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Squad Challenge - Mario Bros. (Atari 7800)


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Mario Bros
Atari 7800
Difficulty Level: Standard

Achieve high score to win challenge
Play on: Real Hardware / Dedicated Console / Emulation OK! ✔

Squad Challenge ends 11:59 pm PST April 30th, 2017




Objective: Play for the highest possible score using the difficulty settings defined in the challenge. Post a photo or video of your score in this thread. Scores must be achieved between April 1st through April 30th, 2017. Screen captures are not allowed as they are easily manipulated for falsified scores. Multiple submissions are permitted. The player with the highest score at the end of the 1-month competition is the victor!

Eligibility: Anyone can join in. All players are welcome!

Play Rules: Games may be played on real hardware or emulation, using any controller or keyboard, following rules and game settings as delineated in the Squad Challenge. Enhancements and hacked versions of this game are not allowed.

Difficulty Level: Standard


Fair Play: Players should play fairly, be honest, and have fun! Falsified scores will result in your immediate removal from the site. It goes without saying that no use of cheats, hacks, cartridge frying, enhancements, Photoshop, subterfuge, or any other unfair advantage is allowed. Everybody hates a cheater.


More: To review detailed rules on how to play, please visit the High Score Squad page here: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/1219-high-score-squad-how-to-play/ 


Mario Bros.a78Mario Bros.pdf




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New personal best!





Things get harder for me once the ice guys are added to the mix, but the levels following the third bonus stage actually felt a little easier to me for some odd reason. Perhaps I was getting into a groove.


The No Swear Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtJuo040EOCTVziObIgVcg

Host of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and YouTube

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New personal best!





Things get harder for me once the ice guys are added to the mix, but the levels following the third bonus stage actually felt a little easier to me for some odd reason. Perhaps I was getting into a groove.



Host of The Jag Bar • Lynx Lounge  7800 Avenue

:youtube: Watch now on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrhPvmALbHpBUqrbBOms5Vw

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I'm used to the 5200 and 2600 versions of Mario Bros -- I played both of them a ton growing up, especially the 2600 version.  This was my first serious go with the 7800 version.  I had a great run, but first I need to vent!

  • The collision detection between the purple fireball and the platforms in this port is ATROCIOUS.  Killed more than one great run that I had going.
  • You score no points for killing fireballs, seriously?  Killing them is more trouble than it's worth, especially when taking into account the just-mentioned poor collision detection...
  • There's an infuriating (to me, anyway :P) movement mechanic quirk: if you jump, let's say to the right, then in mid-jump move your joystick to change direction to left before you land, but you jump again at the same instant that you land, you *don't* change direction for the next jump, and instead continue to jump right!  Game programming should not prioritize jumping over detecting the player direction.*

Anyway, my score: 194,240

:pow:  :nintendo_mario_shellcreeper:  :nintendo_mario_sidestepper:  :nintendo_mario_fighterfly: :nintendo_mario:



* I just learned that this happens in the arcade version as well. So I guess technically I can't be as mad as I was before.  Still, I consider this a bug; a player should not be punished for trying to be precise!

Edited by Ballblaɀer
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:pole_position_blimp_big:  Congratulations Ballblaɀer!



GREAT SHOWING GUYS! Congratulations on your win Ballblaɀer! BBZ won with an absolutely insane score of 194,240 points! nosweargamer placed 2nd with a score of 149,510 points which was astounding all on its own! It was great to see everybody join in to play a little Nintendo on Atari.  :nintendo_mario_sidestepper: I encourage Ballblaɀer to post his winning Mario Bros. high score on the Scoreboard! Way to go guys!


:commodore_joystick: We invite all future Squad Challenge winners to share their winning scores on the Scoreboard and keep the game going! :commodore_joystick:  







1       Ballblaɀer                   194,240


2       nosweargamer          149,510


3       btbfilms76                   82,710


4       dauber                         71,960


5       atarilbc                        69,640


6       Dan Iacovelli               25,790

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