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On 11/6/2021 at 5:10 PM, RickR said:

A Jeff Minter collection for Jaguar and also Superman for 2600.  Special thanks to @TrekMDand @Justinfor guiding me on Jaguar games, a topic on which I know very little.  I got these from a local game store that is a wonderful place to visit. 

pickups 001.JPG

pickups 002.JPG

Great to see you pick this up @RickR!! I think the Jeff Minter Collection for Atari Jaguar will give you a lot of fun afternoons for years to come.



On 11/7/2021 at 12:18 PM, RickR said:

This is kind of a weird one, but I've got myself a gigantic 27" display for my personal desktop.


monitor 003.JPG

@RickR I really like the Space Invaders characters on your wall! Did you make those?

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5 minutes ago, intellicolecovisonary said:

After what seems like forever, I finally procured a Concerto cart!


Awesome, be curious to get your take on it. I've not yet tried to purchase one since my DF cart does everything I need for the time being on the 7800.


See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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The Concerto is very basic but it does what I want it to do, which is play Atari 7800 ROM files well, and it does. On cartridge, I already have every NTSC game except Tank Command, an NTSC hack of Sentinel and many homebrews, but now I can play Tank Command and all the other wonderful homebrews and hacks the Atari 7800 community keeps creating. I'm a late adapter by nature and from the posts I've read, most of the early developement issues are fixed now. The plug & play nature of the Concerto is perfect for my needs. I suspect that the Dragonfly can do much more technically but I'll never need the extra bells and whistles the Dragonfly provides.

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I agree with the above.  I have an early Concerto, and it has been flawless for me.  The only thing I'm missing is the POKEY chip.  I remember they talked about software emulation for POKEY, but I don't think anything ever came of it.  For now, I'm just going to wait for one of the cheap modern incarnations to come out.



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That is all good info to know. I'm sure I will pick up a concerto at some point in the future although I don't really need one at this time.

I've had a few pickups, although they are very minor things although video game related to be sure.









Another thing I picked up recently from the local electronics recycler place here is this cute little micro PC that I've got setup for streaming from the game room currently. Been using it past few nights. Only set me back $150 but I feel for what it can do, that it was very reasonable.


Edited by CrossBow

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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This post was recognized by Justin!

"Posted your latest/recent pickup!"

intellicolecovisonary was awarded the badge 'Pickup Artist' and 1 points.

I bought my first TG-16 from Toys-R-Us when it was closing out in 1993 for $20 brand new. I always regretted that I sold it at a garage sale I had when I moved to Oregon in 1998. Finally after 23 years I have replaced it along with a TurboTap and 2 Turbosticks! I have an Everdrive Flash cart on it's way as well.

My TurboGrafx.jpg

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I also just bought all this Atari 5200 stuff from the Salvation Army for $67 shipping included. The description says that the 5200 powers on but they have no game to test it with. I have a feeling it is working. Included are 2 CX52s, a Wico 5200 controller plus a powersupply!



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2 hours ago, intellicolecovisonary said:

Finding a Wico 5200 keypad is near impossible in the wild and a rare thing even on eBay.

Thats why (IMHO) the RetroGameBoys joystick is the way to go.  No hunting and waiting for an old, used, overpriced keypad that requires a separate joystick.


All-in-one baby!  That's where it's at!


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The RetroGameBoyz stick is very nice right out of the box indeed, but mine is even better after I modded it with a rubber coated ball top, an authentic Sanwa JLF joystick and more real estate.

My RetroBoyz.jpg


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4 hours ago, intellicolecovisonary said:

Finding a Wico 5200 keypad is near impossible in the wild and a rare thing even on eBay.

Yep, I've been after these for some time.  Even though I have the RetroGameBoyz controller, I still wanted to get the Wico joystick and keypad. 

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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I have 3 Wico 5200 joysticks and 2 y cables but no Wico keypad...yet. I did recently score this Competion Pro 5200 for $59.99 shipping included though. The seller erroneously had it listed for the Amiga.

my Competition Pro 5200.jpg


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No offense RickR, but the Jaguar, try as I might, is one Atari system I just can't muster up love for. IMO most Jaguar games aren't the greatest, excluding Tempest 2000. I owned a Jaguar in the past but when a time came to pare down and sell a few systems, it was the easiest video game system to let go of. That exposed bare metal cartridge connector always bugged me. At least the 2600, 5200 and 7800 have a somewhat protective pocket over it but the Jag just lets it all hang out. The huge horseshoe shaped controller with a gazillion buttons didn't help matters much either. On the positive side the cartridges had cool curved asian looking handles to help pull them out and the Jaguar is the only place you can experience Bubsy in: Fractured Furry Tales...


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10 hours ago, intellicolecovisonary said:

No offense RickR, but the Jaguar, try as I might, is one Atari system I just can't muster up love for. IMO most Jaguar games aren't the greatest, excluding Tempest 2000. I owned a Jaguar in the past but when a time came to pare down and sell a few systems, it was the easiest video game system to let go of. That exposed bare metal cartridge connector always bugged me. At least the 2600, 5200 and 7800 have a somewhat protective pocket over it but the Jag just lets it all hang out. The huge horseshoe shaped controller with a gazillion buttons didn't help matters much either. On the positive side the cartridges had cool curved asian looking handles to help pull them out and the Jaguar is the only place you can experience Bubsy in: Fractured Furry Tales...

No offense taken. 

My opinion of the Jaguar is pretty open.  The hardware itself seems fine.  I didn't really notice the exposed cart connector.  And the controllers work fine for me.  They fit my hands nicely.  I think they do look a little weird with the old-style keypad.  They are a home run compared to the 5200 controllers. 

I've been having fun with the few games I have, with Pinball Fantasies being my favorite so far.  Iron Soldier seems like a great one, but I haven't spent a lot of time with it yet.  For me, it's been fun to explore Atari's "last hurrah".  It seems a bit more whimper than roar.  But that's ok.  Something new for me. 

It kind of reminds me of the Nintendo 64.  That's a fine system, but is it better than SNES?  No.  Not in my opinion anyway. Or Saturn vs. Genesis.  Still, it's been fun to own and try out. 


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