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First PS3

Atari Creep

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Hey guys and gals. I scored a WORKING PS3 this past weekend. Consoles like this to me are like giving Ray Charles a Ferrari to drive around LOL. Have no idea what to do with such a machine. Never the less, I found it on my neighbors trash pile just as you see it in the images below. Cleaned up nicely and after doing the hair drier trick it works flawlessly. Well it powers on and displays on the TV. Need a controller to move forward and I have one on its way.  


Any game recommendations aside from the obvious arcade and classic game compilations? Keep in mind I am not good wit double thumbtacks matched with a million button inputs to do anything in a game. LOL 



Edited by Atari Creep

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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I'm in the same boat as you on the PS3.  My kids have one that I could easily commandeer (since they've moved on to PS4 and Switch).  But it intimidates me. 

I think many people really loved the Batman Arkham games.  Maybe that's a good place to start.  I also remember my kids loving a series of Indiana Jones style game, whose name escapes me.  Drake Stone.  Drake Josh?  I don't remember. 


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I can't help you, man. I'm in a similar situation here. I played the old stuff as well as the modern Nintendo stuff. It's so different than the PlayStation and XBOX consoles. I only have the OG XBOX and no PlayStations. I feel I could get my groove on with the PS1, maybe the PS2, but that's about it.

The PS3 I have no experience with. About the only thing I use my XBOX for is arcade compilations. I can't think of any good games for you.

However, you could pick up some games from the PS1 and PS2. I'm pretty sure that model of PS3 is backwards compatible with them both.

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17 minutes ago, RickR said:

I'm in the same boat as you on the PS3.  My kids have one that I could easily commandeer (since they've moved on to PS4 and Switch).  But it intimidates me. 

I think many people really loved the Batman Arkham games.  Maybe that's a good place to start.  I also remember my kids loving a series of Indiana Jones style game, whose name escapes me.  Drake Stone.  Drake Josh?  I don't remember. 


Arkham, YES!!!! I was wanting to get into them back when but never got a chance because the system intimidated me also. Thanks for the reminder man. 

3 minutes ago, HDN said:

However, you could pick up some games from the PS1 and PS2. I'm pretty sure that model of PS3 is backwards compatible with them both.

I have a stack of both ps1 and ps2. Looking for ps3 games to experience something new. 

Don't just watch TV, PLAY IT!

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I recommend ModNation Racers.  Its a Mario-Kart style game where you can design your own tracks.  I had a lot of fun with the demo version years ago.  If you like side scrollers check out Little Big Planet.  Of course 3rd party support is great on that machine.  Need for Speed titles are on there, Sniper Elite, Borderlands, Gran Turismo, the PS3 has loads of stuff.  I'm sure you will enjoy it.

That sure was a nice machine to just dump.  I miss my ps3.  

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Might look into the De-Blob as I believe the sequel for that is on the PS3 but the original game was a Wii exclusive if memory services. Very fun casual and I really like the soundtracks!

Mod-Nation racers was suggeted and that is another one with super catchy tunes. I own the OST to it as well. I would also recommend Dragon's Crown. It is basically a side scrolling beat em up with very slight RPG elements. It really plays more like the arcade D&D games that Capcom released in the 90s. The artwork, animation, and audio is quite stunning on that game. I now have the PS4 remaster version of the game, but get it for the PS3.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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If you have never played any modern games might I suggest, on top of those previously mentioned, the Darksiders series.  These are hack and slash mixed with puzzle elements and a unique story that I did enjoy.  I favor Darksiders II out of them all.  If you like Diablo style games check out Sacred, any in the series, and lastly I feel you might get some value out of Saint's Row but I would suggest Third Row and IV.  Those two have a LOT to offer.  Gat Out Of Hell, the last in the series, is great fun, too. If you can find those then picks em up as long as you don't mind Teen or Mature game ratings.

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To add on to what @Atari 5200 Guy stated above....

Darksiders series of games are like a mature dark version of Zelda 3D games. 

Saint's Row series is like GTA but all satire and over the top in every way possible.

I played Sacred on the PC and it was very Diablo like, however Diablo III I believe is also available on the PS3 as a console version and apparently works very well that way although I have not played it.

The Uncharted games were one of the reasons why I picked up a PS3. They basically play like the Gears or Wars games where you move from area to area with duck and cover fire mechanics with a Tomb raider exploration thrown in for climbing around obstacles. My favorite of the uncharted games is actually the 4th game in the series on the PS4.

The Last of Us...hmm. I personally found it to be a boring game with a story that just didn't engage me much. I know it was highly applauded and there are merits in that game that I can see why. But I was bored most of it and couldn't wait to finish it.

L.A. Noire I would recommend if you want another GTA style of game but in a more realistic and less violent tone and style. Then again, I like playing as a detective in games and L.A. Noire is right up there.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Don't be intimidated! I'm as old as you guys & I get by just fine. It's a cliche for sure, but if I can do it, then surely ANY OF YOU can do it. 😀

Seriously, just start slow with something simple. After playing for a little bit, the controls will feel natural. You won't have to think about the sticks or the buttons.

I remember VIVIDLY being intimidated by the NES controller the first time I saw it. TWO BUTTONS??? What are these arrows?? That was the last time.

Great find sir! Enjoy!

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On 11/12/2020 at 10:27 AM, Atari Creep said:

Arkham, YES!!!! I was wanting to get into them back when but never got a chance because the system intimidated me also. Thanks for the reminder man. 

I have a stack of both ps1 and ps2. Looking for ps3 games to experience something new. 

I personally like the sly cooper games they are Platform stealth games if you can find the collection it has the first 3, also if you are into detective like games The Testament of Sherlock Holmes and LA Noire are fantastic. 

Edited by 1Littlebeast
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I didn't get my first fully working PS3 until earlier this year.

All PS3 systems will play PS1 games, but not all will play PS2 games.  Yours might, but I can't tell from the photos which one exactly you have.  If the part to the left of the disc drive opens up, then I think it will.  If not, then it won't.  But I'm not 100% sure about that.

You may want to reset it to factory settings, because the previous owner will have made a profile and things.  You can reset it and make it "yours" then.  

If you get it online, you can use the Playstation Store to download lots of games.  (You'll have to create an account and stuff...) Some of them may be great deals depending on the price of the physical disc (Suikoden 2 for example), but some may not be.  If you want to save money, check around first.

For PS3 games I'd recommend, yeah, the Arkham Batman games are fun.  If you like RPGs, Ni No Kuni is great.  I haven't played a lot of PS3 games, yet, but the system does have a lot of exclusives to try out.

Don't be intimidated.  Have fun!

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I had a lot of time to think over the weekend (marathon, raking leaves, etc.) @Atari Creep & this topic popped up from time to time.

You're intimidated by this:


but are okay using this?




That thing was scary to 7 year-old me & still is today!!

Edited by StormSurge
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Definitely try out the Uncharted series. It was the reason why I bought the PS3. They felt more like interactive movies to me and were a lot of fun (I played normal difficulty, I think). I was looking to play games with great stories, and my friend hounded me to get the PS3 to play Uncharted.

I also enjoyed the Resistance series. It's a first person shooter and a console exclusive.

There are many well regarded console exclusives and some have been mentioned already (e.g., Last of Us). God of War also comes to mind.

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Got my first PS3 ever this year, too.

Been playing a lot of Skyrim on it. If you like open-world action RPGs, definitely check out Skyrim.

If you get it online, the Playstation Store has PS1 and PS2 games available to download at really affordable prices. I've got a lot of older PS1 RPGs that way.

Edited by LeeJ07

"I'd buy that for a dollar!" -Smash T.V.

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