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    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Atari 2600+ Casual Play Series   
    Casual gameplay only of Activision's Spider Fighter (1982) for the Atari 2600.  Programmed by Larry Miller, players protect an orchard from a host of bugs.  
    Played (poorly) with a CX-40+.
  2. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Atari 2600+ Casual Play Series   
    Casual gameplay only of Mouse Trap. Originally published by Coleco, this game was later re-released by Atari circa 1987 along with several other Coleco games as part of the red label series.
    As an arcade port of Exidy's classic, this leaves quite a bit out. Gone are the teleporter, colored gates and hawk. However, they kept the critical elements: mouse, dog, cats, dog bone, and cheese!
    This was the pack-in (along with DK) with my Coleco Gemini which I received in Christmas 1983. It was one of the very first games I owned, so it has a special place in that childhood corner of my heart. As an adult, it's much too easy in the default mode. Fortunately, the difficulty switches can change cat behavior and the TV Type switch can make the maze invisible. These adjustments make it worth a look.
    Played with a CX40+ with difficulty set to "Fast Cats" and "Smart Cats." Otherwise, we would have been here all day.
  3. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Atari 2600+ Casual Play Series   
    I wanted to follow-up Mouse Trap with my "other" first game: Donkey Kong. As mentioned above, this and Mouse Trap were the pack-in titles with my Coleco Gemini recieved Christmas 1983.
    This port of Nintendo's smash arcade game is subject to bizarre conspiracies that echo in the halls of the internet to this day.  While some folks continue to insist that Coleco intentionally made a subpar port to make the 2600 look bad compared to the Colecovision, that's just hogwash. They wanted to sell as many copies as possible and the 2600 was the mass market system of the day.
    The reality is that programmer Garry Kitchen did a fine job of porting the game to a 4K cart in short time.  Sure it's limited in terms of screens and some enemy logic, but it conveys the feeling of DK. It also has virtually no flicker, great control and nice animations. Is it the best version of DK? Not by a long shot. But it's a nostalgia trip in the same way Atari's Pac-Man is. History hasn't treated it kindly, but for some of us younger Gen Xers, this was our DK.
  4. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Atari 2600+ Casual Play Series   
    Casual gameplay only of Rampage (1989) for the Atari 7800.  Published by Activision, this port of Bally-Midway's arcade monster bash puts you in control of the fearsome George, Lizzie, or Ralph as you destroy city after city.  It's good mindless fun and the arcade game was a childhood favorite. 
    My best friend had this on the SMS, and that is a far superior version.  Still, the 7800 version has it's own cartoonish charm.   
    Thanks to the future Mrs. Sabertooth, who graciously assisted me in capturing this footage. 
    Played with a pair of CX-78 gamepads.
  5. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Atari 2600+ Casual Play Series   
    Casual gameplay of Beef Drop for the Atari 7800 on the Atari 2600+. Programmed by the late Ken Siders, this homage to Data East's Burger Time plays very close to its arcade inspiration. Played with a CX-40+.
    And be sure to check out this month's HSC!
  6. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Funkmaster V in Killer Interview tonight: Jayson Hill- The missing Atari Years at Hasbro Interactive- WATCH LIVE 7:30PM EST and chat!   
    When people talk Atari and it's history, they often skip or glaze over a period of time around the turn of the millennium where Hasbro Interactive planned on using Atari as a cornerstone of the new .com boom. Enter one man who helped keep Atari alive for it's new masters: Jayson Hill. Tonight's podcast will feature clips from our interview with him, the possible discovery of a new 7800 prototype: Road Riot AWD, Qwomp 2 thoughts, and much more! 
    Come join the live chat! 7:30PM EST
  7. Thanks
    Justin reacted to peteym5 in Boulder Dash: Complete History. Happened with Atari 8-bit first.   
    I came across this documentary on YouTube. I hope everyone here find it as enjoyable as I did.
  8. Thanks
    Justin reacted to CrossBow in Analogue DUO Jailbreak now exists   
    I like quite a few others had been waiting for this because our Everdrives weren't working. I own a ver. 2.5 TED cart and none of the other work arounds posted were working for that model. Additionally, info from Krikzz stated that it wasn't likely to ever be possible to make those mid version TurboED carts work.
    Well, we don't have to mess with any of it anymore as a jailbreak has been posted in a github that replaces the current firmware on the A-DUO and allows the use of .pce and even PCE CD ISO images to work from the SDcard on the back of the A-DUO. Just have to place the files in the right folders on the SD card and then after loading in the new firmware, you will have a new Play Assets option. Selecting this will then show the list of games it finds on the SDcard. CD ISOs have to be in their own separate subfolder for each game while you can have a set of different .PCE files on the SDCard to read normal HuCard images from.
    And yes, so far the Library still shows the screenshots for each game when you select them just like normal games provided you have that images fileset. Save States still aren't a thing yet and it is unknown if this jail break will be updated once Analogue officially releases new FW to support that. But in the meantime, if you like me, have a TED you can't use on your A-DUO this link solves that issue for the time being.
  9. Like
    Justin reacted to MaximumRD in Checking out TWO abandoned houses while visiting Mexico!   
    Exploring small "abandoned" house while visiting MEXICO recently.
    Had the opportunity to make like THE PROPER PEOPLE and do some exploring 😝Sure my video is more like the Dollar Store variety version but I tried! 🤷‍♂️Join me in checking out this small, well it's two floors but small compared to the next house I explored down the same street in a companion video you should also check out! 😉1 of 2 videos.
    Exploring BIG "abandoned" house while visiting MEXICO recently.
    Had the opportunity to make like THE PROPER PEOPLE and do some exploring 😝Sure my video is more like the Dollar Store variety version but I tried! 🤷‍♂️Join me in checking out this BIG, well it's practically a mansion compared to the small house I explored in my previous video that you should also check out if you haven't already! 😉2 of 2 videos.
  10. Thanks
    Justin got a reaction from Smell Dawg in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    @Atari 5200 Guy Here's a nice big clear one if you need it 

