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Posts posted by MaximumRD

  1. Well you know I had it in my mind ever since seeing this thread to get around to going through my boxes and finding all my Ti stuff but as often the case life and priorities and crap going on in my life meant I never got around to it HOWEVER I just happen to stumble on this video I made back in 2011 for a Ti Facebook group and since really nothing has changed regarding the content other than it's all just been sitting in storage this is still as good a video as any I could currently make so I might as well be lazy and just share it here to represent my Ti collection. 😏😉



  2. PlayStation - was anyone else impressed with the later revised consoles? I mean, I know they would follow a few years later after many revisions and better implementation, reduction of the chipset etc. basically, improved technology and yet I was pretty impressed with the smaller original PlayStation but man, with the mini slim version of the PlayStation 2? I couldn’t believe how tiny that thing was! 😮😎😍



  3. Guess I will weigh in for what it's worth. Admittedly, I am very biased with my choice. Now, I would later come to own pretty much most of the "keyboard style all in one" machines, your ST's, Commodore 64 etc. As well later an AMIGA 500 and eventually Amiga 1200 (no of which I currently own sadly) but the one machine that I never owned because when it debuted it was quite expensive and of course would later be succeeded by a lower consumer cost friendly keyboard style follow up the Amiga 500 but I always regretted never owning at any time, the original amazing machine that introduced the world to the Commodore AMIGA, I am speaking of course of the original Commodore AMIGA 1000. This is my personal pick for classic machine beauty. 😃 

    People still use the Amiga today, and new Viva Amiga documentary shows why  | Ars Technica

    That said, I always thought the C16 was a much better looking machine then the classic "breadbin" C64 though sadly it failed to make any impact, at least here in Canada from what I recall, I don't think I had even seen one in person back in the day but I preferred the colors chosen over the c64. 

    Commodore C16 For Sale in Tyrrelstown, Dublin from magentis


  4. 23 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Honestly, that wasn't so bad.  You kept eatin' em.  Me, I'd have probably stopped at one because I cannot handle the hot stuff. 


    Yeah, it hit me initially but I adjusted and FYI I DID finish the whole bag ! My wife Melissa on the other hand was done after one chip 😜

  5. 😜 To skip my rambling skip to around the 6min 40 sec mark just before my first chip for hilarious results (Though my rambling includes a mention to Trey and shoutout Chris's channel for suggesting this video) 😎
    MY usual rambling and build up but feel free to go right to the 6 min 35 sec mark just before my first chip to see the real honest result. HINT worse reaction then I thought, no editing, what you see is what you get for better or worse....THANKS ATARICREEP FOR SUGGESTING THIS CRAZY VIDEO !
    Link to The Atari Creep https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRULdTREt024w7_v1G8RvpQ



  6. Rambling about PS1/PS2 bootdiscs, HDD backups, Cheat Devices etc ALSO some talk about Game Genie and some cool NES random codes I made 😜😎


    This is me rambling on for 30 minutes incoherently about PlayStation boot discs, cheat devices etc.😎It was a totally unexpected spur of the moment video that I probably should not have made public, but I figure it also serves the purpose letting my YouTube subscribers know that I’m still alive.😜 I am sure much of the info is wrong or at least some details are off but I invite anyone who knows better to comment and add to the conversation, thanks. 🤘🍻


    My Facebook Classic Gaming, Computing and MORE (includes modern posts and conversations as well 😉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/maximumrdclassic

  7. It's funny to me now being a huge NES and SuperNES fan back in the day that I never owned any type of Nintendo handheld until getting my first, a RED Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP model I think about 3 years after it launched! I never had much interest in handhelds before then and literally got it to keep my entertained during over night Security shifts that mostly consisted on sitting on a barren lot. Even my most played games The SIMS on it which again was not something that interested me typically on other platforms but was an awesome time waster for me. The Sims Bustin' Out was my jam.

    These days I also have a Phat original Mario Edition NDS which sadly, has these dark spots on the top screen, they appear dark on a bright image and light on a dark image, I have NO IDEA how they developed 🙁 I took out my Phat NDS a few weeks ago just to see something, the battery was STILL holding a little charge but I was shocked honestly, because I even kept it in a nice branded case, when it booted up you see these 3 highlighted DOTS on the screen? I was like WTF? That was disappointing being the only NDS I have.


    Also, I have THIS one, a really nice GREEN Gameboy Pocket, green is my favorite color so I love it, which I got a a few years ago, I honestly forget the details on how I acquired it, and a few odds and ends.


    Never had an original DMG or a Gameboy COLOR. Never had any until the GBA SP I mentioned. Since the top screen is screwed on my NDS, it's not unplayable but just annoys me so I'd likely go back playing on the SP if it came down to it! That thing is still 100% ! But yeah, it is surprising I NEVER once owned a original classic Gameboy considering how much I was into Nintendo previously.

  8. 7 hours ago, DoggoThief said:

    Hello wonderful people! I made my first Youtube video based on the Atari 2600! It would mean a lot to me if anyone would like to check it out and maybe let me know how I did.Thank yall! Have a wonderful day!


    Dude, I subscribed and being on Youtube (MaximumRD) since 2008 with hundreds of subscriptions that is something I do not do very much these days and more often then not when checking out a NEW youtuber I don't expect to subscribe but you earned it. Short and concise but managed to convey your personality and more importantly does not feel like a "made up" personality, you were funny, entertaining and informative AND you managed to pack that all within a 10 minute video? Hell, I drone on and on and on in my vids mostly but that's just me 😉I appreciate a video that is not longer then what is needed to convey the message, hell there are youtubers I absolutely LOVE and I think do great professional work that I often fast forward and skim through to grab the good bits simply because they are going on and on or just repeating what they just went over unnecessarily or simply to stretch the video out to fulfill a certain amount of time, I see none of that here and appreciate it. WELCOME, that is a great video to introduce anyone thinking about picking up a 2600 to. Great job! Keep it up, have fun and be yourself! 

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