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16 minutes ago, Justin said:

I was worried about that. To some users that would be a big deal.

Yeah I'm really surprised since several YT vids for it state that they got their TED carts working with it. Mine does load like I said but I've tried several SD cards in it and they all come up with one of two errors when trying to load up the TED through the Analogue: SD IO error or FAT read error? But the SD cards are formatted as FAT32 and again it works on my actual TurboDUO and my TG-16 that I brought out of the closet to test with again. So there is a timing issue here and the TEDs above v.2 are supposed to work. Oh well...


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Well, this pretty much confirms it. I'm not the only one to encounter this as it seems Games Radar confirmed this during their review of the console but I hadn't seen that review until this Reddit post finally popped up in my searches a bit ago.


So yeah, it seems that the ONLY Turbo Everdrives working currently with the Analogue DUO are the latest TED PRO versions. It does anger me a little that according to the Games Radar review, this issue with the TEDs was known about months ago and passed onto to Krikzz but apparently nothing was done to address it and focus seemed to be with the newest TEDs working. 

So just have to wait and see if a FW update from Krikzz is needed for the older TEDs work, or if a FW update from Analog is needed to correct...or...

Everyone just waits until the thing is jail broken allowing games to be loaded from the SD card anyway like the other previous Analogue consoles.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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On 12/9/2023 at 11:20 AM, Atari 5200 Guy said:

I highly agree with this 100%!!  

Check out the For Sale section in these forums.  I believe Video 61 has a lot of boxed 7800 games for sale there.  The boxes might be a bit rough but are well worth it.  That’s where all of my 7800 games have come from, loose and boxed.

Personally, Xevious, Dig Dug, Joust, Centipede are great choices.  Give Jinks a try if you find it and Crossbow plays best on the 7800.  Also, the 7800 has the better Ballblazer port than all other Atari consoles.  It is missing the intro those have but it offers demonstrations and is a lot smoother.  The sound is the same as the 5200/A8 Ballblazers so you won’t miss anything there.

i will put it this way to make it simple…if you see an Atari 7800 game in the wild, even if you do have it, grab it!  You can use duplicate titles for trades.  Don’t pass up any titles you find if you can afford them.  


On 12/9/2023 at 11:36 AM, Justin said:

The Atari 7800 is my all-time favorite video game system so I have to be up front about my bias here. It’s an underrated system that’s only gained some of the recognition it deserves in recent years.

If you’re just starting out with the 7800, you can’t go wrong with the first dozen games released for the system. They’re mostly arcade games that in my opinion are largely well done and enjoyable to play:

  • Centipede
  • Asteroids
  • Dig Dug
  • Food Fight
  • Galaga
  • Joust
  • Ms. Pac-Man 
  • Pole Position II
  • Robotron:2084
  • Xevious
  • Desert Falcon
  • Ballblazer



On 12/9/2023 at 8:45 AM, Sabertooth said:

The second game in the 2600+ Casual series is Ms. Pac-Man.  The wizards at GCC did an amazing job with this port.  I was too young to know that Tod Frye's Pac-Man was bad - I played the heck out of it - but even my six-year old self knew this was an improvement. 



On 7/19/2021 at 2:37 PM, RickR said:

I'll start with this collection of stuff I got very recently.  3 plug & plays, Bioshock Infinite for PC, and a broken 3DS. 


stuff from jb 001.JPG

Nice! I have a couple of those Star Wars plug n plays, never have seen a Yoda one? Seen the Millennium Falcon, Hans Blaster, Gen Grievous, Vader, and R2 ones. 

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Man, I am on a *roll* this year, because look at what I picked up on ebay.  Atari 1200XL.  Didn't I say I wanted one of these for a long time?  Well, I took a gamble on this "as-is", "powers on but untested" model.  And guess what?  It is really dirty, but works!  I had to provide my own power supply.  And the keyboard is very spotty (some keys don't work, or you have to press them several times).  I think that bad keyboard mylar is expected.  Anyway, I'm happy to have this and I'll spend some time cleaning it up. 


Atari 1200XL 001.JPG

Atari 1200XL 002.JPG

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A couple of feeBay purchases came in since I've last posted.
MC Kids was one I got a kick out of, at that time - so it's purely a nostalgia pickup, heh.



And then there's this thing, which certainly needs no introduction.  Was recommended by a certain other Club VCS score-chasing individual!



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Ended up grabbing a copy of Circus Convoy - chose the Collector because I wanted the rom, too 🙂.  The certificate is actually a pretty cool little addition, though!!  Haven't run the firmware update on the 2600+ yet, though, so no playtime in it just yet.



And, I know I posted the box earlier, but I cracked this beauty open over the holidays.  And it played on the 2600+ just fine, so fine!

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On 12/27/2023 at 9:56 AM, Smell Dawg said:

MC Kids was one I got a kick out of, at that time - so it's purely a nostalgia pickup, heh.



I had never seen this game before.  Just watched a video on it. Looks like a cool platformer.  Pretty pricey if you get it CIB! 

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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