  11. Like
    Justin reacted to RickR in Interesting Vehicles from Afar   
    Movie/TV cars at the Petersen Auto Museum in Los Angeles.  I went last year and the museum is AWESOME.
  12. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Funkmaster V in Atari 7800 Forever   
    Funkmaster V (Vinnie Vineyard) reviews 5 smaller Homebrew/ Oddities in one video to save some space because frankly... we are running out of room on the Mothership: 
    2048, ET Book Cart, Sick Pickles, Shoot the UFO, Pineapple. #atari #atari7800 #atariage
  13. Like
    Justin reacted to 7800 Pro Gamer in Atari 7800 Forever   
    Good stuff Vinnie!  It's hard to come up with things to say on some of these games so I think doing a video like this makes sense and keeps it entertaining 
  14. Thanks
    Justin reacted to 7800 Pro Gamer in The Atari Network feat. 7800 Pro Gamer YouTube Channel   
    It's time for the monthly Atari Network update Atarians!  First off we've reached over 2000 subscribers which is incredible to me.  When I first started doing YouTube I didn't think I'd find 100 people interested enough to watch.  Not so much because of the content but because I had that little faith in my own abilities.  So it's incredible that so many of you have decided to subscribe and support the channel.  You all rock and this is one of the most genuine and supportive communities on the internet.  You guys are the reason for the Atari Networks success and the reason why I'm having so much fun doing this, so thank you all!
    Ok onto content!  The last few videos have done very well view wise and I put out a video all about the fall of Atari after the 2600.  It's mostly the 5200 that's covered but we briefly hit on stuff up to the Lynx and Jaguar!
    We also did our first Public Service Announcement on how to clean carts.  I did more in person shots here and it was a fun experiment on the channel.  I have an idea for a similar video that's much more in depth and difficult but there doesn't seem to be interest in this form of content from me.  Still I think this turned out great so check it out!
    We were also able to finish a video we've had in the barrel for a long time!  The Jaguar CD Overview went live last Thursday!  And it talks about what the Jag CD is, what games you could play and what happened with the add on.  Again, I think it turned out well despite fighting loads of congestion while doing it.
    We've done a ton of great reviews too since the last update.  We took a look at Meteor Shower from Robert DeCrescenzo on the Atari 7800.  Which is still available at AtariAge by the way!
    QOMP 2 is an incredible game stemmed from a very simple idea.  But how good is it actually?
    Finally we looked at the Kids Controller on the Atari 2600!
    So yeah it's been a busy month at the Network!  We also had some successful Podcast episodes and 2 Livestreams of man vs 7800.  The live content is so much fun to do and interacting with you guys in the chat is the highlight for me!  So please keep an eye out for the Atari Network Podcast this Friday at 730pm Eastern time 430 Pacific!  Then the following week on Saturday we take on Ikari Warriors on Saturday at 11am Eastern time 8am Pacific!  Can man conquer 7800 in our ongoing Livestream series, Man Vs 7800?
    Tomorrow we have an announcement video for a lot of stuff coming to the channel.  But I'll give you guys the heads up since Atari IO is awesome.  So in tomorrow's announcement and giveaway video we give out the links for our new Discord Server, our new Merch Store, and the Patreon we just launched!  I also give the rules for our giveaway contest where 1 person gets their choice of any merch we offer and another person wins a 2600+ of their own!  Brand new straight from Amazon!  You'll have to watch the video tomorrow to enter the giveaway for a chance to get the 2600+ but I'll give you the links to everything else right here!
    So the merch store is below!  We have 2 shirts, coffee mugs, stickers, shot glasses and more!
    The discord server is below!  I've never ran a discord so let me know if you can join or not with the following link.  You have access to everything for free with the exception of 2 areas.  So join it free below!
    You can support the Atari Network via Patreon too now!  So it's 5 dollars a month and you get exclusive videos and Livestreams, about 1 a week, credit at the end of future videos, and exclusive discord access to the high score challenges and member only chat!  The high score challenges will have some small prizes and a way for you guys to compete against me in Atari games.  And the first piece of Patreon content goes up tomorrow!  You'll get to listen to the new Atari Network theme we're working on and see some awesome new pick ups that will help grow the channel!  Join Patreon below!
    And that's really it for now!  It's been a busy month and it's only going to get bigger and better!  Be sure to check out the videos that interest you and check out the announcement video tomorrow for a chance to win a brand new 2600 Plus!  And please remember to Stay Classy Atarians!
  15. Like
    Justin reacted to HDN in Comfort Games, the ones you keep going back to.   
    Metroid II. Maybe my favorite game ever made. It's perfect. I play through it every Christmas and it's just one of those games that gets me every time.
    Super Mario Land as well. I've probably beaten that a hundred times. Can't forget Luigi's Mansion or Animal Crossing: New Leaf either.
  16. Like
    Justin reacted to Mockduck in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    Here's my first score: 104,960

