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Squad Challenge - Major Havoc (Arcade/MAME)


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@RadioPoultry helped me out.  I have an older version of MAME (0.131) that displays the graphics perfectly.  It turns out I wasn't seeing a ton of stuff before because it wasn't rendering properly.  Plus this version controls better (I use a mouse).  I actually made it past the maze this time, and that platform part after the maze is TOUGH.  I ran out of oxygen every time.  And there are colored keys.

I did clear the breakout bricks this time, and I think it gave me an extra life and a bonus (maybe?).  I've made it there a few times with scores less that 100k, and I think the only difference is clearing out the breakout bricks. 

Tips - I only have one really.  If you die at all at any time before that maze level, just reset MAME and start over.  You'll need every life on the next platform.  Plus you'll get really good on those first three platforms.   

mh 005.JPG

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1 hour ago, socrates63 said:

120k?!? Dad still got game! 🖱️🕹️👏

I'm not sure how I did it.  I've played several more rounds and end up at 92k.  It must have been the breakout bricks. 

Keep trying!  Try not to hit the ceiling at all on the platforms.  Once you get stunned by that, you almost always die. 

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Wait, what? You have shields? I have been playing this game for years and never knew that. Now I can kill the evil sparks and purple dudes! This makes the game much, much, MUCH easier. I felt I could go much farther before, but now I feel I might even have a shot at winning this! I still have a ways to go first to beat @RickR.

73,426 is my first score while playing a full game with shields. Over 10,000 points better than my next-highest score (not posted).


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120,438 is my best score so far. I might post another later tonight, but this might be the best I can get before the contest is over. I’m pretty sure I can do better in general, but I’m not sure how much I can improve by the end of the night!

I can’t believe that @btbfilms76’s giveaway is almost over! This giveaway has been around for almost all of my time here on the forums. I hope I might win those beauties myself, but good luck to you all!


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