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Everything posted by RickR

  1. In all my years of Atari, this is one of those things I never knew. Dandy! I'm hoping to learn a lot more about it.
  2. Sorry for the delay. We missed a night due to having to work late. The goal is for me and Mrs. R to finish the last two before this weekend, time permitting.
  3. S2,E8 - Under the Cloak of War. VERY intense. You guys were right about the shift in tone.
  4. VS is a great choice! I see one on ebay for $110 used (free shipping). You might also save a search on Ebay and you'll see any deals in a daily email. Reach out if you need help with ebay searching
  5. Iron Soldier is probably my favorite Jag game so far. It's a lot of fun and the controls are easy to get the hang of. Plus, it's one of those games that is easy to find inexpensively on ebay, although I have no idea why this is the case.
  6. Maybe we should start a "favorite antacids" topic 🙂
  7. YES! This is exactly the type of thing I was hoping for. I'll try this next time we have leftover pizza. I usually put it on a pizza pan, stick it in the oven at 200 for 20 minutes, and it comes out pretty good!
  8. I can't do that any more. My mind says yes but my digestive tract says HEYYYYL NAW!
  9. Lunches at home. It can get really boring. And also, who has time for anything fancy? So I thought I'd share some really simple recipes as I find them that are a cut above the old standard PB&J or a hot dog. Share any you have too! First up is a recipe for quesadilla. I don't know about you, but I've been doing it wrong. The addition of butter (I use margarine) and a cast iron skillet gives it that smoky crunch that takes it up a notch.
  10. I'm with you on this. It's gotta be something really worth watching to get 30 minutes of my time.
  11. I agree with all that. But even non-Amico related. Bring up the VCS or even the unreleased Atari 2600+, and the trolls will list a ton of ridiculous reasons to hate on it. I just don't get it. Don't like it? Don't buy it. But tearing it down is nerds feeding upon themselves. Why would anyone want to release anything new to this audience of sharks?
  12. The word "DESTROYED" is a click-bait trigger, no? Anyway, I clicked the "thumbs down" dislike and moved on.
  13. Very poetic! Q: Why are there STILL VCS trolls? It's been out and reasonably successful for a couple of years now. Can't they just move on and leave it alone if they don't like it?
  14. Best wishes to those in Florida that may be impacted by the upcoming Idalia.  🤞

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Justin


      It's starting to come down pretty hard right now. We're getting the outer bands of it as it approaches shore, which shouldn't hit us until morning. This won't be a direct hit for us unless it moves lower but we'll still get hit with some of it. I think @TrekMD and everybody on that side should be okay 🙂 

    3. Justin


      Everything here is pretty good! Lots of wind and rain but nothing damaging.

    4. Jinroh


      Glad you guys made it ok. 🙂

  15. I agree on all counts. Like I said, we've plowed through season 2, which is not usual for us. My wife and I agree this is one thousand times better than the slog of Andor (which we watched prior to this).
  16. PS - Here is a nice high-res poster if anyone wants to print their own.
  17. S2-E7 Crossover! I won't say anything to ruin the timeline except this was AWESOME!
  18. New folks are ALWAYS welcome! Join in the fun. Refer to the house rules or ask questions if you need any help.
  19. I've been thinking about this. Controlling Karateka without a keyboard is going to be tough no matter what. But here's what I'd do for the 7800 pro-line joystick: Move left - left button Move right - right button Fight stance vs run stance - both buttons at same time Joystick right (include diagonals) = kick high/med/low Joystick left (include diagonals) = punch high/med/low Bow (leave it out of the game completely) The advantage of this control scheme is that you can move and attack at the same time, just like keyboard controls allow.
  20. Welcome Andrea! I very much appreciate this game and I will try to post any other games or updates you have here. Very nice to have you here on Atari.io too.
  21. Am I wrong for thinking this could easily pass as a modern electric car design?
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