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Posts posted by DeLorean

  1. Imagine if that were a built in feature of the Jaguar!!!


    That image and thought makes my heart skip a beat. Thankfully we can almost do that now with the exception of connecting external controllers.

    Yep! You're right. Those McWill Lynx mods are super duper! It's like 80% there already. I wonder what more it would take to add a controller port or build a docking station like in Justin's picture...

  2. OK time's up! Put your joysticks down everybody!  :atari_2600_joystick:  :atari_2600_joystick:


    :martini: CONGRATS MIGHTYMATTD WHO SCORED 167,248!!!  :martini: 


    All of you posted scores that were pretty close and enjoyed a great game! This was a lot of fun I hope we can do this again next year for Howard Scott Warshaw Day! Thank you to RickR, greenween, MightyMattD and chas10e for showing up, having a fun time and making this a really fun event  :yars_revenge:


    See you back here next year for our next HSW High Score Challenge!  :Howard_Scott_Warshaw:

  3. awc_text_hss_squad_challenge.gif


    Yars' Revenge
    Atari 2600
    Controller: PLAYER'S CHOICE
    Difficulty Level: GAME 6 - ULTIMATE YARS

    Achieve high score to win challenge
    Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK! 
    Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016






    Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved on Howard Scott Warshaw Day, July 30th, 2016! Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the HSW Day competition is the victor.

    Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

    Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware, dedicated console, or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

    Difficulty Level: ULTIMATE YARS: GAME 6 - Ultimate Yars features a bouncing Zorlon Cannon, plus some unusual twists that distinguish it from the other Yar games. First, you must bounce the Yar against the left side of the screen to make the Zorlon Cannon appear. Also, to make the cannon appear, you need five TRONS. TRONS are units of energy which you can collect at the following rate:


    1. Eat a cell from the shield: 1 TRON
    2. Touch the Qotile: 2 TRONS
    3. Catch a Zorlon Cannon shot after it bounces off the shield: 4 TRONS


    If a Yar bounces on the left side with less than five TRONS, it will not get a shot, but it won't lose the TRONS it has either. (Each time a Yar is destroyed, it loses its TRONS). Each Yar has a capacity of 255 TRONS. If a Yar tries to take on more than that, it will short out and the Yar will lose all its TRONS. The count of TRONS is not displayed on the screen. Yar scouts understand the count instinctively. 

    Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.

    More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 

    HAPPY HOWARD SCOTT WARSHAW DAY 2016! For our 14th Squad Challenge we're doing something fun to celebrate HSW! Yars' Revenge is one of the best original Atari 2600 games. Today we're playing the highest difficulty setting, GAME 6: ULTIMATE YARS!


    Remember this is for "nerd cred" and meant to be a fun celebration of Howard Scott Warshaw! You have until 11:59 pm PST July 30th, 2016 to complete this challenge and successfully submit your score. The ROM and Instruction Book are provided for you below. Good luck you guys!




  4. Um..... Excuse me.. How is Collectorvision disavowing themselves of the Coleco Chameleon like they're victims kept in the dark just as much as we have been, when in fact they've been making posts leading people to believe their games "play great" on the Chameleon prototype?

    Right before the Toy Fair, Collectorvision posted this photo of the Coleco Chameleon "Prototype 1" dev unit and cartridge next to a TV that makes it look like the Chameleon prototype is playing their game. Collectorvision posted the following message:

    "One of our games we're working one, (sic) Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death running on the upcoming Coleco Chameleon prototype system. It plays great on it, and it will be playable at this weekend's New York Toy Fair event."



  5. Sean J. Michelin on Facebook made a good point with his comment "No working prototype = no Kickstarter, as per Kickstarter's rules. Simple math."

    I was thinking the same thing. It's obvious they ran into a delay with the prototype going into the toy fair. If they didn't have it ready to go this week they can't launch their Kickstarter. I expected they were delayed and that's why I was curious to see what they'd announce today.

  6. I agree with you but what do we know for sure about this? Reading a post suggesting something on Facebook doesn't really mean it's true. This still seems like merky waters to me.


    Kudos go to the Retro VGS team for the $135 price, for the games, for demoing at the NY Toy Show, and for doing what they said they'd do to turn it all around. I'd like to see more though. I'd like to see them outline everything really easy peasy on their website so we know what's what.


    Seems like what they're really missing are the dies to the Jaguar controllers which would have the numbers on it but they'd probably get ripped for that too.

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