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Posts posted by Justin


    Well, I am (shocker) still skeptical BUT with that said HERE is a post MIKE KENNEDY just made in the Coleco Chameleon thread over on Atariage I thought worth sharing for all of you following - 



    Hello Everyone.


    It is the end of a very tumultuous year for me and in the spirit of Christmas and the holidays I wanted to come in here and ask those of you who will listen to let the past be the past as it relates to this (ad)venture.  RETRO VGS is the past and COLECO Chameleon is the future.  The Chameleon is not just a rebranded Retro VGS.  Despite sharing some of the same internal components the hardware has been completely redesigned to lower the cost while maintaining much of its ability to play a wide variety of games in a variety of ways.  To boil this all down to its essence we just want to produce a product that is different, affordable and will bring joy to people’s lives.  The market will ultimately decide if we are crazy enough to believe a cartridge console can stand its ground in this age of digital delivery.  There are clearly lots of people on both sides of this fence and ultimately it will all come down to the games that can be played and if they are compelling enough to vie for peoples hard earned money. 


    The COLECO branding was a business decision I made to bring instant brand recognition to the Chameleon.  But I did not enter into this licensing agreement lightly, knowing that if done so, we have a lot to live up to.  COLECO made some very influential, high quality and fun video gaming and electronic products during their time and we will try endlessly to carry on that tradition with the Chameleon.  The recognition of having the COLECO logo on the system and the (game and console) boxes will make the Chameleon immediately identifiable by millions of people right from the beginning.  In the end this is a good thing for all involved including us, our customers, our suppliers and distributors, our contract manufactures, potential retailers and probably most importantly to game developers.    Mark and Chris at River West/Coleco Holdings are also very behind this product and will be helping out in a variety of ways, beginning by inviting us into their booth at Toy Fair which is where they want to officially begin rebuilding this brand in more concrete ways.


    We know we have a mountain to climb and are prepared to do what it takes to plant a flag at the top.  I will once again apologize to all of you for at times dissing some individuals and this community but it was hard being criticized by a group of my Atari and classic game lovin’ peers.  I let it get to me on occasion and I do regret all of it.  I am aware that we gave you all plenty to poke fun at and criticize but in the end, I believe the product will be much better for going through all of this.  In my mind, the best way for me to apologize once and for all is to ultimately create a game system that will make most of you turn a 180 and win over your support and positive influence.  And given the chance that is what I will do.


    All I ask is moving forward into the New Year is you try and give the Chameleon a fair chance to stand on its own, and again forget about the past.  Let it speak for itself when we reveal it to you all early this New Year.  And finally, let’s respect one another and our opinions (some advice I am directing towards myself) and that goes for both believers and non-believers of what we are trying to do.  In the end, we all love and are passionate about video games and sometimes this passion causes us to do uncharacteristic things.


    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!


    - Mike






    See, this is where they should just stay quiet. This is picking at scabs. They don't need to do that.


    If you're out there Mike, and I hope you are, please know that we're rooting for you to be successful and would love another entry into the classic gaming market. But an honest word of advice: The more that is said before you have a product to demo, the more criticism you invite to the party. Lay low, stay quiet, and blow everyone away with an awesome product when it's ready to be shown. Don't apologize, deliver. All will be forgiven.  :100:

  2. I was only joking about my score not being there. I appreciate you updating it though! I just don't want you to think I was upset. The video was great as it was.


    I know you're not complaining StormSurge  :)  it's important to me that the videos are accurate and on point, otherwise there's not a lot of value in watching them. Everybody who made the effort to show up for Squad deserves to have their scores included.


    It was a challenge to make the video happen so quickly after the Squad Challenge ended, I knew I'd make a mistake  ;)


    Now I see what you were working on, while I was posting all of those high scores Justin!! Good work!


    Haha you're absolutely right Arenafoot! Thank you!!




    Ok guys!! Mario Bros for the NES it is!! Time to kick some shellcreepers, sidesteppers, fighter flies, and slipice butts!!


    Looking forward to it Retrogamer!!


    Also, nosweargamer, if you'd like to post it, you are more than welcome to post your winning score to the Scoreboard. I think you've set a high watermark for Centipede and if someone comes along in six months with a higher score it would be cool to see this continue.


    I would invite all future Squad Challenge winners to post to the Scoreboard if they wish as well.

  4. BTW, I think I still have the Pitfall High Score, but maybe you were being prophetic in Retrogamer beating me ;)



    My score was so bad it didn't even make the video! :)


    You guys are both absolutely right! Making this video was tricky and difficult to have ready so quickly after the end of the Squad Challenge so it was a little rushed. Next time I'll make sure everything's perfect  :emoji-E420:

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