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  1. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Starbuck66 in Retropie on the Pi 1   
    Do it!  We'd love to see. 
  2. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    I'm thankful for all the cool things I've learned, the good laughs with friends, new friends, the sharing, the giving.  Mostly for the feeling of belonging with people who share the hobby.
    THANKS, you turkeys!
  3. Like
    RickR reacted to Greyfox in Retropie on the Pi 1   
    I've no capture card, I'd need an Elegato capture card to do it successfully , so until I get one, I might cosier sticking a digital slr in front of the screen.
  4. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari Creep in Amstrad GX4000   
    So I came across this bad boy tonight in a Tweet. Looked it up because I thought the console looked interested. I have heard of Amstrad but seeing I am in the states I do not have much knowledge of them. This console however caught my eye!!!!! I think I am in love.   haha
    Anyone on here have any experience with the GX4000? I would love to know what one of you know first hand and what you think of the unit. From what little I know, it is hard to get your hands on one. I guess they did not selling well due to lack of advertising. The games are expensive but I think I still want one! The console is sexy and the games look nice. Reminds me of a Snow Speeder from Empire Strikes Back. HAHA
    Thanks guys!!!   

  5. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Greyfox in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    I'm thankful for all the cool things I've learned, the good laughs with friends, new friends, the sharing, the giving.  Mostly for the feeling of belonging with people who share the hobby.
    THANKS, you turkeys!
  6. Like
    RickR reacted to jmjustin6 in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    Im thinking for the new friends and the new knowledge on game systems ive never heard of and hiw to fix and clean these old game systems
    I am especially thankful for the friendliness of all of yall. I have been on other places and when people talk about a game system ive never heard ofthey have called me stupid (and other words) for not knowing about it. I feel yall would never do that
  7. Like
    RickR got a reaction from The Professor in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    I'm thankful for all the cool things I've learned, the good laughs with friends, new friends, the sharing, the giving.  Mostly for the feeling of belonging with people who share the hobby.
    THANKS, you turkeys!
  8. Like
    RickR reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    For me it's not about Atari or the games...it's about the friends and family that Atari, and gaming in general, have allowed to come together as one and sharing similar interests for a hobby that is like no other.  The people gathering around to enjoy games, even for just a few minutes, is what Atari was really about.  Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for a bountiful harvest for everyone to enjoy.  Similarly, Atari is about family and friends enjoying a good game either with each other or against each other.  Either way, we all live to see another day once the game battle is done.  I really wish that the rest of the world would settle their differences in a game competition instead of with real-life violence.  
    I give thanks for the fact that I am still living to enjoy another day doing whatever the days bring.  Life is too short and it doesn't hurt a thing to stop what you are doing, slow down, and take a moment to enjoy the friends and family around you that love you and who love you in return.  With that being said I am thankful for all of my family that continue to put up with me daily, all of my friends here at Atari.IO and elsewhere (you know who you are) for all of the positive feelings and passion for everything Atari and more, and for Atari who made home video games an industry that is here to stay.  If it wasn't for Atari and video games I would not have the good memories I have of my family members and friends.  I'm not saying that I wouldn't have good memories of other things but those I do have were made while involving a parent in my world which just happened to be video games.  I can never be thankful enough for those times and for those who fed and kept my hobby alive and well.
    All of my Atari friends are the best any one could ever ask for.  I am very thankful to have you all a part of my life even if it is just words on a computer screen.  You guys are awesome!  Enjoy this time with family and friends and for those who are traveling I wish you safe travels and safe return.  Not meaning to offend anyone but may God bless everyone of us while we fatten our guts while being surrounded by those we love.  
    Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
  9. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    I'm thankful for all the cool things I've learned, the good laughs with friends, new friends, the sharing, the giving.  Mostly for the feeling of belonging with people who share the hobby.
    THANKS, you turkeys!
  10. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    Thankful for new pals, great trades, and a community sans drama.   That means more than you could possibly imagine!
  11. Like
    RickR reacted to The Professor in Giving Thanks: What does it mean to you to be part of this community?   
    There are many holidays that we celebrate without giving much thought to. We have the day off, we go stand in line to shop or go to the movies. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that I like to think about the true meaning of when it comes time to celebrate, and what it means to me. On Thanksgiving Day I'm usually around the people and situations that I'm giving thanks for. My family and friends. The wonderful food I get to eat, and the life I live. That got me thinking about all the wonderful friends I've made in the forums, and the "family" that I don't get to see, except for in here. It made me reflective about how thankful I am for these forums, the "Atari I/O Fam", and the past couple years of experiences that have come with it.  So I wonder...
    What does it mean to you to be part of this community?
    For me it's meant: 
    Exploring in my hobby in a deeply enriching way.
      To me it's meant being part of something that's a little new and a little different, attempting to pioneer new and creative ways to meet up here every night and include Atari and classic gaming into our lives.
      It's meant Atari Day, High Score Squad, our old Trivia Nights and celebrating Howard Scott Warshaw Day with a round of Insane Yars' Revenge.
      Being part of a movement to make things better through small actions.
      And in my role as a Moderator I've been fortunate in shaping small elements of this website, and hopefully impacted the way you enjoy your hobby as well.
      Most of all it's meant witnessing a new community form out of nothing and come together in ways that feel like we have a genuine bond with each other.  
      Today I am thankful for having all of you as such a nice part of my life.
  12. Like
    RickR reacted to Rowsdower70 in Free Games thread   

