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On 1/15/2023 at 5:06 PM, RickR said:

I finally had a chance to open this thing and give it a try.

Overall, I'd say it's going to be a lot of fun with just a few minor issues.

The controls work well, given their small size.  I really like the little joystick.  It isn't clicky, nor are the buttons, but they are responsive.  The selection of games is pretty unique, with some favorites and some I've never heard of.  It will be fun to try them all out.  The screen is nice and bright and it's easy to see details.  I like the lighting on the coin slot.  The sound is nice and clear.  The emulation seems spot-on.  I haven't noticed any stutters or speed issues. 

On the downside...they made the screen orientation wrong!  The games default to a "stretched" view.  They do allow you to change the aspect ratio, but then the game screens are smaller and a little harder to see, and it doesn't "remember" your choice once you turn the unit off.  Some games have weird controls.  For example, Heavy Barrel is supposed to have a spinner.  Here, you use two of the buttons to rotate.  Not ideal.  Still fun. 

At the price I paid, I'm happy. 




One more slight "con" I've noticed after playing this for a while....

The little joystick attachment screws on/off.  If you prefer it on (like I do), it comes unscrewed very easily while playing!  I think that's easily fixable with a little Loctite, but it is worth mentioning for anyone interested in this brand.


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My better half gifted me with this awesome Atari lunchbox and thermos! Manufactured by Aladdin Industries in Nashville, TN circa 1983, it has graphics from Atari classics including Asteroids, Yars' Revenge, Warlords and Missile Command.

The cool thing about this for me is that I actually had this same  lunchbox in 1st grade.  This is what I carried to school everyday nearly 40 years ago. I'm very stoked to add it back to the collection!


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6 hours ago, CrossBow said:

@TrekMD you actually own 3 of Tom's jag rotary controllers? I only own one and did order a box, but mine isn't arriving until tomorrow I think.


I have three different models of rotary controllers and they came with no box, so I figured I'd get the a "home."

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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On 2/20/2023 at 10:25 PM, TrekMD said:

I have three different models of rotary controllers and they came with no box, so I figured I'd get the a "home."

Well I'm not as cool as you as I only have just the one that Machine made and sold a few years back. But after a shipping mistake on my part, I got the 'official' box for mine yesterday. Nice to see it all come together. Wonder if he will make a manual for them in the future? Hmm...






See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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Mail call! These arrived yesterday. The PSP, Switch, and PS1 games were purchased from a gamer in a local gamer group.

The Atari 2600 game was an unexpected surprise. Over the years, I have purchased thirteen games (hacks) from Pete of Repentless2600.com. He had shown photos of the Ghostmuncher cartridge on his Facebook feed recently, and I thought he was simply showing a preview of a new item for his store. When I saw his name on the return label, I had to check online to confirm that I hadn't placed an order that I forgot about 😂

What I found in the box blew me away. Pete sent everything as a gift for my supporting the homebrew community. He sent me #5 of 15 of Ghostmuncher Afterlife Edition along with merch and Repentless stickers and pins and a thank you note. I asked him to let me at least share in the cost of the goods he sent me, but he refused and said sharing photos was thanks enough. So, being on the consumer end of the homebrew community, I get to buy stuff and show them off and play them -- tough job, amirite?

Interacting with other gamers, collectors, and creators is the best part of this hobby for me. While I haven't met Pete in person, I was able to meet at last year's PRGE several creators of some of my favorite games, and that was an awesome experience. Unfortunately, I missed Jesse of the Ivory Tower (the Giver of Life of my Atari 5200 and Telegames Super Video Arcade) at PRGE although I did get a photo with Doctor Trek. I had lunch with Sheriff RickR couple of years ago and that was a blast. Hopefully, I will be able to meet more of you. 





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Not physical, but I picked up Caverns of Mars: Recharged for the VCS today.  Here's a gameplay only video. This is great take on a deep cut from the Atari 8-bit computer era. I really dig the fully destructible environments, weapons types and stackable (and strategic) power-ups.


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