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Recent Pickups -- (Non Gaming)

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And more movies added to the collection -- DVDs and a VHS set. I had the VHS set back in the day, but of course, when I upgraded to DVD, the tapes were tossed out 😞. I may have to add a VHS player at some point.

As far as the Star Trek movies and episodes go, I'm sure I have them already in my collection in Blu-ray or 4K form, but I love the way these are collected on themes. I had never heard of the Fan Collective sets. They will also give me more content to watch on my Sony CRT.

These were all offered up by a user on AA for the cost of shipping. These belonged to a family who passed away, and he offered them to members before donating them to Goodwill.




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Sweet!  I saw those over there and I'm glad to know you grabbed them.

I've got a VCR/DVD combo unit in my game room.  Try to get one of those...it's quite handy!  Also in the attic is a 12" CRT w VCR combo unit, which was given to me by my brother when he upgraded his RV to LCD/DVD. 


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We said goodbye to our 12 year old Sony Bravia this weekend. The TV still worked but it was too heavy to comfortably mount on our mid-century plaster walls. With a very mobile 10 month-old, we started getting nervous with it on the TV stand in the living room.

We replaced it with a Samsung Frame TV. These have a matte finish on the screen so it doesn't reflect light sources. It also has an "art" mode and looks like hanging framed art when not in use. The TV is super thin and you can get custom bezels. Apparently you can load your own art, but I haven't done it yet. There is also art for purchase or accessible via subscription.

The other cool thing is Samsung's "One Connect" box. Power, audio and video run through an almost transparent, super thin fiber optic cable to a box with 5 HDMI, USB and coax inputs. The cable blends in without a raceway or in wall mounting.

The new Samsungs are also shipped with game streaming out of the box: Luna, GeForce Now, Xbox Game Pass, Antstream Arcade, Utomik... It works pretty well and paired immediately with my PS4 controller. The matte finish and 120hz 4K is ideal for modern gaming. I'd like to get a second one for the gaming area someday.





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16 minutes ago, RickR said:

That is so cool! 

And I remember when my kids were little many years ago...I ended up adding some screws and washers into our TV stand that would clip into the TV base to prevent it from tipping.  Wise move on your part.  That TV you bought is beautiful. 

Yeah, everytime she'd crawl to the TV stand and pull herself up I'd cringe. If I didn't take care of it and something happened, I wouldn't forgive myself. Getting a cool TV was a bonus! Too bad it's not in the game area.


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Now you tell me!  🙂  I didn't even think to look on ebay.  Oh well. On the bright side, at least I know the signature is authentic.  I'm looking forward to reading this book. 

Please let me know if you are aware of any other signed Trek books on ebay.  Thanks! 

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Today, I attended a local retro computer gathering for the second time in hopes of running into Joe Decuir to get my Atari 800 signed. Alas, Joe wasn't there. His friend told me that he got held back today to grade student assignments. While that was disappointing, it was offset by these 3D printed figures I saw. 

My photos don't do them justice. I have never seen 3D printed objects with seemingly iridescent colors. On top of that, the dragon was a single print job?! And its joints articulate?! Maybe it's because I don't follow 3D printing to know and these are just ho hum, but to me, these are amazing. The member who brought them made it sound like a no big deal. Regardless, thank you to the member who brought them and even offered them for free to attendees.

About getting my computer signed, maybe the third time will be the charm 🙂 






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At least you guys got something you're excited about.  I ended up wasting nearly $50.00 on an F-22 Raptor model because I was stupid ordering at 3:30 in the morning without coffee in my system and therefore didn't think to read it's actual size.  Below are the Franklin Mint models for size comparison.


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7 hours ago, socrates63 said:

Regrettable purchases 😂 Is there a thread for that? A month ago, I bought a game for $70 and was thrilled that I got it for a great price. I went to put it on the shelf and I saw another copy staring back at me. I went from 😄 to ☹️ in 2 seconds.

The regrettable purchases thread... I like it!  Let's start one!   

Aww man, unwanted dupes, truly, that sucks!  

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On 7/22/2023 at 5:12 PM, socrates63 said:

Today, I attended a local retro computer gathering for the second time in hopes of running into Joe Decuir to get my Atari 800 signed. Alas, Joe wasn't there. His friend told me that he got held back today to grade student assignments. While that was disappointing, it was offset by these 3D printed figures I saw. 

My photos don't do them justice. I have never seen 3D printed objects with seemingly iridescent colors. On top of that, the dragon was a single print job?! And its joints articulate?! Maybe it's because I don't follow 3D printing to know and these are just ho hum, but to me, these are amazing. The member who brought them made it sound like a no big deal. Regardless, thank you to the member who brought them and even offered them for free to attendees.

About getting my computer signed, maybe the third time will be the charm 🙂 






I've purchased numerous rolls of color changing filament, the problem with every roll I've purchased is that they don't change fast enough and I usually end up with a single color print.  

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