    My problem with the way Berzerk Recharged does its high score system is the same issue I have with Quantum: Recharged: The bonuses become mandatory for the leaderboards. You get +100% for having one life, +100% for no powerups, and +100 for no dash, meaning a 25,000 score ends up at 100,000. 
    Meanwhile, to get 100,000 points without the bonuses you'd have to get so much further through the game as to be impractical. I went further than I'd ever gone before this weekend and ended up with an unmodified 57,000. That woulda been at least 114,000 if I'd just ditched the dash, up to 228,000 if I'd used the full bonuses. It means that in order to get the highest score you HAVE to use the score modifiers, which seems like the wrong way to do it. They should be maybe +25% at best. 
  17. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    OK. Thank! You can have this one back.

  18. Thanks
    Justin got a reaction from Atari 5200 Guy in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    @Atari 5200 Guy Here's a nice big clear one if you need it 

  19. Like
    Justin got a reaction from DegasElite in Need Advice   
    Fun fact: Had you accepted Bitcoin and held onto it, it would be worth 25% more today than when you made this post.
  20. Thanks
    Justin got a reaction from Smell Dawg in Squad Challenge - Midnight Magic (Atari 2600)   
    Congratulations Mayor Greenween!
    Congratulations to @greenween on another definitive victory in High Score Squad Challenge! "The Mayor" @greenween takes the top spot in our Final Standings for Midnight Magic on Atari 2600 with an outstanding score of 412,185 points. Well done, Greenween! Our runner up winner for the Midnight Magic Squad Challenge is @Atari 5200 Guy who takes 2nd Place with an astounding 336,895 points! @Smell Dawg takes the 3rd spot on the board with an impressive score of 319,095 points. @Marco1019 takes 4th with 209,250, @RickR takes a hard-fought 5th with 190,380 points, and @TrekMD rounds things out in 6th Place with a solid 155,590 points.
    As always I'd like to encourage @greenween to  post his high score on the Scoreboard, and let's make sure this Challenge continues on! Congratulations once again to Greenween on his big win.
    👉 Be sure to join @Sabertooth in Club VCS for this month's VCS Recharged Squad Challenge, BERZERK: RECHARGED on the Atari VCS!
     Our next High Score Squad Challenge will be for Beef Drop on Atari 7800. Be there!


  21. Thanks
    Justin got a reaction from Cryptocoffee13 in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    @Atari 5200 Guy Here's a nice big clear one if you need it 

  22. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in Squad Challenge - Midnight Magic (Atari 2600)   
    Nice! @RickR
  23. Thanks
    Justin got a reaction from Sabertooth in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    @Atari 5200 Guy Here's a nice big clear one if you need it 

  24. Like
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    New to Berzerk: Recharged?  Check out this review by @Funkmaster V!
  25. Like
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in Recharged Squad Challenge 025 - Berzerk: Recharged   
    100,520 with a Modern.

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