    Ubisoft has started 30 days of giveaways.   Check every day for a new  free game!
  13. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in custom Atari VCS/2600 lamps   
    Very enlightening. 
  14. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Mr SQL in A View of the RickR Sanctum   
    Playing some TI 99/4A tonight.  It has some great games, and I love the speech module. 

  15. Like
    RickR reacted to Scott Stilphen in custom Atari VCS/2600 lamps   
    Currently have an Asteroids.  Price is $100 shipped.  PM me if interested, thanks.

  16. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Justin in Happy Birthday Justin! Woo Hoo!   
    C'mon guys....you aren't late!  Birthdays last the whole week!  Who's with me on this? 
  17. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in A View of the RickR Sanctum   
    Playing some TI 99/4A tonight.  It has some great games, and I love the speech module. 

  18. Like
    RickR got a reaction from jmjustin6 in A View of the RickR Sanctum   
    Playing some TI 99/4A tonight.  It has some great games, and I love the speech module. 

  19. Like
    RickR got a reaction from socrates63 in A View of the RickR Sanctum   
    5200 and 7800 boxed games:


    Defender on Intellivision looks great.

  20. Like
    RickR reacted to Ballblaɀer in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    From a trade with Starbuck66:

    5 carts in real nice condition, including the Atari Corp controller-info-omitted Sky Diver.  Much appreciated!  With that one crossed off my list, I'm down to eight more carts with no controller info wanted...
    I hear you wondering: "Why did I ask for a copy of ET?"  Well, wonder no more... it's a label variant.  (Of course it is! )

    The most common version is on the left.  The one that Starbuck66 sent me, while not exactly *rare*, is less common.  The most obvious difference is the size and number of diamonds on the spaceship in the background.
    Thanks again!
  21. Like
    RickR reacted to Scott Stilphen in What are the real facts behind Pac-Man’s 2600 development?   
    I wrote an article about this years before that book came out, where I detailed the history of when the monsters in Pac-Man became ghosts.  Here's a copy of the article:
    The authors of that book took issue with it because it didn't jive with their pre-conceived assumptions.
    Yes, yes they are.  But more than that, their book is full of incorrect information, which I mentioned a few examples of in my article.
  22. Like
    RickR got a reaction from greenween in Vote For My Next Atari Day Review For 12-26-16   
    I love voting on these!
    I went Empire Strikes Back.  It's always been one of my favorite 2600 games.  It really captures the spirit of the Hoth attack from the movie.  Just really well done, and I'd love to see what you think.  This is also the case where the 2600 version is better than any other version for other systems. 
  23. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Atari ST, the misunderstood computer?   
    Don't get me wrong....I love reading your research.  Very interesting indeed. 
  24. Like
    RickR got a reaction from Lost Dragon in Atari ST, the misunderstood computer?   
    I don't know if this is the proper place to mention my own feeling....but here goes.
    At the heydey of Amiga/ST computers, I was sadly not involved in either.  I was in college at the time, and had just upgraded from an Atari 8-bit to a PC.  It wasn't until I started collecting that I finally got an ST.  And I will say it was impressive at first.  But one thing I noticed almost immediately is that gaming was very similar to (but more limited in some ways -- control for example) to the Sega Genesis/SNES consoles.  So as a collector, I kind of lost interest too quickly in the ST.  Genesis gaming is easier has more choices. 
    I guess the point of my post is kind of an exploration of why the ST just doesn't hold a huge interest to me personally.  No nostalgia since I didn't own one at the time, and just so-so collecting, since there are other systems that have the same games.  I've gone back and forth about selling the ST stuff I have, and I think that will happen very soon. 
    The PC became the de-facto standard for computing, but that's a much bigger topic. 
  25. Like
    RickR got a reaction from nosweargamer in Vote For My Next Atari Day Review For 12-26-16   
    I love voting on these!
    I went Empire Strikes Back.  It's always been one of my favorite 2600 games.  It really captures the spirit of the Hoth attack from the movie.  Just really well done, and I'd love to see what you think.  This is also the case where the 2600 version is better than any other version for other systems. 
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