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Everything posted by Sabertooth

  1. 405,150 Third play. I had one planet left on the second cluster. Here are some hints for the few playing: - Take your time to find all of the pods. Finding more pods than you need to open the portal gives big bonus points. -If you collect all the pods and fly through a blue gate - only in some levels - you'll go to a timed bonus round to resupply and get extra points. -Take out the enemy radar stations. This freezes flying enemies. Once they are frozen, pick them off for big points. -Cruise missiles are effective of "Jokers" and the "Headhunter" That's all I have now. I don't know if I'll get another play in. This one took a while. Good luck everyone! I hope more people follow Rick's lead and try out the Phoenix emulator.
  2. Scored a Concerto cart for the 7800 last night! It's been hard to snag one of these things. Woot! 

    1. MaximumRD


      Congrats ! That's awesome! 😮😎🤘

    2. RickR


      I got one too about a week ago...but it has yet to arrive.  Exciting! 


  3. 103,250 Second play. Cleared the first planets and hit a wall on the hilariously named "Headhunter." I have to remember how to beat him.
  4. @RickR 1008 is the default starting code. I think 1001 is a typo.
  5. I've always wanted to do a retro themed tree. The last few years I've traveled back home so I didn't even decorate. This year with COVID that was out so I decided to grab scissors, some glue and poster board and make a PAC tree in honor of the 40 year anniversary of the original game! The tree is 7.5-8' tall and I have about 50 pac characters from the games and other media. I bought foam balls and spray paint from the craft store for the blue and yellow balls and made the garland from construction paper. I'm pretty happy with the results!
  6. Of course, I had a Coleco Gemini. It came with both Donkey Kong and Mouse Trap as pack-in titles. I would argue that wins the pack-in contest for 2600 compatible systems.
  7. Definitely Air Sea Battle (Target Fun). As much as I love Combat, Air Sea Battle is among my favorite early 2600 titles. I had a lot of fun with that as a kid!
  8. I decided to make my own ornaments this year. Glue sticks, poster board, spray paint, foam balls and construction paper. Any guesses on the theme based on this photo? 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sabertooth


      Progress pic on the PAC tree. 



    3. RickR


      Well done!  Those are pretty sweet.

    4. Sabertooth


      Thanks, Rick! I've always wanted to do a retro tree. Pacman seemed like a good choice for the 40th anniversary.

  9. These Evercade Lynx collections are fantastic. Aside from the lack of a Comlynx port, the games play flawlessly and look great. The screen is big and bright and they included some real heavy hitters, including California Games, Checkered Flag, Blue Lightning and Chip's Challenge. At a fraction of the cost of a McWill modded Lynx and 25 carts this is great way to experience these games! 


    1. socrates63


      Good to know! I'd like a McWill Lynx but the price is 😮 Maybe I'll dabble in Evercade and its Lynx games instead.

    2. Sabertooth


      I've really enjoyed the Evercade. The collections so far have been pretty good, the screen is nice and HDMI out is a great touch. Also, having the collections on carts is fun and unique for an emulation system. I'm hoping they do a console version that takes the same software. 

  10. @RickR, if you haven't already, try Phoenix or Virtual Jaguar. Both should be compatible with Cybermorph. @Justin I am pumped to finally see the Jaguar represented in the challenge! I guess it's only natural for the first game to be Cybermorph. I hope those of you that have the ability to do so, choose to try out some of the few emulators that do run Jag. I'll definitely be posting a score to this one!
  11. @btbfilms76 - Since these are 7800 paddle controllers, I'm going to go with the 7800 homebrew brick breaker Crazy Brix by Bob DeCrescenzo.
  12. Thanks everyone! I can't believe I won and I can't wait to try out these awesome looking paddles! And thanks so much to @btbfilms76, @Justin and @Video 61 for putting on such a cool giveaway. It was a ton of fun and great to see so many new folks on the forum and HSC! 🙌
  13. The lead for this project, BJ West, still has various builds for sale. http://www.bjwest.com/BIWN/ In an interview with Arcade Attack, West indicates that the game was 50-70% complete. https://www.arcadeattack.co.uk/bj-west/
  14. A good run (90) and a stellar career. He did a lot of great work but my favorite was his role as Dr. Jones Sr. in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade. The interplay between he and Harrison Ford is just fantastic.
  15. 7845. Now that I've played on OG hardware instead of the Retron 77, I can confirm that it's not the emulator; I just suck. 🤣 I consistently get to the dot/donut holes and die. Going to switch the difficulty to B so I can feel better about myself. LOL. Seriously though, Demon Attack is as fun as ever and I'm so impressed with the scores that you all are putting up. Great job everyone!
  16. I feel "deep retro" at the moment. Listening to the Cars debut record with turntable through the Atari Video Music while giving Demon Attack one more go on a 4-switch Sears Video Arcade and CRT. #deepretro #innovativeleisure


    1. Sabertooth


      P.S. In my humble opinion, The Cars 1979 eponymous debut is as close to a perfect record as exists in rock music. 

    2. Justin


      Oh man, super cool post. You've definitely got that Atari swagger.

  17. Also, that is a sweet guitar @RickR! I'm think of grabbing one of the new Harmony Silhouette models which is reminiscent of the old Silvertone (and Harmony) department store guitars.
  18. Happy Atari Day everyone! I got in some Qix on the 5200 just after work. A very unique game for the time.
  19. Anyone else playing Star Wars: Squadrons? I'm flying a freaking TIE in 3D space. 



    1. RickR
    2. HDN


      Never heard of it, but it looks cool. It’s crazy how far 3D Star Wars games have come since Star Wars Arcade.

      Speaking of which, that would make a really cool VR game.

    3. socrates63


      Looks gorgeous 👍 I've seen a couple of YouTube videos, and it looks like an awesome Star Wars game.

  20. @vaxick I think that games like Skyhammer, Battlesphere and IS2 come pretty close to squeezing everything they could from the cat. Of course, I'd love to see something come out and wow us but at this point the difference between BSG and something on the PS1 or Saturn is very slight. If only Atari/Flare had been more developer focused in their design approach. It would have paid dividends to have partnered with a top tier development house during the design of the hardware. But they weren't game degners; they were hardware guys.
  21. Mark Cerny also did Marble Madness while at Atari Games. He was only 18! Dude is a genius. And I went for Sony after Sega left the hardware business so I'm a big fan. P.S. the Atari Games era - which Marble Madness kicked off - doesn't get the love it deserves. There were so many great arcade games that came out of that shop post-Atari Inc. also, the Tengen carts for NES.
  22. @socrates63 - GCC (General Computer Corporation) were the MIT geniuses behind Ms. Pac-Man. Atari famously sued them for their Missile Command upgrade kit but in a stroke of brilliance, settled with GCC and co-opted them - putting them under contract for Atari. They made some of the best games on the 2600 - all published by Atari. They also designed the 7800, and the 1984 launch titles and the arcade game Food Fight.
  23. 6,365 for a start. I love Demon Attack but I've never been great at it. Imagic were the second group of Atari wizkids to go it alone after the exodus of the Activision crew. As a development house, they are just behind Activision and GCC in terms of quality output. Plus those boxes!!!
  24. Great job everyone! I really liked this one. It was great to see so much participation. See you all in the next one!
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