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5 hours ago, RickR said:

A Lynx 1 and 4 games.  I already have Rygar, so that one (and probably the Lynx) will be for sale.


lynx and shelf 002.JPG

Love Rygar on the Lynx!  And that's a nice looking Lynx 1 you have there.  I've never used the original Lynx in person, I'm more familiar with the Lynx II unit.  😞 And I believe that is the first Xenophobe cart I've seen for the Lynx.  I've never seen it anywhere other than ads.

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This post was recognized by Justin!

"Posted your latest/recent pickup!"

Atari 5200 Guy was awarded the badge 'Pickup Artist' and 1 points.

I don't remember if I posted these or not but I got these earlier this year.  For a very long time I wanted to import 2 consoles: a Famicom and Super Famicom.  The reason?  Game differences and games we didn't get. So I set out to find the cheapest consoles and games I could. I found this first.


This was being sold as junk, not working or not working correctly. And here it is after I got it.FamicomCollection.jpg.3317c4419bdb20d7dd9f0fae7b857e25.jpg

It's been cleaned, inside and out, and I had to replace the carbon pads on both controllers. As you might can tell, I grabbed a few "extras" as well.  Disk drive needs a new belt, though, but the one I used temporarily indicated the drive does work.  I'm very happy to have this.  

But, wait!  There's more.


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I have always thought the Japan version of the Super Nintendo looked way better than what us American gamers received.  But there's more here than meets the eye.  Believe it or not there's also a bit of a difference in quality, too.  For whatever reason the SFC is actually more structurally solid than the SNES is.  As much I like the SNES, and I hate to say it, it feels cheap compared to the SFC. Insides are identical so if you take the games out of their shells and pop them in the other unit they will in fact play. But the plastic moldings to each console and their games are very different in quality.  For me, personally, the SFC is a more pleasurable experience overall. 

And, yes, I left the fishing duck sticker on the controller.  Someone, at one point, loved this thing enough to put a sticker on it.  It's survived this long.  I'm not going to be a sticker killer.

I forgot to mention...this one was bought as JUNK as well.  Fixed and working fine.  Nothing was wrong with it.

Edited by Atari 5200 Guy
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This post was recognized by Justin!

"Posted your latest/recent pickup!"

CrossBow was awarded the badge 'Pickup Artist' and 1 points.

I don't post things like this too often as I kinda like keeping what I have in my collection private sometimes. But sometimes I get like Doc Brown and figure... 'What the hell?'


These didn't come all at once but are fairly recent within the past month. As I finally installed the UAV into my 130xe it renewed my interest in the Atari 8-bit line so I picked up some stuff there. Also got my Collector vision order in for 2 of the new Intellivision games and 1 colecovision game that are all Halloween theme games I figured. Last in the center of the pic was a game I totally forgot I even ordered from Castlemania games. Retrobit released an official translated version of the previous JPN only SNES game Undercover Cops. It is a side scrolling beat em up and that is one of my favorite genre of games!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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21 minutes ago, RickR said:

Sweet stuff.  You should share as often as you feel comfortable with.  No pressure!  But it is fun to see your awesome pickups. 


I used to do pick up vids on my channel but stopped when I realized it was basically advertising what I have for people to know to take and they were my least viewed vids anyway LOL! But yeah, after what happened with Jason last year, I kinda decided that I would only share a few things here and there.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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2 hours ago, - Ω - said:

I just ordered this joystick today, so I'm going to have to wait for a couple of weeks for it to arrive...


... when it arrives, I'll finish that Bosconian video.

They are very nice looking. I have one of his 7800 NES style controllers and it is a very nice controller! My only issue with these 5200 controllers are that they are a bit on the too large size for me and I do wonder why he doesn't use carriage bolts like arcade cabs did back in the day to provide a smooth rounded surface around the screw bolts? But it again it looks to be built like a tank!


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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33 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

My only issue with these 5200 controllers are that they are a bit on the too large size for me...

But it again it looks to be built like a tank!

Well, it is a little larger, but much smaller than a trackball unit.  In my case I'll be able to box up the y-cable, controller and flightstick.  I'll keep them though as I'm sure I'll be needing them now and again.  In the end, for me at least this will be more manageable.  I'm kinda interested in knowing how this will work with Tempest.  It should be fine for my three favorite games (at the moment), which are Bosconian, Qix and Thetris.

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57 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

They are very nice looking. I have one of his 7800 NES style controllers and it is a very nice controller! My only issue with these 5200 controllers are that they are a bit on the too large size for me and I do wonder why he doesn't use carriage bolts like arcade cabs did back in the day to provide a smooth rounded surface around the screw bolts? But it again it looks to be built like a tank!


Here's a picture of one that I have that's similar in size.  I have small hands.  It fits pretty nicely.  Clearly, the one I have is meant to be placed on a tabletop, so this is for example only.  I think most people would think that it's smaller than they thought it would be. 

What else can I tell you...the casing is 3d printed with no rough edges.  It's very solid.  I don't get any creaks or bending of any kind.  The buttons are top notch. 


retrogameboyz 002.JPG

retrogameboyz 003.JPG

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I also bought Suite Macabre for the CV but haven't even opened it yet. I ordered it along with Gooninuff and Death Race. Gorf was the only one I wasn't quite as interested in when they were offering them up at Collectorvision.

My latest hauls are pretty cool though! For my birthday I received 2 toys and a set of digital calipers. The calipers have already been put to some work with me designing up some new PCBs to help me and I guess others with DIY work in the future.

The toys are in fact 2 Transformers! Hehe. I don't normally collect Transformers, but like a lot of kids in the 80s I certainly owned quite a few of the G1 series of 'bots. Anyway, these two were just too cool to not own and my incredible wife tracked them down and here we are! Pen is shown to provide scale.



See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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This week and last week's Atari mail call -- two Atari 2600 homebrews published by Good Deal Games. I believe Talvisota had a very limited release at CORGS convention that wrapped up last weekend. GDG was cool enough to sell me a copy. I'd have loved to have gone to Ohio for the con, but shipping works.

And I finally got the Atari 2600 controller that I'd been wanting for a couple of years -- Edladdin's All-Play 4/8: Supreme 78. With this particular model, you can easily rotate the restrictor plate to make it a 4- or 8-way joystick. It's not cheap, but then again, it uses arcade controller parts (Sanwa stick, Happ buttons). It is very handsome and built very well. I am particularly impressed by the quality of the woodwork and finish. I should add that NSG did a review of this controller a long time ago and had a coupon code. The code still worked.

I may put up for sale one or two of my 2600/7800 joysticks made by Retrogameboyz in the future 🙂


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It's not a physical release but I picked up Black Widow Recharged on the VCS. It's available on everything else too (PS4/5, Switch, XBOX, Steam) but the VCS has 10 bonus challenge levels, and support for rotary or dual joysticks in addition to the modern controller. 

I know there are skeptics aplenty regarding modern Atari but this and Centipede Recharged are pretty cool takes on the classics for $10. 




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