. There were a few contests and giveaways from different people to mark the occasion, and I was fortunate enough to win one of them. My prize? A beautiful 2600 Unocart. You all have no idea how amazing this is! Now I can play ALL my 2600 games on original hardware! To a broke teenager like myself, this is amazing. I'm very fortunate. Thanks to Doug for hosting the giveaway, and congrats to the two other winners!

    1. RickR


      That is awesome!  Congrats.  The UnoCart is really good, and I'm sure you're going to love it.  And Doug Venner is a really great and nice person.  Make sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel.  I like his videos a lot, and he deserves a lot more subscribers. 

      Tip:  Get the Rom Hunter pack of roms here:  http://www.atarimania.com/rom_collection_archive_atari_2600_roms.html

      I'm sure you already have them all, but this pack is special because they are pre-arranged in logical folders and will be usable on the UnoCart (or Harmony) just by unzipping to an SD card. 



    2. HDN


      I’m already subscribed! You’re right though, he has some very good videos there.

      What’s all in the Rom Hunter pack? Just released games or home brews as well?


    3. RickR


      I don't think there are any homebrews, but it's the entire 2600 commercial library in both raw and arranged forms. 


  16. Wish me luck on this Starmaster contest I'm a part of. If I win, I might be able to win the first ever USED copy of Circus Convoy. So far in I'm in the lead, but it's anyone's game with two days left. Knock on wood.

    1. RickR
    2. HDN


      I'm playing 2600 Star Raiders right now when I should be practicing! I've never really played this in the year I've owned it.

    3. nosweargamer


      Wow, someone us already getting rid of a copy. Crazy 😀

  17. Today I ordered a whole THIRTEEN Atari VCS cartridges from @Scott Stilphen of Atari Compendium fame. What a great deal— all these games for less than $25.00! I’m looking forward to sharing these games with you all when they arrive. Some of these games I ought to have gotten a long time ago.

    1. socrates63


      Awesome -- looking forward to seeing what you've added to your collection.

      I'll also encourage you to save up and buy a Harmony cart for the 2600 or Concerto for the 7800 so you can play homebrew rom files.

    2. RickR


      Scott's a good dude and a fine seller.  Enjoy your games. 


    3. HDN


      Glad you’re looking forward to it. I call myself an Atari fan, yet for nearly a year I haven’t owned some of these for my system!

      Maybe I should get a Harmony cart someday.

  18. Something amazing happened. I found an RPG that I actually like!

    1. DegasElite


      If it's in the Phantasy Star series, that is a great JRPG. Which one, anyway?

    2. HDN


      No, not Phantasy Star. I tried PS 2 and 3 on Genesis and didn’t much care for them.

      This game is Final Fantasy Legend, on Game Boy. It’s really interesting, straightforward, not too cryptic, and has some mechanics that go well with my playstyle.

    3. DegasElite


      The Final Fantasy series is pretty good, too. I beat the original NES Final Fantasy in a year. Interesting JRPG. :O)

  19. Here is a shirt that I got for Christmas. Brownie points to anyone who gets the reference. This shirt says my dad all over it.


    1. socrates63


      I had to look it up.

      What's the connection with your dad?

    2. HDN


      It’s just that this shirt is very on-brand for him to get me. 

    3. RickR
  20. For some reason, I still don’t have Super Breakout. Part of the reason is that I have OG Breakout on 2600 and Super doesn’t look like much of an improvement. I know many people like this game much better than the original, but is it even that much of an improvement? Would it be worth a pickup?

    1. socrates63


      Just for you, Harry, I spent a few minutes with Breakout for the first time 😄 To answer your question, yes, Super Breakout is totally worth picking up. Both in graphics and sound, it's a noticeable improvement over Breakout. The ball physics seem a bit more natural as well. It's a cheap common game and totally deserves to be added to your library.

    2. RickR


      It's worth it for the multi-ball/cavity variations alone. 


    3. HDN


      I think I'll give it a shot. Rick PM'ed me a few hours back and has a spare. I think I'll buy myself that along with a few others come next year. Thanks, Rick!

      In the meantime, my paddles will be used for regular Breakout! I'm glad I have the picture label of this game. While I typically prefer the text labels, this one will perfectly match Super Breakout. 

  21. For Christmas a few years ago, my parents got me a VR headset for your phone. Unfortunately, until last month I didn’t have a phone that supported it. I found it in my closet and am now enjoying it with the YouTube app. I relived  the Simpsons sketch “Steamed Hams” from Chalmers’ point of view. I dove under the ocean and flew in a plane. I took a tour of Titanic. And now, I am binging Atari Archive, and it seems like I am watching it in a movie theater or planetarium or something. It’s great!

    1. RickR


      I have one of those too, but I've never tried it.  You think you could give me a quick "how-to" set of steps?  I assume you must load an app and then what?  Just the plain youtube app?  But what do you do to get the 3d effect?  I'm lost!

    2. HDN


      There is supposed to be an app for the headset, but I don’t know what it is and haven’t gotten it. My headset is basically plastic with a tray for a phone.

      On the YouTube app, click the 3 little dots and then “watch in VR”. Then I just slide it back into the headset. Tada!

      So no, you don’t need a specific app. But, it’s an option.

    3. RickR


      That is helpful.  I'll give it a try very soon.  Thank you!


  22. Thank you all so much for 1,000+ reputation points! I am very grateful for your hospitality to a noob like myself. 
    Another thing— my planned giveaway will have to be pushed back a little bit. Hope no one is too upset about that.

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      You call yourself a noon but you have more knowledge about the "retro" games than most people in my own generation.  I think that classifies you as a veteran gamer 😉

    2. RickR


      Noob only to this board (but not any more).  You've got a lot of good and fun knowledge of the old games, and that's so cool. 

      Next stop...2,000.   

    3. socrates63


      👍 🎉 Woot! Reputation milestone!  You know more about retro games than I do, so if you're a noob, what does that make me? 

  23. I know how to play "What's Up" on guitar now. Hopefully that's 7800-worthy. Some games are arriving and a couple days and I'm excited for them.

  24. My sister, grandparents, and I did some Christmas cookie decorating. Can you guess the characters?



    1. Sabertooth


      What fun! I loved baking Christmas cookies with my Grandma as a kid and my daughter when she was younger. 

      I see Mario, Pac-Man, Blinky, the Super Star, and what I think is a Samus Aran. 

    2. HDN


      That is correct!

      I'm not an artist, and some of the better-decorated cookies were my sister's. These are pre-cut cookies, so I think if I had some better ways of applying frosting (like one of those frosting bag things) I think they could look better. 

      So yes, that's Gingerbread Man Samus and Mario. I used a tableknife to carve the metroid, Pac-Man, and Blinky. I think next year I will cut the cookies BEFORE they are baked. But I still think they look nice. Christmas cookies needn't be fancy. They're all going to the same place!

  25. I'm happy to report that, even though I still don't have my stuff back, my mom and I have been getting along much better these past few days.

    1. RickR


      Good.  Keep up the good work.


    2. socrates63


      That's great news, Harry!

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